Series analyzer for FA103169005.A

Nonfinancial corporate business; other loans and advances; liability

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= + FA103169205 + FA103169505 + FA103169705 + FA263069500 + FA103169803 + FA183169303 + FA733069013 + FA503069013

Shown on: F.103 Line 45, S.5.Q Line 61
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA103169205.ANonfinancial corporate business; U.S. government loans, including loans to automakers; liability
+ FA103169505.ANonfinancial corporate business; finance companies and ABS issuers loans; liability
+ FA103169705.ANonfinancial corporate business; customers' liability on acceptances outstanding to commercial banking; liability
+ FA263069500.ARest of the world; U.S. nonfinancial business loans; asset
+ FA103169803.ANonfinancial corporate business; syndicated loans; liability
+ FA183169303.ACorporate farm business; Farm Credit System loans; liability
+ FA733069013.AHolding companies; other loans and advances due from U.S. addressees; asset
+ FA503069013.AOther financial business; loans to nonfinancial corporate business from the Main Street Facilities LLC; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA103193055.ANonfinancial corporate business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities (excluding eREITs)
+ FA104123055.ANonfinancial corporate business; loans; liability (excluding eREITs)
+ FA143169005.ANonfinancial business; other loans and advances; liability
+ FA103169905.ANonfinancial corporate business; commercial paper and other loans and advances; liability
+ FA104135005.ANonfinancial corporate business; loans including foreign direct investment intercompany debt; liability
+ FA104141005.ANonfinancial corporate business; short-term loans; liability