LINVER Package

The LINVER package contains a comprehensive set of programs for running stochastic simulations of the linear version of FRB/US, with or without the effective lower bound (ELB) on the federal funds rate and selected other nonlinear constraints imposed. Users can choose among a range of options for running the simulations, including how agents in different sectors of the economy form their expectations, the monetary policy rule, and the neutral level of the federal funds rate. Users have access to simulation code written in three different software languages—Matlab, Octave and EViews—with the proviso that the capabilities of the EViews routines are much more limited than the other two. The package contains:

  • A README document with basic information;
  • Separate matlab, octave, and eviews directories of simulation code;
  • A User's Guide to the matlab and octave code (in the matlab directory);
  • A Using LINVER in EViews document (in the eviews directory).

LINVER package (ZIP) (Updated: July 10, 2024)

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Last Update: July 12, 2024