Series analyzer for FA403069363.A

Government-sponsored enterprises; Sallie Mae warehousing advances; asset

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Level is zero starting in 2002:Q4. In 2004:Q4, Sallie Mae was fully privatized and was moved to the finance company sector. Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 10/22/2009
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU403069363.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Sallie Mae warehousing advances; asset
+ FS403069363.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Sallie Mae warehousing advances; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA403069385.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Sallie Mae loans; asset
+ FA163169365.ANonprofit organizations; Sallie Mae private warehousing advances; liability
- FA403066005.AGovernment-sponsored enterprises; consumer credit held by Sallie Mae; asset