The 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) is the most recent survey conducted. Below are links to the report, interactive chartbook, historical report tables, full public dataset, extract dataset, replicate weight files, and technical documents.

Summary Results

Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2019 to 2022: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
October 18, 2023

Greater Wealth, Greater Uncertainty: Changes in Racial Inequality in Survey of Consumer Finances

U.S. Families' Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances


SCF Interactive Chart

View Interactive Chartbook

See description of files and technical documentation for more information


Historic Tables

The following tables are based on those that have historically appeared in the main article. Estimates for all survey years from 1989 to the most recent survey year are included in both nominal and real terms.

Tables Based on Internal and External Data
File Type File Documentation Last Updated
Excel Based on Internal Data Estimates in nominal dollars (2 MB Excel)
Estimates inflation-adjusted to 2022 dollars (3 MB Excel)

Summary Extract Data Program (TXT)

Excel Based on Public Data Estimates in nominal dollars (3 MB Excel)
Estimates inflation-adjusted to 2022 dollars (3 MB Excel)

See description of files and technical documentation for more information


Survey Data and Replicate Weight Files

Full Public Data Set - Full data sets of all SCF variables.
File Type Main Survey Data Replicate Weight File (X42001) Documentation Last Updated
SAS CPORT version (10 MB ZIP)
COPY/EXPORT version (15 MB ZIP)
CPORT version (27 MB ZIP)
COPY/EXPORT version (27 MB ZIP)

Codebook (2.7 MB ASCII)

Standard Error Documentation (PDF)

Changes for 2022 (TXT)

STATA Stata version (9 MB ZIP) Stata version (26 MB ZIP) 10/18/2023
Variable Map: Excel (Excel)
Variable Map: Tab-delimited (ASCII)

WARNING: Please review the following PDF for instructions on how to calculate correct standard errors. As a result of multiple imputation, the dataset you are downloading contains five times the number of actual observations. Failure to account for the imputations and the complex sample design will result in incorrect estimation of standard errors.

See description of files and technical documentation and recent changes for more information

Special note to R users: An outside programmer has created scripts for converting and working with SCF data. These scripts are available for download from:

Summary Extract Public Data - Summary variables used in the Federal Reserve Report – all dollar variables inflation-adjusted to 2022 dollars.
File Type File Documentation Last Updated
SDA online analysis SDA analysis tool

Creating SCF Bulletin Tables in SDA (DOC)

SAS macro - Variable Definitions (TXT)



SAS SAS extract data (3 MB ZIP) 4/3/2024
STATA Stata extract data (3 MB ZIP) 4/3/2024
CSV CSV extract data (2 MB ZIP) 4/3/2024

See description of files and technical documentation for more information


Technical Documents

File Last Updated
Codebook (2.7 MB ASCII) 4/3/2024
Showcards (PDF) 10/18/2023
Questionnaire Outline (PDF) 10/18/2023
Simulation of MR Interview Program (1 MB DOCX) 10/18/2023
Changes for 2022 (TXT) 10/18/2023
Net Worth Flowchart (PDF) 10/18/2023

See description of files and technical documentation for more information

Missing Data

Missing data in the survey have been imputed five times using a multiple imputation technique. The information is stored in five separate imputation replicates (implicates). Thus, for the 4,602 families interviewed for the survey, there are 23,010 records in the data set. Seven observations were deleted for the public version of the data set for purposes of disclosure avoidance; thus, there are 22,975 records in the public data set for 4,595 families. The codebook provides more detail on the structure of the data set and the steps taken for disclosure avoidance.

How to get a notification of changes: If you would like to receive notification about additions to the web page and updates to these surveys, please sign our guest book.

How to send a comment or question: To send a comment about the SCF website or to make technical inquiries about the SCF, please fill out our feedback form. To ensure that your question is properly routed, please select the Survey of Consumer Finances as the "Economic Data" and select no other options above the field labeled "Type your message."

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Last Update: April 05, 2024