Series analyzer for FU903028003.A

Instrument discrepancies; state and local governments mail float

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Beginning in 1988:Q1, level and unadjusted transactions are zero. Prior to 1988:Q1, fiscal-year-end level calculated as the difference between data on deposit liabilities to state and local governments from quarterly Reports of Condition for U.S.-chartered depository institutions and data on cash and deposits held by state and local governments from former Bureau of the Census publication Government Finances. In 1987, the Bureau of the Census discontinued reporting cash and deposits as separate items in Government Finances.

Last edited on: 12/24/2009
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA903028003.AInstrument discrepancies; state and local governments mail float
- FS903028003.AInstrument discrepancies; state and local governments mail float

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FU213020005.AState and local governments; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU903020005.AInstrument discrepancies; checkable deposits and currency (total mail float)