Recent changes

The information provided below lists the recent major revisions to all public SCF data sets and documentation. A brief description of what has changed in the relevant data set and documentation is available so that users can determine if they need to update their copy of the data set and documentation. Although the majority of the changes to the files are minor, the SCF staff is committed to providing users with the highest quality data sets and documentation. Users who find errors are encouraged to report them to the SCF staff by filling out our guest book form.

April 3, 2024

  • Summary Extract Files, SAS Macro File

    IRAKH, CURRPEN, and RETEQ had occurrences of -1 values, which have been changed to 0.

    MMDA was being double counted in rare instances in the calculation of the SAVING variable, and this has been corrected.

    The new spouse Hispanicity question is now also being swapped in cases where the respondent and spouse are being swapped for the race variables.

    EMERGWORK, EMERGBORR, EMERGSAVE, and EMERGCUT have been added to the 2016, 2019, and 2022 extract datasets.


November 21, 2023

  • Historical Tables

    The historical tables were updated to correct a data labeling issue.


October 24, 2023

  • Historical Tables

    The historical tables were updated with corrected 2022 data.


October 23, 2023

  • 2019 and 2022 Codebooks

    The opening statement read to all respondents was updated to include language about cybersecurity.


December 9, 2022

  • SAS Macro File

    A correction was made to a dataset reference in the program code


March 10, 2022

  • 2016 and 2019 Full Public Data Set Files

    X33001, the Wilshire index, had a few corrections for a few cases.
  • 2016 Full Public Data Set File

    An inheritance issue was corrected for one case.
  • 2013 Full Public Data Set File

    A business industry code was corrected for one case.


November 4, 2021

  • Summary Extract Files, SAS Macro File

    The KGBUS variable was updated with data from the related mopup variables


September 9, 2021

  • 2019 Codebook

    Conditional text for question X7361 updated


August 19, 2021

  • 2019, 2016, and 2013 Codebooks

    Code 12 for question X4113/X4713 was corrected to 'Every two months.'


May 20, 2021

  • 2019, 2016, and 2013 Codebooks

    Question X5722 was updated to add a missing line of text for all three years.

    A code frame was fixed for X8095 for the 2019 survey.

    The 2016 and 2013 codebooks had a few year references fixed for occupation and industry code frames. 

    Skip pattern descriptions for question X414 and X3162 were corrected for the 2013 survey. 

    A code frame was fixed for X4009 for the 2013 survey. 


November 17, 2020

  • Historical tables

    Some additional columns for 2019 data have been added. A few minor formatting and labelling changes were implemented.


July 23, 2018

  • 2016 SCF Codebook

    The text to question X30075 has been updated to the 2016 survey’s interview date range.


November 15, 2017

  • Recreating SCF Bulletin Tables in SDA

    The October 10th change to the dependent variable in the "TABLE 1" section of the document has been reverted. It is again 'INCOME.'


October 31, 2017

  • 2016 Summary Extract Files, Historical Tables, and SAS Macro File

    The calculation of the INTERNET variable has been updated to account for changes in the Financial Institutions section.


October 12, 2017

  • 2016 Summary Extract Files and SAS Macro File

    The PREPAID variable was included in both FIN and LIQ calculations, causing this amount to be double-counted. It has been removed from the FIN calculation.


October 10, 2017

  • 1989-2016 Summary Extract Files

    Changed recoding on summary variable EDUC. Those with professional and doctorate degrees are coded as "14" (the maximal unit) in the 1989-2013 data but were being coded as "15" in the 2016. The new EDUC is modified so all such degrees are coded as "14" consistently in every year.
  • Recreating SCF Bulletin Tables in SDA

    The dependent variable in the "TABLE 1" section of the document "Creating SCF Bulletin Tables in SDA" was changed from "INCOME" to "NORMINC" to correct an earlier mistake.


September 25, 2014

  • 2013 SCF

    Changed X105 (Spouse/partner relationship), X7018 (Spouse/partner legal marital status) and X7392 (Spouse/partner first marriage?) for one case.


September 5, 2014

  • Historical Bulletin Excel Tables, 1989-2013

    Internal real version:
    Misaligned rows in spreadsheet for Owner and Non-MSA caused last row of estimates to be left blank in Table 13 13 Alt, Table 13 13 Alt Means, Table 7

    Internal nominal version:
    Misaligned rows in spreadsheet for Owner and Non-MSA caused last row of estimates to be left blank in Table 1 01-13, Table 2, Table 6 13, Table 6 13 Means, Table 9 13, Table 9 13 Means, Table 12, Table 13 13, Table 13 13 Means, Tables 13 13 Alt, Table 13 13 Alt Means

    Corrected footnote to Table 1 to remove reference to adjusted to 2010 dollars

    Public nominal version:
    Corrected footnote to Table 1 to remove reference to adjusted to 2010 dollars


September 4, 2014

  • 2007-09 Panel SCF Extract Data Set, all formats (SAS, Stata, and Excel)

    Fixed variable MSAVINGS07, which previously was not adjusted to 2009 dollars
  • 2010 SCF

    Changed X503 (Do you operate a farming or ranching business on this property), and subsequent farm business questions X504-X509, X513, X7572, X702, X716 for one case

    Changed X3111=.N (How many people work in this business, including you, members of your family, or anyone who is working without pay?) to 500, J3111=13 for one case

    Changed X6357=1 (Is everyone in your household covered by some types of health insurance?), J6357=2052, J6358-J6364=2052 (Who is NOT covered by health insurance?) for one case
  • 2007-09 SCF Panel

    Changed X802 (Code year) for one case

    Added variables X6443 (In an emergency could you or your husband/wife/partner get financial assistance of $3,000 or more from any friends or relatives who do not live with you?) and J6443

    Changed X3913 (Do you own any stock which is publicly traded?), and subsequent questions on stock X3914, X3915, X3923, X3928, X7193, X3929, X3930, X3931, X3932 for one case

    Changed X4139 (In how many different plans of this sort are you included on this job?), X091108 (What is the total balance of all these pensions accounts?), X091115 (How is this account invested?), X091116 (About what percent of it is in stocks?) for one case

    Changed X4540 (About how much were you earning before taxes when you stopped?) and X4541 (And that amount is per...?) for one case
  • 2007 SCF

    Changed X4112 (About how much do you earn before taxes on your main job?) for one case

    Changed X11200-X11257 (Current job pension for respondent) for one case

    Changed X5315 (Who is receiving these payments), X5317 (How long have you received these benefits?), and X7736 (Year) for one case.

    Changed X3913 (Do you own any stock which is publicly traded?), and subsequent questions on stock X3914, X3915, X3923, X3928, X7193, X3929, X3930, X3931, X3932 for one case
  • 2004 SCF

    Changed X11043/X11046 (And that amount is per...?) for one case
  • 1998 SCF

    Changed X2841 (What is the current annual rate of interest being charged on this loan?) for one case
  • 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2010 SCF

    Changed X7122 (Do you or someone in your family living here have any money automatically deposited directly into your family's account?), X7123-X7125, X6858, X6859, X6912 (What types of deposits are these?), X7126 (Do you (and your family living here) have any payments that you make in this way?), X7126-X7129, X6854, X6855, X6856, X6857, X6860, X6790 (What types of automatic payments?)
  • 2007 and 2010 SCF

    Changed X11023/X11123 (How much would (you/he/she/he or she) get?), X11024/X11124 (And that amount is per...?) for some cases


April 10, 2013

  • 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2010 SCF Extract Data Sets, all formats (SAS, Stata, and Excel)

    Fixed variables MMDA and MMMF, which previously were not adjusted to real 2010 dollars


July 11, 2012

  • 2007 SCF:

    For one case, changed X3821 (I need to know what types of funds you have. Do you have stock mutual funds?) and X3822 (What is the total market value of all of the stock mutual funds that you (and your family living here) have?).

    Removed one case

    For one case, changed X4004 (Do you have any policies that build up a cash value or that you can borrow on? These are sometimes called 'whole life', 'straight life', or 'universal life' policies.) and J4004.

    For several cases, changed X4100/X4700 (Recode: current work status) and J4100/J4700

    For one case, changed X5314 (Including the benefits you told me about earlier that you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) are receiving from a pension plan on a current job, from how many plans in total are you (and your {husband/wife/spouse/partner}) currently receiving retirement, pension, or disability payments, or making withdrawals from a pension or retirement account I have not already recorded? Please do not include Social Security benefits.).

    For one case, changed X811/X812 ( Will the (regular) payments repay the loan completely, or will there be a balance payable, or "balloon" payment, when the loan is due?) and J811/J812

    For several cases, changed X7387 (Does your partner receive support from (his/her/his or her) spouse, does (he/she/he or she) pay support, or is there no support involved?), X7392 (Was this your first marriage, or had you been married before?), X7393 (How old were you when you were married the first time?), X7394 (Number of years), X8018 (At age).

    For some cases. imputed values for X7062 (What terms will change and how will they change?).

    For one case, changed X6784 (At any time during the past twelve months, (were you/was he/was she/was he or she) unemployed and looking for work?) and J6784.

    For one case, changed X6829(Managed investment accounts),X6830 (Other) and J6829,J6830.

    For one case, changed X1706 (How much in total is this (timeshare/property) worth?).

    For one case, changed X4019 (Other than pension assets and other such retirement assets, do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any other substantial assets that I haven't already recorded -- for example, artwork, precious metals, antiques, oil and gas leases, futures contracts, future proceeds from a lawsuit or estate that is being settled, royalties, or something else?), X4020/X4024/X4028 (What kind of asset is it?), X4022/X4026/X4030 (What is the total dollar value that you (and your family living here) have in this asset?, X4023/X4027 (Do you have any other such substantial assets?) and J4020/J4024/J4028,X4022/X4026/X4030,X4023/X4027.

    For one case, changed X809 (And that amount is per...?) and J809.

    For one case, changed X11341 (Percent) and X11342 (Amount) and J11341 and J11342.

    For one case, changed J636 (Gift/Inheritance).

    For one case, changed X803 (Was this (mortgage/land contract/second mortgage) assumed from the previous owner?) and J803.

    For several cases, changed X11013/X11113/X11313 (What sort of benefit (do you/does he/does she/does he or she) expect to receive (-a lump sum distribution or settlement to keep or roll-over, regular payments for as long as (you/he/ she/he or she) live(s), a payment level that (you/he/she/he or she) decide(s), or something else)? ) and J11013/J11113/J11313.

    For one case, changed X11049 (Percent), X11051 (Amount), X11052 (And that amount is per...?) and J11049, J11051, J11052.

    For X7456-X7460 (Which documents did R refer to?) changed code 18 to .D (Don't know) and changed J7456-J7460 to 2050

    For one case, changed X3401 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) own or share ownership in any other businesses or business investments that are not publicly traded and where you do NOT have an active management role?) and J3401.

    For some cases, changed X4735 ((Are you/is he/is she/is he or she) included in any pension, retirement, or tax-deferred savings plans connected with the job you just told me about?).

    For some cases, changed X410 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any credit cards or charge cards?), X7973 (Are any of the cards you (and your family living here) have (any type of/any other type of) Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express cards you can pay off over time), X7974 (Are any of the cards you (and your family living here) have Macy's, Wal-Mart, furniture, clothing, or other store cards?), X7975 ((Are any of the cards you have/ Are any of the cards you and your family living here have) gasoline cards such as Shell or Exxon?), X7976 ((Are any of the cards you have/ Are any of the cards you and your family living here have) American Express, Diners Club, or Carte Blanche cards?), X7977 ((Do you have/Do you and your family living here) have any other type of credit card?) and J410, J7973, J7974, J7975, J7976, J7977.

    For one case, changed X7973 (Are any of the cards you (and your family living here) have (any type of/any other type of) Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express cards you can pay off over time), X413 (After the last payments were made, roughly what was the total balance still owed on all these accounts?/ After the last payment was made, roughly what was the balance still owed on this account?), X7976 ((Are any of the cards you have/ Are any of the cards you and your family living here have) American Express, Diners Club, or Carte Blanche cards?), X432 (Thinking only about Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express cards you can pay off over time, and store cards, do you almost always, sometimes, or hardly ever pay off the total balance owed on the account each month? and imputed X411 (How many?), X412 (On your last bills, roughly how much were the new charges made to these accounts?), X414 ((What is the maximum amount you could borrow on all of these accounts; that is, what is your total credit limit?), X7132 (What interest rate do you pay on the card where you have the largest balance?), X415, X9082, X416, X9151, X417, X9152, X418, X9153, X7500, X9202, X6648, X9216, X6649, X9221, X6720, X9222 (Please look at the list of institutions you wrote down. (Is this/Are these) credit (card/cards) with any of the institutions on the list, or from someplace else?), X425, X426, X427 and changed all of their j-codes
  • 2004 SCF

    For several cases, changed X8007 (Code year), X7373 (Code age), X7374 (Code number of years ago) and J8007, J7373, J7374

    For one case, changed X6717 (Other)
  • 2001 SCF:

    For several cases, changed X803 (Was this mortgage assumed from the previous owner?) and J803

    For some cases, changed X6780/X6784 (At any time during the past twelve months, were you unemployed and looking for work?), X6781/X6785 (Over (this period/the past 12 months), how many weeks in total (were you/was he/was she/was he or she) unemployed and looking for work?)

    X6670/X6678 (We are interested in your (wife's/partner's) present job status. (Are you/Is [he/she]) working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, on sick leave, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student, a homemaker, or what?), X4100/X4700 (Recode: current work status), X4104 (Code year), X7197 (Code age), X7198 (Code number of years past) and their j-codes
  • 1998 SCF:

    For one case, changed X6678 (We are interested in your (wife's/partner's) present job status. (Are you/Is [he/she]) working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, on sick leave, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student, a homemaker, or what?), X4700 (Recode: current work status), X6784 (At any time during the past twelve months, were you unemployed and looking for work?), X6785 (Over (this period/the past 12 months), how many weeks in total (were you/was he/was she/was he or she) unemployed and looking for work?), X4704 (Code year), X7264 (Code age), X7265 (Code number of years past) and their j-codes
  • 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 SCF:

    For some cases, imputed X6781/X6785 (Over (this period/the past 12 months), how many weeks in total (were you/was he/was she/was he or she) unemployed and looking for work?).
  • 2004, 2007 SCF:

    For one case, imputed X7521 (Is this loan being paid off ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule? ) and set J7521.

    For one case, changed X1104 ((Including what you owe now, what/What) is the maximum amount you could owe on this line of credit? That is, what is your total credit limit on this line?) and J1104.

    For some cases, set X11035. X11135, X11235, X11335, X11435, X11535 ((Do you/Does he/Does she/Does he or she) know how it is invested? ) =3 and changed J11035/J11135/J11235/J11335/J11435/J11535=8 and then imputed X11036/X11136/X11236/X11336/X11436/X11536 (How is it invested? Is it all in stocks, all in interest-earning assets, is it split between these, or something else?), X11037/X11137/X11237/X11337/X11437/X11537 (About what percent of it is in stocks?), X11038/X11138/X11238/X11338/X11438/X11538 (Is any of this stock in the company where (you/he/she/he or she) work(s)?), X11039/X11139/X11239/X11339/X11439/X11539 (About what percent of this stock is in company stock?).
  • 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 SCF:

  • 1995, 1998 SCF

    For X6724-X6729 (Which documents did R refer to?) changed code 18 to .D (Don't know) and changed J6724-J6729 to 2050

    For one case, changed X6725-X6729 (Which documents did R refer to?) and changed their j-codes


February 17, 2009

  • 2004 SCF:

    For all cases, x110,x116,x122,x128,x134,x204,x210,x216,x222 (How old (are you/is [he/she/that])/ were added to the data set.

October 9, 2008

  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, imputed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) when original value of X3004 was equal to zero.


  • 1995 SCF:

    For some cases, imputed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) when original value of X3004 was equal to zero.

October 6, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For some cases, changed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) to zero.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For some cases, changed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) to zero.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, changed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) to zero.


  • 1995 SCF:

    For some cases, changed value of X3004 (Now thinking of all the various loan or mortgage payments you made during the last year, were all the payments made the way they were scheduled, or were payments on any of the loans sometimes made later or missed?) and X3005 (Were you ever behind in your payments by two months or more?) to zero.

September 30, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X3601 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keoghs or IRAs?), X3602 (Are any of the IRA or Keogh accounts yours?), X3612 (Does your (wife/partner) have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3622 (Do any other family members living here have IRA or Keogh accounts?) and J3601, J3602, J3612, J3622.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X3601 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keoghs or IRAs?), X3602 (Are any of the IRA or Keogh accounts yours?), X3612 (Does your (wife/partner) have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3622 (Do any other family members living here have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3631 ( How is the money in (this/all of these) IRA and Keogh accounts(s) invested? Is most of it in CDs or other bank accounts, most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or similar assets, or what?) and J3601, J3602, J3612, J3622, J3631.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X3601 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keoghs or IRAs?), X3602 (Are any of the IRA or Keogh accounts yours?), X3612 (Does your (wife/partner) have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3622 (Do any other family members living here have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3631 ( How is the money in (this/all of these) IRA and Keogh accounts(s) invested? Is most of it in CDs or other bank accounts, most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or similar assets, or what?) and J3601, J3602, J3612, J3622, J3631.


  • 1995 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X3601 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keoghs or IRAs?), X3602 (Are any of the IRA or Keogh accounts yours?), X3612 (Does your (wife/partner) have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3622 (Do any other family members living here have IRA or Keogh accounts?), X3631 ( How is the money in (this/all of these) IRA and Keogh accounts(s) invested? Is most of it in CDs or other bank accounts, most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or similar assets, or what?) and J3601, J3602, J3612, J3622, J3631.

    For some cases, changed values of X3601 (Do you (or anyone in your family living here) have any Keoghs or IRAs?), X3602 (Are any of the IRA or Keogh accounts yours?), X3603 (How many IRA and Keogh accounts do you (personally) have?), X3604, X3605 (About your (account, is this an/accounts, are these) IRA or Keogh account(s)?, X3606 (Please look at the Institutions Card. (Is this account/are these accounts) with any of the institutions on the Institutions Card, or from someplace else?), X9119 (Recode: type of institution), X3610 (How much in total is in your [IRA(s)/Keogh account(s)/IRAand Keogh accounts]?), X3631 (How is the money in (this/all of these) IRA and Keogh accounts(s) invested? Is most of it in CDs or other bank accounts, most of it in stocks, most of it in bonds or similar assets, or what?) and J3601, J3602, J3603, J3604, J3605, J3606, J9119, J3610, J3631.

September 24, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For one case, changed value of X6315 ((Are you/Is anyone here) covered by any (other) type of health plan such as employer or union plans, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Medigap plan, or some other health insurance?) and J6315.

    For one case, changed values of X3504 (How many checking accounts do you have?) and J3504.

    For one case, changed values of X3113, X3114 (Which members of your family living here work in or participate in the operation of the business?) and J3113, J3114.

    For one case, changed value of X6671 ( We are interested in your (wife's/partner's) present job status. (Are you/Is [he/she]) working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, on sick leave, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student, a homemaker, or what?) from 3 to 0 and changed J6671.

    For some cases, imputed value of X6337 (This is a list of reasons why some people don't have health insurance. Which reason best describes why (you are not covered/not everyone living here is covered)? where X6337 had originally been equal to zero.

    For some cases, changed values of X6781, X6785 (Over the past 12 months, how many weeks in total (were you/was[he/she]) unemployed and looking for work?) from 5 to 2.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For some cases, imputed value of X6337 (This is a list of reasons why some people don't have health insurance. Which reason best describes why (you are not covered/not everyone living here is covered)? where X6337 had originally been equal to zero.

    For some cases, changed values of X6781, X6785 (Over the past 12 months, how many weeks in total (were you/was[he/she]) unemployed and looking for work?) from 5 to 2.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X6781, X6785 (Over the past 12 months, how many weeks in total (were you/was[he/she]) unemployed and looking for work?) from 5 to 2.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For some cases, recoded some responses of X6337 (This is a list of reasons why some people don't have health insurance. Which reason best describes why (you are not covered/not everyone living here is covered)? to be consistent with future SCF surveys. If X6337 originally was coded as -2, recoded to 95, if X6337 originally was coded as 7, recoded to 18, if X6337 originally was coded as 18, recoded to 27.

    For all cases, set X7513 to X7515 and X7515 to X7513 (Now I'd like to ask you some questions about your family's attitudes about savings. People have different reasons for saving, even though they may not be saving all the time. What are your family's most important reasons for saving?) and J7513, J7515 to be consistent with future SCF surveys.

September 18, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For one case, changed value of X312, X316 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?) and J312, J316.

    For one case, changed values of X7006 (Is (he/she/that person) 18 or older?), X113 (Do you and your (husband/wife/partner) have shared finances) and J7006, J113.

    For some cases, changed value of X7360 (Is this pension/Are any of these pensions) part of an IRA, Keogh, or other pension plan you already told me about?)and J7360.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X308, X320, X328 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?) and J308, J320, J328.
  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case, changed value of X316 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?) and J316.

September 17, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X332 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?) and J332.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X8300 (Inferred number of institutions.), X324 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?), X6632-X6639 (What are the main ways (you do/your family does) business with this institution [-by checks written on the institution, by ATM (cash machine), by debit card, in person, by mail, by talking with someone on the phone, by touchtone service on the phone, by direct payment to or from the institution, by computer or the Internet, by other electronic transfer, or some other way]? Please start with the most important way.), X326 (Roughly, how many miles is the office or ATM (cash machine) of this institution from the home or workplace of the person who uses it most often?).


  • 1995 SCF:

    For some cases, changed values of X8300 (Inferred number of institutions.), X312, X316, X320 (About (name of institution), what kind of institution is this? (Is it a commercial bank, a savings and loan or savings bank, a credit union, a mortgage company, a finance or loan company, a brokerage, or what?), X6608-X6615, X6616-X6623, X6624-X6631 (What are the main ways (you do/your family does) business with this institution [-by checks written on the institution, by ATM (cash machine), by debit card, in person, by mail, by talking with someone on the phone, by touchtone service on the phone, by direct payment to or from the institution, by computer or the Internet, by other electronic transfer, or some other way]? Please start with the most important way.), X314, X318, X322 (Roughly, how many miles is the office or ATM (cash machine) of this institution from the home or workplace of the person who uses it most often?).

September 5, 2008

  • 2004 SCF:

    For some cases, changed X3030 (Frequency for question on amount spent eating out) and J3030.

    For some cases, changed x8471 (Original value of all remaining future pension benefits with regular payment for Rs who did not provide complete information within the grid structure), X8472 (Original value of frequency.) and J8471, J8472.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For some cases, changed value of X7545 (Were you ever involved in the active management of the business(es)?) from 0 to 5 and reset J7545.

    For one case, changes values for X3119 (Is it a partnership, a sole-proprietorship, a subchapter S corporation, another type of corporation, an LLC or what?), X3120 (Are you using personal assets as collateral or did you have to cosign or guarantee any loans for this business?), X3123 (Does the business owe you any money?), X3125 (Do you owe the business any money?), X3129 (What is the net worth of this business?), X3130 (If you sold the business now, what would be the cost basis for tax purposes of this share? PROBE IF R UNSURE: What was your original investment?), X3131 (What were the gross receipts or gross sales of the business as a whole in 1997?), X3132 (What was the business's total net income before taxes in 1997?) and J3119, J3120, J3123, J3125, J3129, J3130, J3131, J3132.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case, changed value of X3105 (Including your (farm/ranch) business here, in how many (farms/ranches), privately-held businesses, professional practices, limited partnerships, or any other types of partnership do you own or share ownership in and have an active management role? Do not include corporations with publicly-traded stock or any property partnerships that have already been recorded earlier.) and J3105.

August 26, 2008

  • 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004 SCF:

    For some cases, changed 0 to 5 for X3407, X3411, X3415, X3419, X3423, X3427 (Type of non-actively managed business). For some cases, changed values for J3407, J3411, J3415, J3419, J3423, J3427.

March 2, 2007

  • 2004 SCF:

    For a one case, X4135 (Are you included in any pension, retirement, or tax-deferred savings plans connected with the job you just told me about?), was edited. Also, for one case, X7199 (How many years in total have you worked for this employer? - Age) and X7679 (How many years in total have you worked for this employer? - Year) were edited.

November 29, 2006

  • 2004 SCF:

    For a few cases, X3128 (What percentage of the business do you own?), was edited.

June 22, 2006

  • 2004 SCF:

    For a few cases, X11261, X11262, X11263, X11561, X11562, X11563 (What kinds of plans are those?) was changed from an improper code of 21 for stock purchase plan or ESOP to a correct code of 25.


  • 1983-1989 Panel SCF and 1992 SCF:

    For a few cases, some of the CPS wage coefficients were revised.

March 30, 2006

  • 2004 SCF:

    For a few cases where X6467 (What is the current balance in this account?) was -1, X6467 was set to inap and a payment was imputed for X5326 (How much is received each month or year?).

February 28, 2006

  • 2001, 1998, 1995, and 1992 SCF:

    For some cases, changes were made to remove duplicate institutions from the institution variables.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case, X14 (Respondent: Reconciled age), X8022 (How old (are you/is [he/she/that person])?), X19 (Spouse/Partner: Reconciled age), X104 (How old (are you/is [he/she/that person])?), X5908 (Respondent birth year), X6108 (Spouse/Partner birth year), X8005 (How many years have you been married to your current spouse/partner?), and X8012 (Respondent total number of years married) were changed.


  • 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For one case, X19 (Spouse/partner: reconciled age) and X104 (How old (are you/is [he/she/that person])?) were changed.

    For one case, X5719 (Did you (or anyone else) have income from TANF, food stamps, or other forms of welfare or assistance such as SSI?), X5720 (In total, what was your (family's) annual income from TANF, food stamps, or other forms of welfare or assistance such as SSI in 2003, before deductions for taxes and anything else?) , and X5722 ((Including the retirement income you told me about, in/In) total, what was your (family's) net income from Social Security or other pensions, annuities, or other disability or retirement programs in 2003, before deductions for taxes and anything else?) were changed.


  • 1992, 1989, 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For a few cases, X5303/X5308 (Who receives Social Security payments--you and your (husband/wife/partner) or only one of you?), X5304/X5309 (Are the payments (you [personally] receive/your [husband/wife/partner] receives) for disability, or survivors benefits?), X5305/X5310 (How long (have you/has [he/she]) received these benefits? (number of years)), X5306/X5311 (How much (do you [personally]/does [he/she]) receive each month or year?), X5307/X5312 (And how often (do you/does [he/she]) receive that amount?), X7734/X7735 (How long (have you/has [he/she]) received these benefits? (since year)), X5302 (Do these include Social Security benefit payments?), and X5313 (Are you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) currently receiving any other retirement, pension, or disability benefit payments? were changed.


  • 1995 SCF:

    For a few cases, X4216/X4316 (Can you tell me a little more about this plan? Is it a thrift or savings plan, a 401K, Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA), a profit-sharing plan, or what?) was set to zero.


  • 2001, 1998, and 1995 SCF:

    For a few cases, X4202/X4302/X4402/X4802/X4902/X5002 (Is this a pension or retirement plan, or a tax-deferred saving plan of some sort?) was changed.

    For some cases, X7232/X7299 (Does (your/her/his) employer offer any kind of tax-deferred savings, 401K, or other such account plans for which (you are/[he/she] is) eligible but choose not to participate in?) was changed.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For two cases, x417/x418/x9152/x9153 (Type of institution) was changed.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For one case, X3119 (Is it a partnership, a sole proprietorship, a subchapter S corporation, another type of corporation, or what?), X3120 (These next few questions are about the relationship between your personal finances and the finances of your business.), X3123 (Other than guarantees, does the business owe you or your family living here any money?), X3125 (Do you or your family living here owe the business any money?), X3129 (What is the net worth of your share of this business?), X3130 (If you sold the business now, what would be the cost basis for tax purposes of this share? (What was your original investment)?), X3131 (What were the gross receipts or gross sales of the business as a whole in 1997?), X3132 (What was the business's total net income before taxes in 1997?) was changed.

    For one case, the values for the first managed business were removed and the values for the second managed business were moved into the questions on the first managed business.


  • 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For some cases, X3822 (What is the total market value of all of the stock mutual funds that you and your family living here have?), X3832 (How much have they gained in value since they were obtained? (Percent gain)), X3833 (How much have they gained in value since they were obtained? (Amount gained)), X3834 (How much have they lost in value since they were obtained? (Percent lost)), X3835 (How much have they lost in value since they were obtained? (Amount lost)) was changed.

    For some cases, X3914 (In how many different companies do you or your family living here own stock?), X3915 (What is the total market value of this stock?), X3921 (Of your family's publicly-traded stock, is any of it stock in a company where you or anyone in your family living here work or have worked?), X7191 (Did you include this stock in the value of your total holdings that you just told me?), X3922 ( What is the total market value of your stock in the company?), X7640 (Of your stock, is any of it stock in a company headquartered outside of the United States?), X7192 (Did you include this stock in the value of your total holdings that you told me?), X7641 (What is the total market value in dollars of this stock?), X3918 (Code amount gained), X3920 (Code amount lost) was changed.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For one case, X4216 (Can you tell me a little more about this plan? Is it a thrift or savings plan, a 401K, Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA), a profit-sharing plan, or what?) was changed from 17 to 0.

    For one case, X4916 (Can you tell me a little more about this plan? Is it a thrift or savings plan, a 401K, Supplemental Retirement Annuity (SRA), a profit-sharing plan, or what?) was changed from 17 to 0.

    For one case, X722 (And how often do you pay this amount? (Property taxes)) was changed from 4 to 6.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case, X802 (Code year mortgage was obtained or last refinanced) was changed from 1919 to 1991.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For some cases, X5930 (Are the assets and debts that you've told me about in this interview owned mainly by you, are they owned jointly with your (husband/wife), or what?) was changed from 1 to 2.


  • 1998, 1995, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For a few cases were values of X5805, X5810, and X5815 (In what year was it received?) were not rounded, values were rounded to nearest 5.


  • 2001, 1998, and 1992 SCF:

    For one case, X4104 (When did (you/your wife/partner) retire?), J4104, X7197 (Code age), J7197, X7198 (Code number of years ago), J7198 were changed.


  • 1998 and 1995 SCF:

    For one case, X1201 (Have you and your family living here ever made any major additions or done extensive remodeling to this property?), X1202 ( Roughly what was the total cost of all remodeling or additions to this property?), X1203 (Other than what I have already recorded, do you or your family living here owe any money on loans taken out for these projects?) were set to zero.

December 12, 2003

  • 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For a few cases, X5821 (About how much do you expect?) and X5822 (During 2000, did you make charitable contributions of money or property totaling $500 or more?) were set to five and zero, respectively.

    For some cases, x5823 (Roughly, how much did you contribute?) was set to 500.


  • 2001, 1992, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    For a few cases, X4136 (Does (your/her/his) employer offer any such plans?), X4137((Are you/Is [he/she]) eligible to be included in any of these plans?), X4138 (Will (you/he/she) be eligible if (you/he/she) continue(s) to work for this employer?), X4736, X4737, and/or X4738 were set to zero.


  • 2001 SCF:

    For a few cases X3612 (Does your spouse have IRA or Keogh accounts?) and X3622 (Do any other family members have IRA or Keogh accounts?) were set from 0 to 5.

    The value of X6767(Recode: number of years in previous marriage.)/J6767 and X6768(Recode: number of years in previous marriage.)/J6768 was recalculated for some cases.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For a few cases, X5304 (Are the payments you receive for retirement, disability, or survivors benefits?) was set from 1 to 2.

    For one case implicate, a recorded Social Security benefit was moved from the spouse to the head.

    The variable X2710 (What was the loan for?) was changed for one case.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case where there was an absent spouse, X19 (Spouse: "Reconciled age") was imputed.

June 20, 2003

  • 2001 SCF:

    Some values of X1903 and X1908, previously set to zero, were imputed.

    For a few cases, X4136/X4137/X4138 and X4736/X4737/X4738, previously skipped, were set to zero.

    A few errors for X507 were corrected.

    Coding errors in X308/X312/X316/X320/X324(institution type) for X9083( mobile home loans) were corrected.

April 23, 2003

  • 2001 SCF:

    X1903/X1908(What type of property is this?/Year of purchase) survey data were updated to correct for errors in the imputation of property type and date of purchase for the third property.

February 28, 2003

  • 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    X3834/X3835 (Code percent *100/Code amount) and
    X3919/X3920 (Code percent *100/Code amount) were recalculated in a few cases if X3831/X3916 (Overall has there been a gain or loss in the value of all these mutual fund shares since you obtained them?/ Overall has there been a gain or loss in the value of this stock since you obtained it?) indicated a loss.

    Some cases were edited where X5729 (How much was the total income you and your family living here received in 2000 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made?) was greater than zero but all of the components were answered no or if the only component answered was -1 (zero).


  • 1998, 1995, and 1992SCF:

    For some cases, edited X724/X725/X726/X727 (Is the first or main mortgage a federally guaranteed mortgage, such as FHA or VA?/Private mortgage insurance, or PMI, protects lenders against default. Does your mortgage carry PMI?/Is it an FHA mortgage, a VA mortgage, or is it from some other program?/Why did you choose this type of loan?).

    For some cases, X7601 (Is this a joint checking account, or is the account in your name, in your husband's name, or something else?) was re-imputed.

    For a few cases, checking accounts and/or savings accounts were eliminated.

    For a few cases X7666/X7667 (How much do you and your other household members pay for this insurance?/And is that weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or what?) were set to 0.

    For a few cases, X6316-X6323/X6324-X6328 (Is this coverage obtained through your employer, former employer, or union, your (spouse/partner)'s employer, former employer, or union, through direct payments to an insurance company, AARP, or somewhere else?/How is this coverage paid for - by you, by an employer, by you and an employer, by a relative, or what?) were re-imputed.


  • 1998 SCF:

    For one case, the home equity loan was moved into the other loan grid and the business grid was edited accordingly.

    For one case, the second mortgage was removed.

    For one case, X1711 (Are there any outstanding loans or mortgages on this property/timeshare?) set to 5.

    For one case, X716/X717 (What is the current value of this (home and land/apartment/property)? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today?)/(How much did it cost when you originally acquired it?) were edited.

    For 1 case, X3221/X3222/X7550 (How much is guaranteed or collateralized?/ (Did I record this earlier?/(Which loan was that?) were edited.

    For a one case, X4125 (How (are you/is [he/she]) paid? (Are you/Is [he/she]) paid a regular salary or wages?) was set to 5 and X4112/X4113 (About how much (do you/does [he/she]) earn before taxes on (your/her/his) main job? (NOT SELF-EMPLOYED)/ And how often (do you/does [he/she]) receive that amount?) to -1.

    For a few cases, X815/X915/X1015/X1725/X1825/X1925 (When do you expect this loan to be repaid?) were imputed.

    For a few cases, X815/X915/X1015 (When do you expect this loan to be repaid?) X7554/X7553/X7552/X7166 (Is this loan being paid off ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule?) X7571/X7570/X7569 ( Are you paying off this (land contract/loan) ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule?) were set to 0.


  • 1995 SCF:

    X623 (Could you tell me the current value of this home and site? I mean, about what would they bring if they were sold today?) was edited in one case.

    X716 (What is the current value of this (home and land/apartment/property?) I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today?) was edited for a few cases.

    X1711 (Are there any outstanding loans or mortgages on this property/timeshare?) set to 5 for one case.

    X931 (Do you have any other loans that use this property as collateral?) set to 5 for one case.

    For one case, the first mortgage was replaced with the second mortgage.
    originally acquired it?) were edited.

    For 1 case, X3221/X3222/X7550 (How much is guaranteed or collateralized?/ (Did I record this earlier?/(Which loan was that?) were edited.

    For a few cases, X6315 (Are you or anyone covered by any (other) type of health coverage such as employer or union plans, or Blue Cross-Blue Shield, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Medigap plan, or some other health insurance?) set from 1 to 5.

    For a few cases, X815/X915/X1015 (When do you expect this loan to be repaid?) were either imputed or set to 0.

    For some cases, X7554/X7553/X7552(Is this loan being paid off ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule?) X7571/X7570/X7569 (Are you paying off this loan ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule?) set to 0.


  • 1992 SCF:

    X716 (What is the current value of this (home and land/apartment/property)? I mean, about what would it bring if it were sold today?) was edited for one case and a home improvement X1201 (Have you (and your family living here) ever made any major additions or done extensive remodeling to this property?)added.

    Some cases edited where X3119/X3219/X3319 (Is it a partnership, a sole proprietorship, a subchapter S corporation, another type of corporation, or what?) had an illegal code of 21.

    X1719 (How often are they due?) set to -7 for a few cases. X1101 (Do you have any lines of credit, not counting credit cards or business lines of credit? Please include approved lines of credit even if you are not currently drawing against them.) set from 0 to 5 for one case.

    X4100 (We are interested in your present job status. Are you working now, temporarily laid off, unemployed and looking for work, disabled and unable to work, retired, a student, a homemaker, or what? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY.)) was set to 50 for two cases.

    For some cases, X7554/X7553/X7552 (Is this loan being paid off ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or are the payments about on schedule?) set to 0.


  • 1989 SCF:

    Set X1724 (PER) from 4 to -7 for one case and edited variables X810/X811/X812/X813/X814/X815(Do the payments include property taxes or insurance?/Will the regular payments repay the loan completely, or will there be a balance payable, or "balloon" payment, when the loan is due?/What will the balance due or balloon payment be?/What is the typical payment and how often is it made?/PER/When do you expect this loan to be repaid?) for one case.

    For a few cases, X6316-X6323/X6324-X6328 (Is this coverage obtained through your employer, former employer, or union, your (spouse/partner)'s employer, former employer, or union, through direct payments to an insurance company, AARP, or somewhere else?/How is this coverage paid for - by you, by an employer, by you and an employer, by a relative, or what?) were re-imputed.


  • 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    X25853 (Did you (and your family living here) receive more than $30,000 in 1987?
    T9a. Was it $50,000 or more?
    T9b. Was it $100,000 or more?
    T9c. Was it $250,000 or more?
    T9d. Was it $5,000 or more?
    T9e. Was it $10,000 or more?
    T9f. Was it $20,000 or more?
    Less than $5,000 (NO at T9d)
    $5,000-$10,000 (NO at T9e)
    $10,000-$20,000 (NO at T9f)
    $20,000-$30,000 (YES at T9f)
    $30,000-$50,000 (NO at T9a)
    $50,000-$100,000 (NO at T9b)
    $100,000-$250,000 (NO at T9c)
    $250,000 or more (YES at T9c)

    X25855 (Did you (and your family living here) receive more than $30,000 in 1986?
    T11a. Was it $50,000 or more?
    T11b. Was it $100,000 or more?
    T11c. Was it $250,000 or more?
    T11d. Was it $5,000 or more?
    T11e. Was it $10,000 or more?
    T11f. Was it $20,000 or more?
    Less than $5,000 (NO at T11d)
    $5,000-$10,000 (NO at T11e)
    $10,000-$20,000 (NO at T11f)
    $20,000-$30,000 (YES at T11f)
    $30,000-$50,000 (NO at T11a)
    $50,000-$100,000 (NO at T11b)
    $100,000-$250,000 (NO at T11c)
    $250,000 or more (YES at T11c)
    For a few cases, these variables have been set from -7 to .R.

    X25852 (Now I'd like to ask you some questions about your (family's) income in previous years. How much was the total income you (and your family living here) received in 1987 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made?)

    X25854 (How much was the total income you (and your family living here) received in 1986 from all sources, before taxes and other deductions were made?)

    For a few cases, these variables were set from -10 to .R.

    For a few cases, X6316-X6323/X6324-X6328 (Is this coverage obtained through your employer, former employer, or union, your (spouse/partner)'s employer, former employer, or union, through direct payments to an insurance company, AARP, or somewhere else?/How is this coverage paid for - by you, by an employer, by you and an employer, by a relative, or what?) were re-imputed.


March 15, 2002

  • 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    X721 (What are the real estate taxes on this property?) and/or
    X722 (And how often do you pay this amount?)
    Have been edited for a few cases.

    For a few cases, inconsistencies with respect to having ever received inheritances (X5801(Including any gifts or inheritances you may have already told me about, have you (or your [husband/wife/partner]) ever received an inheritance, or been given substantial assets in a trust or in some other form? =5) and variables indicating a specific instance of an inheritance (e.g. X718 (Was this home and land/apartment property received as a gift or inheritance?) =1) was received were resolved.

    X809/X909/X1009 (And how often are they due?)
    X1719/X1819/X1919 (And how often are they due?)
    X7537 (And how often are they made?)
    For a few cases, these variables were edited to resolve loan inconsistencies.


  • 1998 SCF:

    X4210/X4211/X4212 ... (About how much (do you/does [he/she]) expect (your/her/his) benefits to be? (As a proportion of (your/her/his) pay at retirement, or as an amount per month or year when (you/he/she) start(s) receiving them?)) Imputed these variables for a few cases that were erroneously left unimputed.

    X5607 (age when you/your spouse or partner expects to receive this pension)
    X7751 (number of years until you/your spouse or partner expects to receive this pension)
    X7349 (year you/your spouse or partner expects to receive this pension)
    Resolved a data inconsistency for these variables in one case.

    J822, corresponding to X822 (On what other rate does it depend?), was set to 1 for a few cases.

    X3101 (Does R operate a farm/ranch business on their property?)
    This variable was edited to 5 for two cases.

    X6323 (Is this coverage obtained through your employer, former employer, or union, your (spouse/partner)'s employer, former employer, or union, through direct payments to an insurance company, AARP, or somewhere else?)
    This variable was set to 10 for two cases.

    X2001 (About the remaining properties that you and your family living here own, are any of these vacation homes or land you use for recreational purposes?) /X2011 (Are there any remaining properties you own that you have not told me details about?) were set to 0 where x1701 (How many properties that are not owned by a business do you and your family living here own or have an interest in?) =3 and the corresponding J-Variables were also adjusted.

    X507 (What part of this property is used for (farm/ranch)ing?)
    This variable was set to 9995 for a few cases.
    X7574 (number of acres)
    This variable was also changed accordingly.

    X3410 (What was the total net income you and your family living here received from all such Limited Partnerships in 2000?)
    X3413 (If you sold these Other partnerships now, what would be the cost basis for tax purposes?)
    X3428 (What could you sell your family's share of all these (other type) for?)
    X3429 (If you sold these (other type) now, what would be the cost basis for tax purposes?)
    X3430 (What was the total net income you and your family living here received from all such (other type) in 2000?
    X8452 (Original value of remaining total for Rs who did not provide complete information within the grid structure for the question, " What could you sell your share of all these ... for? (What is it worth?))
    X8454 (Original value of remaining total for Rs who did not provide complete information within the grid structure for the question, " What could you sell your share of all these ... for? (What is it worth?))
    For a few cases, some inconsistencies in these variables have been resolved.

    Values for dollar variables, which were between 5 and 10 and had been rounded to 0 in the public version of the data set, have been reset to 5.

  • 1995 SCF:

    J822, corresponding to X822 (On what other rate does it depend?), was set to 1 for a few cases.

    X813 (What is the typical payment?) and X4810 (About how much (do you/does [he/she]) expect (your/her/his) benefits to be?)
    Values were restored for this variable for a few cases where they had erroneously been set to 0.

    X931 (Do you have any other loans that use this property as collateral?)
    This variable was set to 5, for one case, to remove a double-counted home equity line of credit.


  • 1992 SCF:

    X4211/... (How often would (you/he/she) receive that amount?) was set to 0 for a few cases where X4212/... (About how much (do you/does [he/she]) expect (your/her/his) benefits to be? (As a proportion of (your/her/his) pay at retirement? ) was given.

    X4220/X4320/X4820/X4920 (What amount of money per month or year does (your/her/his) employer currently contribute?)
    X2719 (What is the typical payment?)
    X4509 (About how much (do you/does [he/she]) earn before taxes from these other jobs?)
    X4224/X4324/X4824 (What amount of money per month or year (do you/does your [spouse/partner]) currently contribute?)
    X4207/X4307 (What amount of money per month or year do you currently contribute?)
    X7666 (How much do you and your other household members pay for this insurance?)
    X6315 ((Are you/Is anyone here) covered by any (other) type of health plan such as employer or union plans, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Medigap plan, or some other health insurance?)
    X6316 ((Are you/Is anyone here) covered by any (other) type of health plan such as employer or union plans, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), a Medigap plan, or some other health insurance?)
    Values were restored for subsets of these variables for a few cases where they had erroneously been set to 0.


  • 1989 and 1983-1989 Panel SCF:

    X823 (How many times can your interest rate change?)
    X5205 (About how much did (he/she) earn before taxes that year?)
    X4509 (About how much do you earn before taxes from these other jobs?)
    Values were restored for subsets of these variables for a few cases where they had erroneously been set to 0.

May 2, 2001

  • 1992, 1989, and 1983-89 Panel SCF:

    Marital status (e.g. X111/X117) has been set to 0 for most cases when age is less than or equal to 17. Also, X110 (How old (are you/is [he/she/that person])?) was changed from 5 to 45 for one household in the 1989 data set.


  • 1998 SCF:

    X4201/X4801 (How many such plans (do you/does your [spouse/partner]) have?) were changed from 0 to 1 in four cases.
    Loan purpose variables (e.g. X2710/X2727) were assigned to cases where they had been erroneously set to 0 in earlier releases.
    For one case, X7583 ([On the most recent occasion, why did you or your (spouse/partner) think you might be turned down?] was changed from code 93 (Insufficient collateral/equity) to code 65 (Lack of/not enough assets/collateral/property to secure the loan; size of down payment; financial status).
    For some cases with X1803/X1903 (What type of property is this?) equal to 999 (Misc. vacation property mapped from mop-up question), J1803/J1903 were set to 2.


  • 1992 SCF:

    For one case, X4028 (What kind of asset is it?) was changed from -2 to code 75 (Computer).
    X4437/J4437 (Altogether, what other retirement payments (do you/does [he/she]) expect to receive from this other pension plan from this job?) was added to the public data set. The codebook was updated to reflect this change.

December 1, 2000

  • 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, and 1983-89 Panel SCF:

    For a few cases, X306 (Do you have a card that allows you to deposit or withdraw money from this institution using a cash machine?) set to 1 if X6600-X6647 (how use institution)=1(Cash Machine/ATM/Debit Card).
    Accordingly, J306 may have changed for some of these cases.


  • 1998 and 1995 SCF:

    X7137 (reason for taking out mortgage) /X6723 (for what purpose was the money used?) set to 0 and J7137/J6723 set accordingly for a few cases where X723 (Is there a mortgage or land contract?) was 2 (yes,land contract).
    Resolved inconsistencies with X6337 (Which best describes why you are not covered by health insurance?). In some cases, X6337 set to 0 and in some cases where X6337 had been 0, imputations were used. J6337 may have changed accordingly for these cases.


  • 1995 and 1992 SCF:

    Imputed X306 (Do you have a card that allows you to deposit or withdraw money from this institution using a cash machine?) for some cases that were erroneously left unimputed in previous data releases.
    Accordingly, J306 may have changed for some of these cases.


  • 1989 and 1983-89 Panel SCF:

    Resolved inconsistencies with X6337 (Which best describes why you are not covered by health insurance?). In some cases, X6337 set to 0. J6337 may have changed accordingly for these cases.


  • 1998 SCF:

    X7622/X7624/X7626/X7628/X7630 (Is this a joint account, or is the account in your name, in your spouse's name, or something else?) edited for some cases. They were erroneously set to 0 in previous data releases. The corresponding J-Variables have also been changed.
    X3504 (How many checking accounts do you have?) edited from 3 to 1 for one case.
    X6306 (Is everyone living here covered by this program?) set to 1 and J6306 set to 13 for a few cases where there were incomplete edits.
    Edited two cases where X6435 (What share of this home does he/she [do they] own?) /X6436 (What is the present value of this home?) had their data transposed.


  • 1995 SCF:

    X7617 (Is this a joint money market account, or is the account in your name, in your spouse's name, or something else?) edited to 0 for one case implicate and X7620 (Is this CD held jointly, is it in your name, in your spouse's name, or something else?) set to 2 for same case implicate.
    Resolved inconsistencies with X7397 (Is everyone in your family covered by some type of public or private health insurance?). In some cases, X7397 was set to 0 and in some cases X7397 was set to 5. J7397 may have changed accordingly for these edits.


  • 1992 SCF:

    X3702 (Altogether, how many of these money market accounts do you have?) was edited from 1 to 2 for one case and J3702 set to 13.

July 28, 2000

  • 1989 SCF:

    Variable X3531 (for how many years (have you/has someone in your family living here) done business with this institution?) was added to public data set.
    The codebook was updated to reflect this change.


  • 1992 SCF:

    Minor changes for following household listing variables for a few absent spouse cases:
    X102/J102 (How old are you?)
    X103/J103 (Sex)
    X104/J104 (Age)
    X105/J105 (Are you/Is [Relationship] currently married or living with a partner, separated, divorced, widowed, or (have you/has [he/she]) never been married?)
    X106/J106 (Does [he/she] usually live here?)
    X107/J107 (Does (relationship) depend on you (and your [husband/wife/partner]) for most of [his/her] support or is [he/she] financially independent for the most part?)


  • 1998 SCF:

    Variable X33001 (Wilshire Index) was added to public data set.
    The codebook was updated to reflect this change.
    Edited X8024 (does (he/she) (persons 18 years and older, except respondent and spouse), usually live here?) from 0 to 1 for a few cases.
    Edited X3221(how much is guaranteed or collateralized?)/X3222(did I record this earlier?) for a few cases.

February 29, 2000

  • 1992 SCF:

    Imputed X3502/X3503 (have you or anyone in your household ever had a checking account?/reasons that you or your family do not have a checking account) for some cases that were erroneously left unimputed in earlier data releases.
    Variable X3531 (for how many years (have you/has someone in your family living here) done business with this institution?) was added to public data set. The codebook was updated to reflect this change.


  • 1995 SCF:

    Variable X3531 (for how many years (have you/has someone in your family living here) done business with this institution?) was added to public data set. The codebook was updated to reflect this change.
    Imputed X7136 (chances that the respondent will be staying at the current address for the next 2 years) for some cases that were erroneously left unimputed in earlier data releases.
    Edited X1412/X1413, X1512/X1513, X1612/X1613 (how many years were the loan agreed upon on/how many payments were the loan agreed upon on?) for some cases.
    Edited the values of X3007 (what are your most important reasons for saving?) for some cases.
    Edited X6680 (respondent's spouse's/partner's current job status) for one case.
    Edited X1718/X1719, X1818/X1819, X1918/X1919 (how much are the payments?/how often are the payments due?) in investment real estate and vacation properties section for some cases.

December 3, 1999

  • 1995, 1992, and 1989 SCF:

    Slight revision to analysis weight (X42001).


  • 1995 SCF:

    Edited X2212/X2211, X2312/X2311, X2412/X2411, X7161/X7160 (monthly payments for car loan coded in number of years/coded in number of payments) for a few cases.
    Edited the following variables for some cases: X4219/X4319/X4419/X4819/X4919/X5019 (what percent of your (spouse's/partner's) pay per month does employer currently contribute?)
    X4220/X4320/X4420/X4820/X4920/X5020 (what amount of your (spouse's/partner's) pay per month does employer currently contribute?)
    X4223/X4323/X4423/X4823/X4923/X5023 (What percent of your (spouse's/partner's) pay per month or year (do you/does your[spouse/partner]) currently contribute?)
    X4224/X4324/X4424/X4824/X4924/X5024 (What amount of your (spouse's/partner's) pay per month or year (do you/does your[spouse/partner]) currently contribute?)

October 20, 1999

  • 1995, 1992, and 1989 SCF:

    Revised analysis weight (X42001).
    This weight should be used for all estimations using the final SCF data for which weights are appropriate. The codebooks were changed to reflect this update. Check codebooks for details.


  • 1995 SCF:

    Edited X100/X101 (indicator for inclusion of income, debt, assets, etc. for absent spouses/# of people in the HH according to the HHL) for some cases.
    Recoded some responses for X3503 (reasons for no checking account).
    Coded previously uncoded responses for X3006/X3007/X7513/X7514/X7515 (reasons for saving).
    Set X4202/X4302/X4402/X4802/X4902/X5002 (is this a pension/retirement plan or tax-deferred saving plan?) to 35 (combination plan) when X4203/X4303/X4403/X4803/X4903/X5003 (formula, account, or combination plan?) is 3 (both).
    Set X4202/X4302/X4402/X4802/X4902/X5002 to 1 (pension or retirement) when X4203/X4303/X4403/X4803/X4903/X5003 is 1 or 2 (formula or account). The codebook was changed to reflect this update.


  • 1992 SCF:

    Previously missing values for X634 (year of purchase for respondent's mobile home and site) were imputed.

January 29, 1999

  • 1995 and 1992 SCF:

    Set X7697/X7698/X7699, X7724/X7725/X7726 (amount of proportion of pension lost if leave this job/sell the business) to -1 under certain conditions.
    Changed X824 (frequency of how often interest rate can change for first mortgage) from 19 to 8. The codebooks were updated to reflect this change.
    Set wage variables such that rounding done for hourly wages is .1 where wage < 25. The codebooks were changed to reflect this update.


  • 1995 SCF:

    Set X4233/X4333/X4433, X4823/X4933/X5033 (what proportion of pension lost if leave this job/sell the business would you/he/she lose?) to -1 when X4232/X4332/X4432, X4832/X4932/X5032 (if you/spouse/partner were to leave this job/sell the business now, would you/he/she lose all, some, or none of the money in this account?) is 5 (lose none).
    Set X3107 (what kind of business?) to 1 when X503 (do you operate a farming or ranching business on this property?) is 1.
    Edited X100 (indicator for inclusion of income, debt, assets, etc. for absent spouses) for some cases.
    Edited X7370/X7371/X8005 (# of years/R's age/year married, living with partner) for some cases.
    Edited X101 (# of people in the HH according to the HHL) for absent spouses.


  • 1989 and 1983-89 Panel SCF:

    Changed X824 (frequency of how often interest rate can change for first mortgage) from 8 to -7. The codebooks were changed to reflect this update.

August 7, 1998

  • 1995 SCF:

    Added variables X7549/X7550/X7551, X7694/X7695/X7696, and X7721/X7722/X7723 (which loan was that/where did you tell me about this loan). Also added respective J-codes: J7549/J7550/J7551, J7694/J7695/J7696, and J7721/J7722/J7723. The codebook was changed to reflect this update.

May 27, 1998

  • 1995 and 1992 SCF:

    X4526/X7700/X7238, X4546/X7702/X7250, X4622/X7704/X7262, X5126/X7729/X7305, X5146/X7731/X7317, X5222/X7733/X7329 (when expect to stop working for pay altogether) were incorrectly filled in when respondents/spouses/partners answered never stop to the preceding question (when expect to stop working full-time). The variables have been edited to reflect that they are inapplicable in such instances.


  • 1995 SCF:

    X8300 (the inferred number of institutions) was incorrectly augmented for a few cases where institutions were added after the initial institutions sequence. In these instances, the value in X8300 was inflated. A correction was made to the data and the codebook was updated to reflect this change.
    Also, X7361 (confirm total income) was a missing value for some cases where the question was inapplicable.

March 30, 1998

  • 1995 SCF:

    X101 (# of persons the HH according to the HHL), X7001 (# of persons in PEU), X113/X119 (shared finances) and X6402-X6439 (NPEU variables) were edited for a few cases where the data were inconsistent.

February 2, 1998

  • 1995 SCF:

    For variables X7112-X7121, a code of 7 was changed to 18, and for X6528, a code of 3 was changed to 5. Also, some previously omitted variable labels were added to the data set. The codebook was changed to reflect these updates.


  • 1989 SCF:

    The determined type of institution variables X9082-X9090, X9099-X9153, J9082-J9090, and J9099-J9153 were added to the data set. The codebook was changed to reflect these updates.


  • 1983-89 SCF Panel:

    A few minor J-code errors for the CPS coefficient variables were corrected.

October 31, 1997

  • 1995 SCF:

    The codeframes for X7125, X7129, X6305, X6314, X6336, and X6328 were revised, and previously uncoded verbatim responses for X3934-X3937 (with respective J-codes J3934-J3937) were added to the data set. The codebook was changed to reflect these updates.


  • 1989 SCF:

    Industry codes were expanded to be consistent with the 1992 and 1995 SCFs. Also education variables X5904, X5905, X6104, and X6105 and their respective J-codes J5904, J5905, J6104, and J6105 were added to the data set. The codebook was changed to reflect these updates.
Last Update: April 03, 2024