Series analyzer for FA222051043.A

State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; security repurchase agreements; asset

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Prior to 2019q1, quarterly levels are benchmarked annually to U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Survey of Public Pensions (ASPP), State & Local Data, Table 1: National Summary of Public-Employee Retirement Systems. Quarterly levels between ASPP Q2 benchmarks are computed by increasing the previous level using the quarterly growth rate of U.S. Census Bureau, Quarterly Survey of Public Pensions (QSPP) cash short-term investments (X21). Any residual difference between Q2 benchmark level and quarter level method is spread evenly over the previous quarters. The unadjusted transactions are the change in the level less any other changes in volume. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality. Beginning with 2019q1, quarterly levels are benchmarked against the new Census QSPP, scaled up to include the entire universe of plans using total assets available in the new Census ASPP each year. Quarterly total transactions on financial assets are extracted from the cash flow information included in the ASPP, and then carried forward until the next ASPP becomes available. Quarterly total capital gains are calculated as the difference between total assets and total transactions. Quarterly levels for reverse repurchase agreements are reported in the new Census QSPP (HLDRRA), available to the public with a quarter lag. The unadjusted transactions are the change in the level, less capital gains, less any other changes in volume.

Shown on: F.120 Line 7, F.120.b Line 5, F.207 Line 34
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU222051043.AState and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; security repurchase agreements; asset
+ FS222051043.AState and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; security repurchase agreements; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA592051005.APension funds; security repurchase agreements; asset
+ FA224090045.AState and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; total financial assets
- FA223073045.AState and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset