Exploring Careers in Economics


Organized to broaden awareness of careers in economics and to further develop a diverse pool of talent interested in the field, Exploring Careers in Economics will offer students a chance to learn about and discuss opportunities in economics generally, and learn about career paths within the Federal Reserve System. Diversity is a critical aspect of all successful organizations, and the Federal Reserve recognizes the value of a diverse workforce at all levels.

Upcoming Events

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall 2024

Past Events

Exploring Careers in Economics: Spring 2024

Exploring Careers in Economics: Spring - 2023

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall - 2022

Exploring Careers in Economics: Spring - 2022

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall - 2021

Exploring Careers in Economics: Spring - 2021

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall - 2020

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall - 2019

Exploring Careers in Economics: Spring - 2019

Exploring Careers in Economics: Fall - 2018


Federal Reserve Board

Located in Washington, D.C.

Employment Opportunities

Education Programs

Federal Reserve System

Reserve Banks located in 12 regions across the United States

Employment Opportunities

Educational Programs

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Last Update: April 18, 2023