Series analyzer for FA793169005.A

Domestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability

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= + FA703169005 + FA543169373 + FA643169373 + FA513169333 + FA503169005 + FA613169005 + FA403169283 + FA153067005 + FA663167063

Shown on: F.108 Line 46, Flows_matrix Line 29:12
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA703169005.APrivate depository institutions; other loans and advances; liability
+ FA543169373.ALife insurance companies, general accounts; FHLB advances; liability
+ FA643169373.AMortgage real estate investment trusts; FHLB advances; liability
+ FA513169333.AProperty-casualty insurance companies; FHLB advances; liability
+ FA503169005.AOther financial business; other loans and advances; liability
+ FA613169005.AFinance companies; other loans and advances; liability
+ FA403169283.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; U.S. government loans to Sallie Mae; liability
+ FA153067005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; cash accounts at brokers and dealers
+ FA663167063.ASecurity brokers and dealers; payables to noncustomers (free credit, margin deposits, and other payables); liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU793169005.ADomestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability
+ FS793169005.ADomestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; liability