
Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2016
March 30, 2016
Sam Dodini, Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini, Ellen Merry, and Logan Thomas
This report presents findings from the Federal Reserve Board's fifth survey on consumers' use of mobile financial services, conducted in November 2015. It also compares results from the current survey with results from previous years' surveys.

Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2015
March 26, 2015
Alexandra Brown, Sam Dodini, Arturo Gonzalez, Ellen Merry, and Logan Thomas
This report presents findings from the Federal Reserve Board's fourth survey on consumers' use of mobile financial services, conducted in December 2014. It also compares results from the current survey with results from previous years' surveys.

Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
March 25, 2014
Maximilian D. Schmeiser, Matthew B. Gross, David E. Buchholz, and Alejandra Lopez-Fernandini
This report presents findings from the Federal Reserve Board's third annual survey on consumers' use of mobile financial services, conducted in December 2013. It also compares results from the current survey with those from the surveys conducted in 2011 and 2012.

Consumers and Mobile Financial Services
March 27, 2013
Matthew B. Gross, Alexandra M. Rock, and Maximilian D. Schmeiser
This report presents findings from the Federal Reserve Board's second survey on consumers' use of mobile financial services, conducted in November 2012. It also compares results from the 2012 survey with those from the first survey, conducted in December 2011.

Use of Financial Services by the Unbanked and Underbanked and the Potential for Mobile Financial Services Adoption
September 24, 2012
Matthew B. Gross, Jeanne M. Hogarth, and Maximilian D. Schmeiser, of the Board's Division of Consumer and Community Affairs prepared this article with assistance from Emily A. Andruska, Alice M. Cope, Andrew J. Daigneault, and Evann K. Heidersbach.
The increased use of mobile devices coupled with the evolution of technologies that enable consumers to conduct financial transactions using mobile phones has the potential to change how consumers manage their finances. Innovations in financial service technologies may also help foster access and inclusion in the mainstream financial system for unbanked or underbanked consumers. Using data collected through the Board's Survey of Consumers and Mobile Financial Services, this article examines the characteristics of unbanked and underbanked consumers, their current use of mobile financial services, and the potential for mobile banking and payments to better integrate these consumers into the financial mainstream.

Consumers and Mobile Financial Services
March 14, 2012
Matthew B. Gross, Jeanne M. Hogarth, and Maximilian D. Schmeiser
Mobile devices have increasingly become tools for consumers to use for banking, payments, budgeting, and shopping. The Federal Reserve Board is interested in the effect of mobile technology on consumer finances, as well as the potential for mobile technology to expand access to financial services for previously underserved populations. This report presents findings from an online survey, conducted in December 2011 and January 2012, examining consumers' use of mobile technology to access financial services and make financial decisions.

Last Update: March 30, 2016