Meet the Fed

A series about working at the Federal Reserve. Each episode explores the mission and day-to-day work of the Board by following an employee from one of the Board divisions performing critical central bank functions in support of the U.S. economy.

Episode 1: Promoting Consumer Protection and Community Development

Accessible Keys for Video

[Space Bar] toggles play/pause;

[Right/Left Arrows] seeks the video forwards and back (5 sec );

[Up/Down Arrows] increase/decrease volume;

[M] toggles mute on/off;

[F] toggles fullscreen on/off (Except IE 11);

The [Tab] key may be used in combination with the [Enter/Return] key to navigate and activate control buttons, such as caption on/off.


Nicole works in the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs. Learn more about her experience working at the Federal Reserve.

Episode 2: Fostering Payment and Settlement System Safety and Efficiency

Accessible Keys for Video

[Space Bar] toggles play/pause;

[Right/Left Arrows] seeks the video forwards and back (5 sec );

[Up/Down Arrows] increase/decrease volume;

[M] toggles mute on/off;

[F] toggles fullscreen on/off (Except IE 11);

The [Tab] key may be used in combination with the [Enter/Return] key to navigate and activate control buttons, such as caption on/off.


Mauricio works in the Division of Reserve Bank Operations & Payment Systems. Learn more about his experience in the Information Technology section.

Episode 3: Promoting Data Strategy in the Office of the Chief Data Officer

Accessible Keys for Video

[Space Bar] toggles play/pause;

[Right/Left Arrows] seeks the video forwards and back (5 sec );

[Up/Down Arrows] increase/decrease volume;

[M] toggles mute on/off;

[F] toggles fullscreen on/off (Except IE 11);

The [Tab] key may be used in combination with the [Enter/Return] key to navigate and activate control buttons, such as caption on/off.

Katherine works in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer. Learn more about her experience as the Board’s Chief Data Officer (CDO).

Episode 4: Understanding the Board’s Ombuds function

Accessible Keys for Video

[Space Bar] toggles play/pause;

[Right/Left Arrows] seeks the video forwards and back (5 sec );

[Up/Down Arrows] increase/decrease volume;

[M] toggles mute on/off;

[F] toggles fullscreen on/off (Except IE 11);

The [Tab] key may be used in combination with the [Enter/Return] key to navigate and activate control buttons, such as caption on/off.

Dania works in the Ombuds office in the Office of the Secretary. Learn more about her experience working at the Federal Reserve.

Last Update: June 30, 2023
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