Series analyzer for FA765440005.A

U.S.-chartered depository institutions; net capital transfers paid

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= + FA795440005 - FA515440005 - FA545410003 - FA575440043 - FA735400033 - FA405400033 - FA615410003 - FA735410003 - FA505400033

Shown on: F.5 Line 55
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA795440005.ADomestic financial sectors; net capital transfers paid
- FA515440005.AProperty-casualty insurance companies; net capital transfers paid
- FA545410003.ALife insurance companies; capital transfers paid, tax on foreign earnings retained abroad
- FA575440043.APrivate defined benefit pension funds; net capital transfers paid, other
- FA735400033.AHolding companies; capital transfers received by GMAC from the federal government under the financial stabilization program
- FA405400033.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; capital transfers received from the federal government
- FA615410003.AFinance companies; capital transfers paid, tax on foreign earnings retained abroad
- FA735410003.AHolding companies; capital transfers paid, tax on foreign earnings retained abroad
- FA505400033.AOther financial business; capital transfers received by AIG from the federal government under the financial stabilization program

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA765440015.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; net capital transfers paid, other