Series analyzer for FU313020005.A

Federal government; checkable deposits and currency; asset

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= + FU314000010 + FU314000020 - FU313030003 - FU313011505

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU314000010.AFederal government; Treasury operating cash; asset
+ FU314000020.AFederal government; cash and monetary assets other than Treasury operating cash; asset
- FU313030003.AFederal government; total time and savings deposits; asset
- FU313011505.AFederal government; other U.S. reserves; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU313027005.AFederal government; other transferable deposits; asset
+ FU363020005.AGeneral government; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU314000005.AFederal government; total currency and deposits; asset
+ FU314090005.AFederal government; total financial assets
+ FU383020005.ADomestic nonfinancial sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset
- FU903023005.AInstrument discrepancies; federal government mail float
+ FU893020005.AAll sectors; checkable deposits and currency; asset