Series analyzer for FL153064205.A

Households and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares; asset

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= + FL653164205 - FL103064203 - FL573064205 - FL543064205 - FL513064205 - FL763064203 - FL473064205 - FL213064203 - FL223064205 - FL263064203

Shown on: Levels_matrix Line 28:1, 720_matrix Line 23:20, HHFAL Line 3
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL653164205.AMutual funds; mutual fund shares; liability
- FL103064203.ANonfinancial corporate business; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL573064205.APrivate pension funds; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL543064205.ALife insurance companies; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL513064205.AProperty-casualty insurance companies; mutual fund shares, including those held by U.S. residual market reinsurers; asset
- FL763064203.AU.S.-chartered depository institutions; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL473064205.ACredit unions; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL213064203.AState and local governments; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL223064205.AState and local government employee retirement funds; mutual fund shares; asset
- FL263064203.ARest of the world; U.S. mutual fund shares; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL153064295.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares, other than bond or equity funds; asset
* FL653064155.AMutual funds; corporate equities indirectly held by households; asset
+ FL153064235.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares, bond funds; asset
+ FL383064205.ADomestic nonfinancial sectors; mutual fund shares; asset
+ FL153081005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; equity and investment fund shares; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ LM153064205.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares; asset
* FL654022055.AMutual funds; debt securities indirectly held by households; asset
+ FL153064245.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares, equity funds; asset
+ FL153081205.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund and money market fund shares; asset
+ FL883064205.AAll domestic sectors; mutual fund shares; asset
+ FL153064005.AHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset
* FA654022055.AMutual funds; debt securities indirectly held by households; asset
* FA653064155.AMutual funds; corporate equities indirectly held by households; asset
* FU654022055.AMutual funds; debt securities indirectly held by households; asset
* FU653064155.AMutual funds; corporate equities indirectly held by households; asset