Has the Inflation Process Become More Persistent? Evidence from the Major Advanced Economies, Accessible Data

Fgiure 1. Inflation Persistence in Major Advanced Economies

Sum of coefficients on lagged inflation

Country Sample Limits Coefficient Upper Bound Lower Bound
Canada Sample including post-pandemic data 0.709973752 0.790359937 0.790359937
Canada Pre-pandemic sample period 0.418576211 0.553697661 0.553697661
Euro area Sample including post-pandemic data 0.652992249 0.735839866 0.735839866
Euro area Pre-pandemic sample period 0.441211641 0.579458266 0.579458266
U.K. Sample including post-pandemic data 0.509918213 0.592233106 0.592233106
U.K. Pre-pandemic sample period 0.370132953 0.485064283 0.485064283
Japan Sample including post-pandemic data 0.480442852 0.622912601 0.622912601
Japan Pre-pandemic sample period 0.349727571 0.480486572 0.480486572
U.S. Sample including post-pandemic data 0.585654974 0.677996956 0.677996956
U.S. Pre-pandemic sample period -0.106117107 0.095122389 0.095122389

Note: Pre-pandemic sample period is from 2000:Q1 to 2019:Q4, while sample including post-pandemic data is from 2004:Q1 to 2023:Q4. Key identifies in order from left to right.

Source: Haver Analytics; Authors' calculations.

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Figure 2. Historical Decomposition of Euro-Area Inflation and Output

Left panel: Core prices
4-quarter percent change

Date Data Initial conditions Demand shock Monetary shock Supply shock
2021-01-01 1.057793869 0.320297092 0.031936096 0.033750208 0.671810474
2021-04-01 0.884433395 0.207589784 0.165194566 0.019142309 0.492506736
2021-07-01 1.410171783 0.285409158 0.597622481 0.001671899 0.525468244
2021-10-01 2.40513821 0.570009185 0.914942437 0.031112605 0.889073984
2022-01-01 2.552679007 0.843285376 1.148521028 0.067214719 0.493657883
2022-04-01 3.618939972 1.064626185 1.363698384 0.217778904 0.972836499
2022-07-01 4.279421578 1.229253251 1.352497752 0.389794693 1.307875882
2022-10-01 4.939317867 1.343683313 1.522277606 0.54694495 1.526411997
2023-01-01 5.341346071 1.417519316 1.692195319 0.675120016 1.55651142
2023-04-01 5.349799932 1.46045788 1.745459382 0.748982402 1.394900269
2023-07-01 4.968604744 1.481132194 1.626716811 0.791693812 1.069061927
2023-10-01 3.653952242 1.486700876 1.218599712 0.751915542 0.196736113
2024-01-01 3.047404298 1.482786523 1.001652147 0.6646525 -0.101686872

Right panel: Real GDP
4-quarter percent change

Date Data Initial conditions Demand shock Monetary shock Supply shock
2021-01-01 -0.186765774 0.882512502 0.10135045 0.134700639 -1.305329366
2021-04-01 13.8691535 14.26011559 0.457816006 -0.009907871 -0.838870221
2021-07-01 4.530009919 4.116161072 1.53805364 -0.06652074 -1.057684053
2021-10-01 5.114101649 5.239063135 1.573576202 0.091628998 -1.790166687
2022-01-01 5.306426241 4.683729789 1.406188943 0.171227518 -0.954720009
2022-04-01 4.045322963 4.077484633 1.293539104 0.66544388 -1.991144654
2022-07-01 2.448673872 3.479935788 0.506997301 0.93230335 -2.470562567
2022-10-01 1.881622465 2.936255947 0.783081486 0.99119556 -2.828910527
2023-01-01 1.308635625 2.471572251 0.802322518 0.901541571 -2.866800716
2023-04-01 0.639889103 2.094846731 0.447138542 0.640223376 -2.542319546
2023-07-01 0.117216165 1.803965721 -0.217238695 0.39979303 -1.869303891
2023-10-01 0.072573315 1.590179201 -1.391532558 -0.04525596 -0.080817368
2024-01-01 0.355952634 1.44147376 -1.243263043 -0.418364832 0.576106749

Note: The red, green, and blue bars show the contributions of the post-2021 supply, monetary, and demand shocks, respectively. The grey bars show the contribution of initial conditions, reflecting shocks occurring before 2021:q1 and other long-run factors like trend growth (the model is estimated on demeaned GDP growth data).

Source: Authors' calculations

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Figure 3. Implications of Higher Inflation Persistence for the Transmission of Supply Shocks in the Euro Area

Left panel: Core prices
4-quarter percent change

Date Data Model forecast Supply shock Supply shock with higher inflation persistence
2022-01-01 2.552679103 2.552679007 2.552679007 2.552679007
2022-04-01 3.618940032 3.618939972 3.618939972 3.618939972
2022-07-01 4.279421813 4.279421578 4.279421578 4.279421578
2022-10-01 4.939318049 4.939317867 4.939317867 4.939317867
2023-01-01 5.341346283 5.341346071 5.341346071 5.341346071
2023-04-01 5.349800104 5.349799932 5.349799932 5.349799932
2023-07-01 4.968604762 4.968604744 4.968604744 4.968604744
2023-10-01 3.653952235 3.653952242 3.653952242 3.653952242
2024-01-01 3.047404264 3.047404298 3.047404298 3.047404298
2024-04-01   2.689699758 2.799791971 2.799791971
2024-07-01   2.507602792 2.733355745 2.863778862
2024-10-01   2.88051761 3.201050853 3.546085719
2025-01-01   2.802201743 3.19337104 3.781917413
2025-04-01   2.617455556 2.948274169 3.76811852
2025-07-01   2.427817232 2.676429072 3.560596208
2025-10-01   2.261071723 2.436425106 3.253662876
2026-01-01   2.122303654 2.24024571 2.913917128
2026-04-01   2.009601474 2.085565872 2.585635549
2026-07-01   1.919084693 1.965999353 2.295446442
2026-10-01   1.846612146 1.874529844 2.056501992
2027-01-01   1.788394048 1.804717566 1.872179468

Middle panel: Real GDP
4-quarter percent change

Date Data Model forecast Supply shock Supply shock with higher inflation persistence
2022-01-01 5.306426611 5.306426241 5.306426241 5.306426241
2022-04-01 4.045322936 4.045322963 4.045322963 4.045322963
2022-07-01 2.448673598 2.448673872 2.448673872 2.448673872
2022-10-01 1.881622051 1.881622465 1.881622465 1.881622465
2023-01-01 1.308635196 1.308635625 1.308635625 1.308635625
2023-04-01 0.639889 0.639889103 0.639889103 0.639889103
2023-07-01 0.117216343 0.117216165 0.117216165 0.117216165
2023-10-01 0.072573186 0.072573315 0.072573315 0.072573315
2024-01-01 0.35595312 0.355952634 0.355952634 0.355952634
2024-04-01   0.510198886 0.296289453 0.296289453
2024-07-01   0.853401408 0.434111725 0.395890008
2024-10-01   1.193638937 0.590319891 0.47723709
2025-01-01   1.176006254 0.420278453 0.199470799
2025-04-01   1.218790657 0.562907136 0.216192856
2025-07-01   1.308417606 0.783421002 0.350936185
2025-10-01   1.429744194 1.05089622 0.589487692
2026-01-01   1.559068134 1.325951112 0.901205713
2026-04-01   1.678286033 1.577326238 1.245747127
2026-07-01   1.776768064 1.786700496 1.584061031
2026-10-01   1.850022009 1.946657808 1.885177558
2027-01-01   1.897822294 2.057395244 2.128761739

Right panel: Policy rate

Date Data Model forecast Supply shock Supply shock with higher inflation persistence
2022-01-01 -0.5 -0.499999918 -0.499999918 -0.499999918
2022-04-01 -0.5 -0.499999904 -0.499999904 -0.499999904
2022-07-01 0.75 0.750000038 0.750000038 0.750000038
2022-10-01 2 1.999999827 1.999999827 1.999999827
2023-01-01 3 3.000000075 3.000000075 3.000000075
2023-04-01 3.5 3.500000648 3.500000648 3.500000648
2023-07-01 4 3.999999779 3.999999779 3.999999779
2023-10-01 4 4.000000128 4.000000128 4.000000128
2024-01-01 4 3.999999967 3.999999967 3.999999967
2024-04-01   3.808479293 4.013887046 4.013887046
2024-07-01   3.523601589 3.918979992 3.968196208
2024-10-01   3.405862312 3.952759953 4.119808438
2025-01-01   3.239127177 3.900147828 4.246254571
2025-04-01   2.997714247 3.694836214 4.260294005
2025-07-01   2.703450164 3.372802829 4.119697037
2025-10-01   2.384292265 2.985488289 3.832160756
2026-01-01   2.063265689 2.576363148 3.431452337
2026-04-01   1.756490848 2.176428275 2.96119546
2026-07-01   1.473867075 1.80523916 2.464504291
2026-10-01   1.220411305 1.473313035 1.978013523
2027-01-01   0.997611522 1.184608582 1.52910479

Source: Authors' calculations

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Last Update: July 19, 2024