Recreating a SAS Data Set from a Compressed SAS Transport File

For SAS transport file created by PROC CPORT, follow these steps to recreate the SAS dataset:

  1. Begin by uncompressing the downloaded file. Use unzip if you are unzipping the file on an Unix machine or use WinZip/pkzip if you are unzipping the file on a PC. You will then have the SAS Transport file created using PROC CPORT.
  2. The program listed below will recreate the SAS data set from the Transport file. WARNING: All of the SCF data sets are rather large, make sure you have enough space to recreate the data set before running the program.

    LIBNAME OUT 'output SAS library';
    FILENAME IN 'input transport file name';


For SAS transport file created by PROC COPY with an XPORT option, follow these steps to recreate the SAS dataset:

  1. Begin by uncompressing the downloaded file. Use unzip if you are unzipping the file on an Unix machine or use WinZip/pkzip if you are unzipping the file on a PC. You will then have the SAS Transport file created using PROC COPY with an XPORT option.
  2. The program listed below will recreate the SAS data set from the Transport file. WARNING: All of the SCF data sets are rather large, make sure you have enough space to recreate the data set before running the program.

    LIBNAME NEW 'output SAS library';
    LIBNAME TRANS XPORT 'input transport file name';




Last Update: March 07, 2017