CRA Analytics Data Tables

The CRA Analytics Data Tables are developed and published by the Federal Reserve Board to facilitate data analysis in support of proposals to revise the CRA regulations. The tables combine CRA small business and small farm data, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data, and manually extracted data from a sample of CRA performance evaluations. Bank and community attributes (e.g., assets, deposits, branching, and information about communities, such as the percentage of low- and moderate-income households) and other third-party vendor data supplement the data tables.

There are five main CRA data tables:

  • Retail Loan Table presents HMDA Loan Application Register and CRA small business and small farm data for depository institutions aggregated at the year, bank, and county levels. The table contains loan counts and amounts for originations and purchases, which can be inside or outside of assessment areas, by borrower and census tract income. Home mortgage loan data are further classified by product types, including home purchase, home refinance, and home improvement. These data are presented in nine separate tables to accommodate the number of variables provided.
  • Retail Loan Lending Test Table presents a subset of the Retail Loan Table described above. The table includes variables related to the Retail Lending Test as described in the CRA final rule.
  • Performance Evaluation Table presents manually collected CRA performance evaluation data aggregated at the exam period, bank, and assessment area levels. The table contains test ratings, exam periods, and community development loan counts and amounts, where available.
  • Merged Data Table merges the Retail Loan Table and Performance Evaluation Table. Each row represents, where applicable, the home mortgage, small business, small farm, and community development lending in an assessment area over an evaluation period for each bank as described in the Performance Evaluation Table, and the associated rating or conclusion that the bank received in that area.
  • Assessment Area Definition Table shows geographic data, year, bank, and county for each assessment area included in the Merged Data Table.

Data Files

The data files were last modified in October 2023. For past releases in 2020, 2021, and 2022, please see Historical CRA Analytics Data Tables.

Data Table File
Retail Loan Tables 2021 (.zip)
2020 (.zip)
2019 (.zip)
2018 (.zip)
2017 (.zip)
2016 (.zip)
2015 (.zip)
2014 (.zip)
2013 (.zip)
2012 (.zip)
2011 (.zip)
2010 (.zip)
2009 (.zip)
2008 (.zip)
2007 (.zip)
2006 (.zip)
2005 (.zip)
Retail Loan Lending Test Table 2005 – 2021 (.zip)
Performance Evaluation Table 2005 – 2020 (.zip)
Merged Data Table 2005 – 2020 (.zip)
Assessment Area Definition Table 2005 – 2020 (.zip)
Performance Evaluation Accuracy Check 2005 – 2020 (.xlsx)

Supporting Documentation


The Board encourages questions and feedback regarding the CRA Analytics Data Tables. To submit a question or feedback, please fill out our feedback form. To ensure that your question is properly routed, please select "Community Reinvestment Act" as the staff group and select no other options above the field labeled "Type your message."

Additional Resources

Last Update: October 24, 2023