FR 2087
Application for Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Stock (for use by insolvent member banks)


Current (98.9 KB .PDF)


Included with forms


The FR 2087 is an application for the cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank stock. The FR 2087 is submitted by the appointed receiver of an insolvent member bank.

OMB Control Number:



The application, which is required by the Federal Reserve Act and Regulation I, is submitted to the Federal Reserve Bank by insolvent member banks.


Any member bank wanting to cancel its holdings of Federal Reserve Bank stock must file the appropriate application with its Federal Reserve Bank.

Respondent Panel:

Member banks of the Federal Reserve System (including national banks).



Public Release:

The information is not published but is not considered confidential.


Form: February 2022 (99.5 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: January 2020 (99.5 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: March 2015 (1.1 MB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 2014 (101.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 2011 (897.2 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: October 2008 (256.6 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 2005 (8.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 2002 (5.9 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 1999 (6.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: June 1999 (7.3 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: March 1999 (7.3 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: January 1999 (7.3 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 1995 (8.1 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Last Update: January 6, 2023