Non-Completion, Student Debt, and Financial Well-Being: Evidence from the Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking, Accessible Data

Figure 1. Distribution of Completion Rates

The figure plots three Kernel Density distribution plots, effectively smoothed histograms, which show the distribution of graduation rates for the three sectors in U.S. higher education. The for-profit distribution has most of its density below 50%, and is skewed to the right with density ending just above 80%. It is roughly the mirror image of the public and private non-profit distributions. These two distributions have the majority of their densities above 50%, and are both skewed left. The private non-profit distribution lies slightly above the public to the right of 60%, and slightly below the public to the left of 60%.

Note: Authors’ calculations from the 2019–2020 College Scorecard.

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Last Update: August 21, 2023