FR 2052b
Liquidity Monitoring Report


The Liquidity Monitoring Report (FR 2052b; OMB No. 7100-0361) has been discontinued. The final data collection for the FR 2052b was for the September 30, 2017, report date. The report collected quantitative information on selected assets, liabilities, funding activities, and contingent liabilities on a consolidated basis and by material subsidiary entity. This data was used to monitor the overall liquidity profile of institutions supervised by the Federal Reserve. In place of the FR 2052b, Federal Reserve staff will monitor and assess liquidity risks of previous FR 2052b filers using the recently implemented Liquidity Focus Report (LFR). The LFR provides a consistent method for benchmarking liquidity risk for individual regional banks based on information derived from the Call Report.


Last Update: December 21, 2017