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Nonparametric Time Varying IV-SVARs: Estimation and Inference
This paper studies the estimation and inference of time-varying impulse response functions in structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) identified with external instruments. Building on kernel estimators that allow for nonparametric time variation, we derive the asymptotic distributions of the relevant quantities. Our estimators are simple and computationally trivial and allow for potentially weak instruments. Simulations suggest satisfactory empirical coverage even in relatively small samples as long as the underlying parameter instabilities are sufficiently smooth. We illustrate the methods by studying the time-varying effects of global oil supply news shocks on US industrial production.
Keywords: Time-varying parameters, Nonparametric estimation, Structural VAR, External instruments, Weak instruments, Oil supply news shocks, Impulse response analysis
Predicting College Closures and Financial Distress
In this paper, we assemble the most comprehensive dataset to date on the characteristics of colleges and universities, including dates of operation, institutional setting, student body, staff, and finance data from 2002 to 2023. We provide an extensive description of what is known and unknown about closed colleges compared with institutions that did not close. Using this data, we first develop a series of predictive models of financial distress, utilizing factors like operational revenue/expense patterns, sources of revenue, metrics of liquidity and leverage, enrollment/staff patterns, and prior signs of significant financial strain. We benchmark these models against existing federal government screening mechanisms such as financial responsibility scores and heightened cash monitoring. We document a high degree of missing data among colleges that eventually close and show that this is a key impediment to identifying at risk institutions. We then show that modern machine learning techniques, combined with richer data, are far more effective at predicting college closures than linear probability models, and considerably more effective than existing accountability metrics. Our preferred model, which combines an off-the-shelf machine learning algorithm with the richest set of explanatory variables, can significantly improve predictive accuracy even for institutions with complete data, but is particularly helpful for predicting instances of financial distress for institutions with spotty data. Finally, we conduct simulations using our estimates to contemplate likely increases in future closures, showing that enrollment challenges resulting from an impending demographic cliff are likely to significantly increase annual college closures for reasonable scenarios.
Keywords: higher education, college, university, enrollment, tuition, revenue, budget, closure, fiscal challenge, demographic cliff
"Good" Inflation, "Bad" Inflation: Implications for Risky Asset Prices
Using inflation swap prices, we study how changes in expected inflation affect firm-level credit spreads and equity returns, and uncover evidence of a time-varying inflation sensitivity. In times of "good inflation," when inflation news is perceived by investors to be more positively correlated with real economic growth, movements in expected inflation substantially reduce corporate credit spreads and raise equity valuations. Meanwhile in times of "bad inflation," these effects are attenuated and the opposite can take place. These dynamics naturally arise in an equilibrium asset pricing model with a time-varying inflation-growth relationship and persistent macroeconomic expectations.
Keywords: Inflation Sensitivity, Time Variation, Asset Prices, Stock-Bond Correlation
Missing Data Substitution for Enhanced Robust Filtering and Forecasting in Linear State-Space Models
Replacing faulty measurements with missing values can suppress outlier-induced distortions in state-space inference. We therefore put forward two complementary methods for enhanced outlier-robust filtering and forecasting: supervised missing data substitution (MD) upon exceeding a Huber threshold, and unsupervised missing data substitution via exogenous randomization (RMDX).
Our supervised method, MD, is designed to improve performance of existing Huber-based linear filters known to lose optimality when outliers of the same sign are clustered in time rather than arriving independently. The unsupervised method, RMDX, further aims to suppress smaller outliers whose size may fall below the Huber detection threshold. To this end, RMDX averages filtered or forecasted targets based on measurement series with randomly induced subsets of missing data at an exogenously set randomization rate. This gives rise to regularization and bias-variance trade-off as a function of the missing data randomization rate, which can be set optimally using standard cross-validation techniques.
We validate through Monte Carlo simulations that both methods for missing data substitution can significantly improve robust filtering, especially when combined together. As further empirical validation, we document consistently attractive performance in linear models for forecasting inflation trends prone to clustering of measurement outliers.
Keywords: Kalman filter, outliers, Huberization, missing data, randomization
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