Series analyzer for FU105010023.A

Nonfinancial corporate business; land at book value

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Data Source

Year-end level calculated from the SOI, Corporation Income Tax Returns, Returns of Active Corporations, Table 6 - Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Tax, and Other Selected Items, by Major Industry, excluding the industries of manufacturing, finance and insurance, management of companies, and unpublished detail on equity REITs, line Land; plus from the QFR, Table 1.1 - Balance Sheet for Corporations in the NAICS Manufacturing Sector, All Total Asset Sizes, line Land and mineral rights. Levels for other quarters, including year-end quarters after the latest issue of the SOI, are calculated from the QFR, table 1.1, line Land and mineral rights, multiplied by the ratio of the most recent SOI benchmark for Land to the QFR Land and mineral rights. Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA105010023.ANonfinancial corporate business; land at book value
- FS105010023.ANonfinancial corporate business; land at book value

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU105010705.ANonfinancial corporate business; land with structures on it at book value
+ FU105035045.ANonfinancial corporate business; real estate, historical cost basis