FR 2915
Report of Foreign (Non-U.S.) Currency Deposits


Current (91.3 KB .PDF)


Current (121.9 KB .PDF)


This report collects the weekly average amount outstanding of deposits denominated in foreign (non-U.S.) currencies, held at U.S. offices of depository institutions that are included in the Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash (FR 2900). Deposits are reported in U.S. dollars.

OMB Control Number:



The data are used to net foreign currency-denominated deposits from the FR 2900 data in order to exclude them from measures of the monetary aggregates.


The report was implemented in January 1990 to measure these deposits so that they could be excluded from the Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits and Vault Cash (FR 2900) data when constructing the monetary aggregates. Weekly FR 2900 respondents filed the FR 2915 monthly, and quarterly FR 2900 respondents filed the FR 2915 quarterly. Beginning in March 1995 the frequency for all respondents was changed to quarterly.

Respondent Panel:

The panel consists of all FR 2900 weekly and quarterly respondents that offer foreign currency-denominated deposits at their U.S. offices. Participation is required.


Respondents file the report for the week beginning the third Tuesday in March, June, September, and December.

Public Release:

Aggregate data are available to the public upon request.


Form: July 2018 (91.2 KB .PDF) | Instructions: July 2018 (182.5 KB .PDF)

Form: November 2016 (91.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: November 2016 (182.5 KB .PDF)

Form: September 2015 (91.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: September 2015 (113.8 KB .PDF)

Form: September 2012 (91.6 KB .PDF) | Instructions: September 2012 (94.5 KB .PDF)

Form: September 2009 (24.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: September 2006 (23.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: July 2006 (23.7 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: August 2003 (14.6 KB .PDF) | Instructions: Included in Form

Form: August 2000 (12.3 KB .PDF) | Instructions: August 2000 (14.7 KB .PDF)

Form: August 1998 (16.1 KB .PDF) | Instructions: August 1998 (14.7 KB .PDF)

Last Update: January 22, 2024