FR 2084
Registration of a Nonbank Financial Company Designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council for Supervision by the Board of Governors


Current (90.9 KB .PDF)


Current (31.0 KB .PDF)


The registration form collects information from nonbank financial companies designated by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) for supervision by the Board. The FR2084 registration form asks for information on the organization chart (including all subsidiaries), shareholders, management officials, financial reports, and other general information about the company.

OMB Control Number:



The information is used by the Board in satisfaction of the registration requirement in Section 114 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) for a nonbank financial company designated by the FSOC for supervision by the Board. The information also will help inform the supervision of such a company by providing the Board with information on, among other things, the company's organizational structure, capital structure, and financial condition.


The Dodd-Frank Act was enacted into law on July 21, 2010. Section 114 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires that any company that the FSOC determines shall be supervised by the Board and subject to prudential standards shall register with the Board within 180 days after the date of a final determination by the FSOC with respect to such company.

Respondent Panel:

The panel consists of nonbank financial companies that the FSOC designates for supervision by the Board. This registration form is mandatory for companies for which a final determination has been made by the FSOC for supervision by the Board.


The registration form is collected by the appropriate Reserve Bank when the FSOC designates a nonbank financial company for supervision by the Board.

Public Release:

Individual respondent data are available to the public upon request through the appropriate Reserve Bank. Respondents may request confidential treatment for any information submitted in or in connection with this registration that respondent believes is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. ยง 552). Data from the FR 2084 form are not published.

Last Update: November 14, 2013