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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2015

Appendix B: Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking--Questionnaire

Below is a reproduction of the survey instrument in its entirety. The bracketed text are programming instructions that indicate whether the respondent can select only a single response [S] or multiple responses [M]. Not all questions are shown to all respondents, and the skip patterns used to reach each question are listed as the "Base" above each question. The respondents only see the questions and response options; they do not see the program code. Question numbers are not always sequential in order to preserve continuity with question numbers from earlier surveys where possible. Questions are listed below in the order in which they are presented to respondents.



OMB Control Number: 7100-0359

Expiration Date: 04/30/2017

Additional information is available here on the OMB public reporting requirements.

The Federal Reserve Board is interested in learning more about the financial wellbeing and economic perceptions of the American people. The data collected in this survey will be used for research, analysis, and policymaking on consumer finances and household financial stability. A dataset containing anonymized responses may also be released publicly on the Federal Reserve Board's website. We appreciate your participation in this survey. In appreciation for your completing this survey, you will be provided with the equivalent of [((IF XSFLAG=1 OR 3) AND X2013=1) OR (XSFLAG=2), INSERT: $10 / if ((xsflag=1 or 3) and x2013=2), insert $5] through the GfK rewards system.


The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 0.33 hours, including the time to gather data in the required form and to review instructions and complete the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0359), Washington, DC 20503.

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Demographics and Employment Section

Base: All respondents

[show display1 and d1 on the same page]


First, tell us a little about yourself.

Base: All respondents


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

D0. Do each of the following types of people currently live with you in your household?


a. My spouse or partner

b. My child or children who are under age 18

c. My adult child or children who are age 18 or older

d. My parents

e. My extended family such as brothers, sisters or cousins

f. Roommate(s) who are not related to me

g. Other individuals (please specify) [text box]




Base: D0_c = 1


D0A. Which of the following best describes the adult children (who are age 18 or older) who live with you?

1. All of the adult children living with me are currently enrolled in school

2. One or more of the adult children who lives with me is not currently enrolled in school

Base: All respondents


D2. We are interested in your present job status. Which one of the following BEST describes your current employment situation?

1. Employed now

2. Temporarily laid off

3. Not employed, but looking for a job

4. Not employed and not looking for a job

5. Homemaker

6. Student

7. Disabled and not working

8. Retired

Base: D2=1


D3. Thinking of your main job, do you:

1. Work full-time for someone else

2. Work part-time for someone else

3. Work for yourself (self-employed)

4. Work as a partner in a partnership (e.g. partner in law firm, medical practice)

5. Work as a consultant/contractor

Base: D2=6


D4A. Besides being a student, do you also have a paid job?

1. Yes, I work full-time

2. Yes, I work part-time

3. No

Base: D2=8


D4B. Besides being retired, do you also have a paid job?

1. Yes, I work full-time

2. Yes, I work part-time

3. No

Base: D2=1


D4C. In addition to your main job, do you have any of the following types of additional paid jobs?


a. I have another full-time job

b. I have another part-time job

c. I do other work for pay that is not through a formal job. This may include activities like selling items you make at flea markets or online; freelance work through companies like Uber,, or Airbnb; or providing services for others like paid child care or yard work (do NOTinclude completing surveys for GfK)




Base: D2=2, 3, 4, or 5


D4D. Do you do any work for pay, even if not through a formal job? This may include activities like selling items you make at flea markets or online; freelance work through companies like Uber,, or Airbnb; or providing services for others like paid child care or yard work (do NOT include completing surveys for GfK)?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: (D3 = 1, 2, or 5) or (D4A = 1 or 2) or (D4B = 1 or 2)


D4E. If you were paid the same hourly rate that you make at your main job regardless of the number of hours you work, would you prefer to:

1. Work the same number of hours that you currently work

2. Work more hours for more money

3. Work fewer hours for less money

Base: PPMARIT = 1 or 6


D5. Which one of the following BEST describes your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: partner's ] current employment status?

1. Employed full-time

2. Employed part-time

3. Temporarily laid off

4. Not employed, but looking for a job

5. Not employed and not looking for a job

6. Homemaker

7. Student

8. Disabled and not working

9. Retired

Back to section top

Labor Market Skills Section

Base: D2 = 1-7 OR -1 (Refused)


Y1. Thinking about your current education and work experience, how confident are you that you have the skills necessary to get the kind(s) of job(s) you want now?

1. Very confident

2. Somewhat confident

3. Not confident

4. I am not currently in the workforce and I am not looking for a job

8. Don't know

Base: Y1 = 3


Y3. You expressed some lack of confidence in your skills for the kinds of jobs that you might want now. Which of these statements, if any, do you agree with?

a. I need more education or another degree

b. I need more job training

c. My skills are out of date because I haven't been using them

d. The job market is changing faster than I can keep up with

e. The kind of job I'm qualified for is not available

Back to section top

Financial Management and Stability Section

Base: All qualified respondents


B2. Overall, which one of the following best describes how well you are managing financially these days:

4. Living comfortably

3. Doing okay

2. Just getting by

1. Finding it difficult to get by

Base: All qualified respondents


B3. Compared to 12 months ago, would you say that you (and your family living with you) are better off, the same, or worse off financially?

5. Much better off

4. Somewhat better off

3. About the same

2. Somewhat worse off

1. Much worse off

Base: All qualified respondents


B6. Think of your parents when they were your age. Would you say you (and your family living with you) are better, the same, or worse off financially than they were?

5. Much better off

4. Somewhat better off

3. About the same

2. Somewhat worse off

1. Much worse off

Back to section top

General Housing Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your housing situation.


GH1. Which one of the following best describes your housing arrangement?

1. I [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: (and/or my spouse) / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: (and/or my partner)] own [IF PPMARIT=1 OR 6, INSERT: our, ELSE INSERT: my] home with a mortgage or loan.

2. I [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: (and/or my spouse) / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: (and/or my partner)] own [IF PPMARIT=1 OR 6, INSERT: our, ELSE INSERT: my] home free and clear (without a mortgage or loan).

3. I [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: (and/or my spouse) / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: (and/or my partner)] pay rent.

4. I [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: (and/or my spouse) / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: (and/or my partner)] don't own [IF PPMARIT=1 OR 6, INSERT: our, ELSE INSERT: my] home or pay rent.

Base: All qualified respondents

[NUMBER BOX, RANGE 1900 TO 2015]

GH2. In what year did you [IF GH1=1 OR 2, INSERT: buy / IF GH1=3, INSERT: start renting / IF GH1=4, OR REFUSED, INSERT: move into] your current home?

[NUM BOX 1900-2015]

Base: All qualified respondents


GH3. How satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of your housing situation?


a. Overall quality of your neighborhood

b. Quality of your local schools

c. Safety of your neighborhood

d. Quality of other amenities in your neighborhood

e. Overall quality of your house/apartment

f. [IF GH1= 1, 2, 3] Cost of your house/apartment


1. Not at all satisfied

2. Slightly satisfied

3. Somewhat satisfied

4. Mostly satisfied

5. Completely satisfied

Base: All qualified respondents


GH4. Do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: (and/or your spouse) / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: (and/or your partner)] expect to purchase a [IF GH1=1 OR 2, INSERT: new] home in the next 12 months?

1. Definitely No

2. Probably No

3. Probably Yes

4. Definitely Yes

8. Don't know

Base: GH4=3, 4, OR 8


[Suppress default instructions, instead show: Please answer yes or no to each option]

GH5. Have you taken each of the following steps in planning for a home purchase?


a. Researched houses on your own (e.g. online, newspaper, etc.)

b. Attended an open house or toured homes for sale

c. Talked to a real estate agent

d. Talked to a bank or lender about a mortgage

e. Checked your credit

f. Received a pre-approval for a mortgage

g. Submitted an offer to purchase a house




Back to section top

Rent Section

Base: GH1 = 3


R0. Would you prefer to own your home rather than rent your home if you could afford it?

1. Definitely No

2. Probably No

3. Probably Yes

4. Definitely Yes

Base: (GH1 = 3 or GH1 = 4) AND (GH2 >= 2014)


R4. Did you own your previous home that you moved from in [INSERT GH2 RESPONSE IN NORMAL FONT]?

0. No

1. Yes, and I still own that home

2. Yes, and I sold that home

Base: (GH1 = 3 or GH1 = 4) and (GH2>=2014)]



R5. Please select all of the reasons that you moved to your current home in [INSERT GH2 RESPONSE IN NORMAL FONT]?

a. To save money/cheaper place to live

b. Larger or better quality home

c. Better quality neighborhood or schools

d. Relocated to a new city

e. Change in family status (e.g. marriage, divorce, children)

f. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: GH1 = 3



R3. About how much do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] pay for rent each month?

$ __________ [Num box 0-99999]


888888. Don't know [S]

Back to section top

Own Section

Base: (GH1 = 1 OR 2) and (GH2 < 2015)


H1. Compared to 12 months ago, do you think the value of your home today is higher, lower or stayed the same?

5. Value is a lot higher

4. Value is a little higher

3. Value has stayed the same

2. Value is a little lower

1. Value is a lot lower

8. Don't Know

Base: (GH1 = 1 OR 2)


H4. In the next 12 months, how much do you think that home prices in your neighborhood will change?

5. Go up by a lot

4. Go up by a little

3. Stay about the same

2. Go down by a little

1. Go down by a lot

8. Don't know

Base: (GH1 = 1 OR 2) and (GH2>=2001)


H6. Prior to purchasing your current home did you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] ever own another house?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: (GH1 = 1 OR 2) and (GH2>=2001)


H7. In addition to your mortgage, please select all the sources below that you used to fund the home purchase when you bought your current home:

a. Proceeds from sale of previous home

b. Personal savings

c. Loan or gift from family/friends

d. Second mortgage

e. Financial assistance from a government program or nonprofit organization

f. None [S]

g. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Back to section top

Mortgage Section

In this Section:

Base: GH1 = 1


M2. In the past 12 months, have you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] missed two or more payments on your mortgage?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: GH1 = 1



M4. About how much is your total monthly mortgage payment (i.e. the amount you send to the bank)?

$ ______ [NUM BOX $0-99999]


888888. Don't know [S]

Back to section top

Banking Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your experiences with banks and credit.


BK1. Do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] currently have a checking, savings or money market account?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: All qualified respondents


[Suppress default instructions, instead show: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

BK2. In the past 12 months, have you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner]:

Yes=1 No=2
a. used a money order    
b. used a check-cashing service    
c. used a tax refund anticipation loan    
d. used a pawn shop loan, a payday loan, an auto title loan, or a paycheck advance/deposit advance    
e. sent money to a relative or friend (not a business) living outside of the
U.S. using a service other than a bank (e.g. WesternUnion, USPS SureMoney, etc.)

Back to section top

Credit Application Section

Base: All qualified respondents


A6. If you were to apply for a credit card today, how confident are you that your application would be approved?

3. Not confident

2. Somewhat confident

1. Very confident

8. Don't know

Base: All qualified respondents


A0. In the last 12 months, have you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] applied for any credit (such as a credit card, higher credit card limit, mortgage, refinance, student loan, personal loan, or other loan)?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: A0=1 (Yes)


A0A. Please select all of the types of credit below that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] have applied for in the past 12 months.

a. Mortgage to buy a new home

b. Refinance of a home mortgage

c. Home equity loan or line of credit

d. Credit card

e. Car/auto loan

f. Student loan

g. Personal general-purpose loan from a bank

h. Personal loan from friends or family

i. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: A0=0


A0B. Was there a time in the past 12 months that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] desired credit but chose not to submit a credit application?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: A0=1 OR -1 (Refused)


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

A1. In the past 12 months, please tell us if each of the following has or has not happened to you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner]:

a. [SHOW IF A0=1 OR REFUSED] You [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] were turned down for credit

b. [SHOW IF A0=1 OR REFUSED] You [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] were approved for credit, but were not given as much credit as you applied for

c. [SHOW IF (A0=1 OR REFUSED)] You [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] put off applying for credit because you thought you might be turned down

Base: A0B=1


A2. You indicated that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: or your partner] desired credit in the past 12 months but did not submit a credit application. Was this because you thought that you might be turned down or denied credit?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: (A1_a=1 or A1_b=1) and at least two of (A0A_a - A0A_i) selected


A3. Which forms of credit that you applied for were you denied or offered less credit than requested:


a. Mortgage to buy a new home

b. Refinance of a home mortgage

c. Home equity loan or line of credit

d. Credit card

e. Car/auto loan

f. Student loan

g. Personal general-purpose loan from a bank

h. Personal loan from friends or family

i. Other (Please Specify): [TEXT]

Back to section top

Credit Condition Section

Base: All qualified respondents


C1. If you had to guess, do you think your current credit score (such as a FICO score) is:

5. Excellent

4. Very good

3. Good

2. Fair

1. Poor

8. Don't know my score or how to rate it

Base: All qualified respondents


C2A. Do you have at least one credit card?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: C2A=1 or refused


C4A. In the past 12 months, how frequently have you carried a balance on one or more of your credit cards?

0. Never carried a balance (always pay in full)

1. Once

2. Some of the time

3. Most or all of the time

Base: C4A=1, 2, 3 or refused


C4B. In the past 12 months, how frequently have you paid only the minimum payment on one or more of your credit cards?

0. Never

1. Once

2. Some of the time

3. Most or all of the time

Base: C4A=1, 2, 3 or refused


C5. On the credit card you use most often, which of these categories best describes the current interest rate?

1. 0 to 5 percent

2. 6 to 10 percent

3. 11 to 15 percent

4. 16 to 20 percent

5. 21 to 25 percent

6. Over 25 percent

8. Don't know

Back to section top

Education Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your education and experiences with student loans.


ED0: What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

1. Less than High School degree

2. High school degree or GED

3. Some college but no degree (including currently enrolled in college)

4. Certificate or technical degree

5. Associate degree

6. Bachelor's degree

7. Master's degree

8. Professional degree (e.g. MBA, MD, JD)

9. Doctoral Degree


IF ED0 = 5 DOV_ED = "Associate Degree"

IF ED0 >= 6 DOV_ED = "Bachelor's Degree"

Base: IF ED0>1


ED0A: Are you currently enrolled in any school, college, or other post-high school educational program that will lead to a degree?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: ED0A=1


ED0B: What type of degree program are you currently enrolled in?

1. Certificate or technical degree

2. Associate degree

3. Bachelor's degree

4. Master's degree

5. Professional degree (e.g. MBA, MD, JD)

6. Doctoral Degree



ED0C: In the past 12 months, have you taken any classes towards a degree or completed any educational programs?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: (ED0 = (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, OR 9) OR ED0A=1) AND ((XSFLAG=1 OR 3) OR (ED0A=1) OR (ED0C=1))


ED1. Which one of the following broad categories best describes your [IF ED0A=1, INSERT: current / IF ED0A=0 OR ED0A=REFUSED, INSERT: most recent] educational program?

1. Humanities

2. Social/behavioral sciences

3. Life sciences

4. Physical sciences/math

5. Computer/information sciences

6. Engineering

7. Education

8. Business/management

9. Health

10. Law

11. Vocational/technical training

12. Undeclared

13. Other (Please specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: ((ED0=3 or 4) or (ED0=2 and ED0A=1)) AND ((xsflag=1 or 3) OR (ED0A=1) OR (ED0C=1))


ED2. What is the name of the school you [IF ED0A=1, INSERT: currently attend / IF ED0A=0 OR ED0A=REFUSED, INSERT: attended for your most recent educational program]?

Base: (ED0 =3 or 4) and (ED0A=0) AND (xsflag=1 or 3)


ED4. In what year did you last attend this educational program?

_____ [NUM BOX, RANGE 1900 - 2015]

Base: (ED0 =3 or 4) OR (ED0=2 and ED0A=1)


ED5. Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your [IF ED0A=1, INSERT: current / IF ED0A=0 OR ED0A=REFUSED, INSERT: most recent] educational program compare to its financial costs?

1. Financial benefits are much larger

2. Financial benefits are somewhat larger

3. About the same financial benefits and financial costs

4. Financial costs are somewhat larger

5. Financial costs are much larger

Base: (ED0 =3 or 4) and (ED0A=0 or refused)


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

ED6(A). Knowing what you know now about the benefits and costs of your education, if you could go back and make your education decisions again would you have done each of these things:


a. Chosen a different field of study

b. Attended a different school

c. Completed less education

d. Completed more education

e. Chosen not to attend college




Base: (ED0 = 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9) AND ((xsflag=1 or 3) OR (ED0A=1) OR (ED0C=1))


ED7. What is the name of the school from which you received your [DOV_ED]?

Base: ED0 = 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 AND [(SFLAG=1 OR 3) OR (ED0A=1) OR (ED0C=1)]


ED9. In what year did you receive your [DOV_ED]?

[NUM BOX, RANGE 1900 - 2015]

Base: ED0 = 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9


ED10. Overall, how would you say the lifetime financial benefits of your [DOV_ED] program compare to its financial costs?

1. Financial benefits are much larger

2. Financial benefits are somewhat larger

3. About the same financial benefits and financial costs

4. Financial costs are somewhat larger

5. Financial costs are much larger

Base: ED0 = 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

ED11(A). Knowing what you know now about the benefits and costs of your education, if you could go back and make decisions regarding your [DOV_ED] again, would you have done each of these things:


a. Chosen a different field of study

b. Attended a different school

c. Completed less education

d. Completed more education

e. Chosen not to attend college




Base: (ED0 = 2) and (ED0A = 0 or refused)


ED13. Which of the following are reasons why you did not attend college?

a. Too expensive

b. Family responsibilities

c. Wanted to work

d. Simply was not interested in college

e. Was not admitted

f. Did not think benefits of attending college were worth the cost

g. Other: [TEXTBOX]

Base: (ED0 = 3) and (ED0A = 0 or refused)


ED14. Which of the following are reasons why you did not complete your college degree?

a. Too expensive

b. Family responsibilities

c. Wanted to work

d. Simply not interested in continuing in college

e. Did not think the benefits of continuing college were worth the cost

f. Low grades

g. Other: [TEXTBOX]

Base: (ED13_b =1) or (ED14_b=1)



ED14A. You indicated that family responsibilities contributed to you not [IF ED0=2, INSERT: attending college / IF ED0=3, INSERT: completing a college degree]? In a few words (150 character max), please describe these responsibilities?


Base: xsflag=1 or 3


ED15. What is the highest level of education that your mother completed?

1. Less than High School degree

2. High school degree or GED

3. Some college but no degree

4. Certificate or technical degree

5. Associate degree

6. Bachelor's degree

7. Graduate degree

8. Don't know

Base: xsflag=1 or 3


ED16. What is the highest level of education that your father completed?

1. Less than High School degree

2. High school degree or GED

3. Some college but no degree

4. Certificate or technical degree

5. Associate degree

6. Bachelor's degree

7. Graduate degree

8. Don't know

Back to section top

Student Loans Section

Base: All qualified respondents


SL1. Do you currently have student loan debt or owe any money used to pay for your own education?

Please include any loans on which you are a co-signer that were used to pay for your education beyond high school (including student loans, home equity loans, or credit cards paid off over time).

1. Yes

0. No

Base: SL1 = 1


SL2. Think about the money you borrowed to pay for your own education. Is the money you owe for that education a student loan, a home equity loan, a credit card debt, or some other type of loan? If you have multiple loans, please select all that apply.


A. Student Loan

B. Home Equity Loan

C. Credit Card

D. Other Loan: Please specify [textbox]


1. Yes

0. No

Base: SL2_A=1 or SL2_B=1 or SL2_C=1 or SL2_D=1



SL3. Thinking specifically about the money that you borrowed to pay for your own education, please tell us the total amount that you currently owe on each of these loans. If you don't know an exact amount, an estimate is fine.

A. [IF SL2_A=1] Student Loan$____ [NUMBER BOX]

B. [IF SL2_B=1] Home Equity Loan $____ [NUMBER BOX]

C. [IF SL2_C=1] Credit Card $____ [NUMBER BOX]

D. [IF SL2_D=1] Other Loan $ ____ [NUMBER BOX]

E. Total [SUM OF A-D] $____ [NUMBER BOX]

Base: SL2_A = 1

[NUMBER BOX RANGE $0-$99,999]

SL4. Approximately how much is the total monthly payment that you make on student loans from your education?

$ ______[NUM BOX $0-99999]

Base: SL2_A = 1


SL5. Is one or more of the student loans from your own education in deferment, forbearance, or being forgiven so you do not need to make payments right now?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: SL2_A = 1


SL6. Are you behind on payments or in collections for one or more of the student loans from your own education?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: SL1 = 0 or refused


SL7. Did you borrow money or take out any loans to pay for your own education that you have since repaid?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: SL1 = 1 or SL7=1


SL8. Still thinking about the money you borrowed to pay for your own education, did you borrow money for each of the following educational programs (including any loans which you have completely repaid)?


a. Certificate or technical training

b. Associate degree

c. Bachelor's degree

d. Professional degree (e.g. MBA, MD, JD)

e. Master's degree or Doctoral Degree




Base: SL1 = 1 OR SL7=1


SL9. Did you complete the most recent educational program for which you borrowed money?

1. Yes

0. No

2. Still enrolled in the program



SL10. Do you currently owe any money used to pay for your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: partner's] education? Please only include any loans on which you are a co-signer that were used to pay for their education beyond high school (including student loans, home equity loans, or credit cards paid off over time).

1. Yes

0. No

Base: IF PPAGE GE 30


SL11. Do you currently owe any money used to pay for your child or grandchild's education? Please only include any loans on which you are a co-signer that were used to pay for their education beyond high school (including student loans, home equity loans, or credit cards paid off over time).

1. Yes

0. No

999. Do not have children or grandchildren

Back to section top

Retirement Planning Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your planning and savings for retirement.

Base: (D2=1-7 OR REFUSED) or (D4b=1-2)


K1B. At what age do you expect to retire fully, meaning completely stop working for pay?



888. Will never stop working / I do not plan to retire [S]

999. Not Sure [S]

Base: D2=1-7 OR REFUSED


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

K2. Do you currently have each of the following types of retirement savings or pension?


a. 401(k), 403(b), or other defined contribution plan through an employer or former employer (i.e., a retirement plan through work, where you contribute a percent of your salary each pay-period to invest for retirement)

b. Pension with a defined benefit through an employer or former employer (i.e. a pension that will pay you a fixed amount each year during retirement based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service)

c. IRA or Roth IRA

d. Savings outside a retirement account (e.g. a brokerage account, savings account, or stock holdings)

e. Ownership of real estate or land that you plan to sell or rent to generate income in retirement

f. Ownership of my business

g. Other retirement savings




Base: (K2_a=0 or refused) AND ((D3 = 1 or 2)] or (D4A = 1 or 2))


DC1. Does your employer offer a 401(k), 403(b), Thrift, or other defined contribution retirement plan?

1. Yes

0. No

8. Don't know

Base: DC1 = 1


DC2. You stated that you do not participate in a 401(k), 403(b), Thrift, or other defined contribution plan from work. Please select all the reasons below for why you do not currently invest in this type of retirement plan.

a. I am not eligible to participate in my employer's plan

b. Employer does not match contributions

c. Unable to afford contributions to a retirement plan

d. Plan to invest through the retirement plan but have not signed up yet

e. Unsure of best way to invest money contributed to the retirement plan

f. Prefer to save for retirement in other ways

g. Prefer to spend the money rather than save

h. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: DC1 = 0 or 8


DC3. If your employer did offer a 401(k), 403(b), Thrift, or other defined contribution benefit plan, would you contribute to the plan?

1. Definitely No

2. Probably No

3. Probably Yes

4. Definitely Yes

8. Don't know

Base: (K2_a, K2_c, or K2_d=1) AND (D2 = 1-7 or Refused)


DC4: How confident are you in your ability to make the right investment decisions when managing and investing the money in your retirement accounts (including IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Thrift, or other retirement accounts where you choose the investments for yourself)?

1. Very confident

2. Mostly confident

3. Slightly confident

4. Not confident

Base: (K2_a, K2_c, or K2_d=1) AND (D2 = 1-7 or Refused)


DC5: Which of the following sources of advice do you usually use when deciding how to invest the money in your retirement accounts?

a. No one [S]

b. Friends or relatives

c. Financial planner

d. Investment broker

e. Lawyer or accountant

f. Employer

g. Internet research, books, or magazines

h. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: DC5=a


DC6: You indicated that you did not receive advice from others when deciding how to invest the money in your retirement accounts. Is this because you do not feel that you need help, because you do not know where to get it, or because it is too expensive?

1. I do not feel that I need help managing my investments

2. I would like help but do not know where to get it

3. I would like help but I cannot afford it or it is too expensive

Base: (D2 = 1-7 or Refused)


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes, no, or don't know to each option ]

K3. Which of the following do you expect will be a source of funds for you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner] in retirement?


a. Social Security

b. I will continue working

c. Spouse/partner will continue working

d. Pension with a defined benefit from work (i.e. pension based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service)

e. 401(k), 403(b), or other defined contribution plan from work (i.e., a retirement plan through work, where you contribute a percent of your salary each pay-period to invest for retirement)

f. IRA or Roth IRA

g. Savings outside a retirement account (e.g. a brokerage account, savings account)

h. Income from real estate or the sale of real estate

i. Income from a business or the sale of a business

j. Rely on children, grandchildren, or other family

k. Rely on inheritance

l. Other retirement savings


1. Yes

0. No

8. Don't know

Base: D2 = 1-7 or Refused


K5A. In the past 12 months, have you borrowed money from or cashed out (permanently withdrawn) money from any of your retirement savings accounts?

1. Yes, borrowed money

2. Yes, cashed out

3. Yes, both

0. No

Base: D2 = 8 AND D4b = 3



K8A. At what age did you retire fully, meaning completely stop working?



999 Not Sure [S]

Base: D2 = 8


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

K10. Which of the following are sources of funds for you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner] in retirement?


a. Social Security

b. I have a job

c. My spouse/partner has a job

d. Pension with a defined benefit from work (i.e. pension based on a formula, your earnings, and years of service)

e. 401(k), 403(b), or other defined contribution plan from work (i.e., a retirement plan through work, where you contributed a percent of your salary each pay-period to invest for retirement)

f. IRA or Roth IRA

g. Savings outside a retirement account (e.g. a brokerage account, savings account)

h. Income from real estate or the sale of real estate

i. Income from a business or the sale of a business

j. Relying on children, grandchildren, or other family

k. Other retirement savings


1. Yes

0. No

Back to section top

Holiday Spending and Financing Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your holiday spending plans this year.


HOL1. Thinking about the coming holiday season, about how much are you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] planning to spend on holiday gifts this year? If you do not know the exact amount, an estimate is fine.



-2. I am not planning to spend money on holiday gifts this year [S]

Base: HOL1>0


HOL2. Do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] plan to use a credit card that you pay off over time, a layaway plan, a loan, or any other form of borrowing to pay for holiday gifts this year?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: HOL1>0 and HOL2=1


HOL3. Approximately when do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] expect that you will have any credit card debt, loans, or other borrowing from your holiday spending this year completely paid off?

1. January 2016 or earlier

2. February or March 2016

3. April, May, or June 2016

4. July, August, or September 2016

5. October, November, or December 2016

6. After December 2016

Back to section top

Auto Loans Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your vehicle purchases and experiences with auto loans.


AL0. Do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] own or lease a car or truck?

1. Yes, I own a car or truck

2. Yes, I lease a car or truck

3. Yes, I own a car or truck and I lease a car or truck

0. No, I do not own or lease a car or truck

Base: AL0=1 or 3


AL1. Do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] currently have any auto loans on cars or trucks that you own?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: (AL0=2 or 3) or AL1=1


AL2. In the past 12 months, have you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] missed or been late making any payments on your auto loan or lease?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: AL0=1, 2, or 3


AL4. In the past 12 months, have you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] bought or leased a car or truck?

If you made multiple purchases or leases, please consider the most recent car or truck that you acquired.

1. Yes, I purchased a new, unused car or truck

2. Yes, I purchased a used car or truck from a dealership, car lot, or car salesman

3. Yes, I purchased a used car or truck from a private seller (such as the previous owner)

4. Yes, I leased a car or truck

0. No, I have not purchased or leased a car or truck in the past year

Base: IF AL4>0


AL5. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchased / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased].

Approximately how long do you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] expect to keep this vehicle?

[NUMBER BOX, RANGE 1 TO 30] year(s)

Base: IF AL4>0


AL6. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchased / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased].

When you [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: bought / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased] this vehicle, did you compare prices from different sellers?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: AL4=1, 2, or 3


AL7. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

When you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] bought this vehicle, did you take out an auto loan to pay for the purchase?

1. Yes, from the location where the car or truck was purchased

2. Yes, from a bank or credit union

3. Yes, from an internet lender

4. Yes, from another source [textbox]:

0. No

Base: AL7=1, 2, 3, or 4


AL8. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

When you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] bought this vehicle, did you compare interest rates or other loan terms from different lenders or from different automobile dealerships/sellers?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: IF AL4>0


AL9. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchased / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased].

When you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: bought / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased]. this car or truck, which of the following sources of advice did you use when deciding how to finance or pay for it?

a. No one [S]

b. Friends or relatives

c. Print or online publication (Newspaper, magazines, Consumer Reports, etc.)

d. Internet research

e. Advice of car dealer or salesman

f. Advice of banker or lender

g. Other (please specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: IF AL4>0


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

AL10. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchased / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased].

When you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: bought / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased] this car or truck, which of the following (if any) did you negotiate with the seller?


a. Total purchase price

b. Monthly payment amount

c. Upfront payment due

d. Interest rate on the auto loan (if any)

e. Length of the auto loan or lease

f. Amount offered for trade-in of old vehicle


1. Yes

0. No

Base: If at least two answers punched yes (1) in AL10



AL11. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchased / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leased].

Among the factors that you negotiated when [IF AL4=1, 2 OR 3, INSERT: purchasing / IF AL4=4, INSERT: leasing] this vehicle, which one of these did you consider to be the most important?

1. [AL10_A=1]Total purchase price

2. [AL10_B=1] Monthly payment amount

3. [AL10_C=1] Upfront payment due

4. [ AL10_D=1] Interest rate on the auto loan (if any)

5. [AL10_E=1] Length of the auto loan or lease

6. [AL10_F=1] Amount offered for trade-in of old vehicle

Base: AL4=1, 2, or 3


AL12. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

Approximately what was the total purchase price of this vehicle?

1. Less than $10,000

2. $10,000 to $19,999

3. $20,000 to $29,999

4. $30,000 to $39,999

5. $40,000 to $49,999

6. Over $50,000

Base: AL7=1, 2, 3, or 4


AL13. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

Approximately how much was the total auto loan amount for this vehicle?

1. Less than $10,000

2. $10,000 to $19,999

3. $20,000 to $29,999

4. $30,000 to $39,999

5. $40,000 to $49,999

6. Over $50,000

Base: AL7=1, 2, 3, or 4


AL14. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

Approximately what was the interest rate on the auto loan used for the purchase of this vehicle?

1. 0 to 1.99 percent

2. 2.00 to 3.99 percent

3. 4.00 to 5.99 percent

4. 6.00 to 7.99 percent

5. 8.00 to 9.99 percent

6. 10 percent or higher

7. Don't know

Base: AL7=1, 2, 3, or 4


AL15. For these questions, please consider the most recent car or truck that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] purchased.

How many monthly payments were agreed upon when you took out the loan for this vehicle. That is, if you do not pay off the loan early, how long will you be making payments on the auto loan?

1. 0 to 12 months (up to 1 year)

2. 13 to 24 months (1 to 2 years)

3. 25 to 36 months (2 to 3 years)

4. 37 to 48 months (3 to 4 years)

5. 49 to 60 months (4 to 5 years)

6. 61 to 72 months (5 to 6 years)

7. 73 months or longer (over 6 years)

8. Don't know

Back to section top

Income and Consumption Section

Base: All qualified respondents



This section will ask some questions about your recent sources of income, savings and expenses.


I0. In the past 12 months, did you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] receive any income from the following sources:


a. Wages or salaries

b. Self-employment

c. Freelance work or hobbies (do not include income from GfK)

d. Interest, dividends, or rental income

e. Social Security

f. Supplemental Security (SSI)

g. Unemployment income

h. Pension income

i. Any other income


1. Yes

0. No

Base: if ALL I0_a through I0_i =0 or refused


I0A. Did you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and/or your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and/or your partner] receive any income from any source in the past year?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: At least one of (D0_a through D0_g) = 1 (not living alone)


I0B. Besides you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner], did anyone else in your household receive any income in the past 12 months from any source?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: I0=1 for any response OR I0A=1 or refused


[IF REFUSED, PROMPT ONCE: "We ask for information about your income because it is extremely important for our understanding of household finances in the United States. We greatly appreciate your response and your answer will remain completely anonymous"]

I4A. Which of the following categories best describes the total income that you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner] received from all sources, before taxes and deductions, in the past 12 months?

1. $0 to $4,999

2. $5,000 to $14,999

3. $15,000 to $24,999

4. $25,000 to $39,999

5. $40,000 to $49,999

6. $50,000 to $74,999

7. $75,000 to $99,999

8. $100,000 to $149,999

9. $150,000 to $199,999

10. $200,000 or higher

Base: I0=1 for any response OR I0A=1 or refused


I1. In the past 12 months, would you say that your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] total spending was:

3. More than your income

2. The same as your income

1. Less than your income

Base: (I0=1 for any response OR I0A=1 or refused) AND ((D2=1 to 7) OR (D4B = 1 or 2))


I2. In the past 12 months, about what percent of your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] total gross income (before taxes and deductions) did you set aside as savings?

Please include all types of savings, even those through a pension or 401(k) at work.

0. None

1. 1 to 5 percent

2. 6 to 10 percent

3. 11 to 15 percent

4. 16 to 20 percent

5. Over 20 percent

Base: All qualified respondents


I9. In the past year, which one of the following best describes how your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] income changes from month to month, if at all?

1. Roughly the same amount each month

2. Roughly the same most months, but some unusually high or low months during the year

3. Often varies quite a bit from one month to the next

Base: I9 = 2 OR 3


I10. Please indicate whether each of the following is a reason that your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] income changed from month to month in the past year:

a. Bonuses

b. Commissions

c. Seasonal employment

d. Irregular work schedule (i.e. your work hours change from week to week)

e. Periods of unemployment

f. Investment Income

g. Other (Please Specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: All qualified respondents


I11. In the past year, which one of the following best describes how your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] expenses change from month to month, if at all?

1. Roughly the same amount each month

2. Roughly the same most months, but some unusually high or low months during the year

3. Often varies quite a bit from one month to the next

Base: (I9 = 2 or 3) or (I11 = 2 or 3)


I12. In the past year, did you [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner] have any months where you struggled to pay your bills either because your income was unusually low or because your expenses were unusually high?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: All qualified respondents


I7. During the next 12 months, do you expect your [IF PPMARIT=1, INSERT: and your spouse's / IF PPMARIT=6, INSERT: and your partner's] total income to be higher, about the same, or lower than during the past 12 months?

3. Higher

2. About the same

1. Lower

Back to section top

Emergency Fund Section

Base: All qualified respondents


EF1. Have you set aside emergency or rainy day funds that would cover your expenses for 3 months in case of sickness, job loss, economic downturn, or other emergencies?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: EF1 = 0 or refused


EF2. If you were to lose your main source of income (e.g. job, government benefits), could you cover your expenses for 3 months by borrowing money, using savings, selling assets, or borrowing from friends/family?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: All qualified respondents


EF3. Suppose that you have an emergency expense that costs $400. Based on your current financial situation, how would you pay for this expense? If you would use more than one method to cover this expense, please select all that apply.

a. Put it on my credit card and pay it off in full at the next statement

b. Put it on my credit card and pay it off over time

c. With the money currently in my checking/savings account or with cash

d. Using money from a bank loan or line of credit

e. By borrowing from a friend or family member

f. Using a payday loan, deposit advance, or overdraft

g. By selling something

h. I wouldn't be able to pay for the expense right now

i. Other (Please specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: EF3=b, d, e, f, g, h or i


EF4. Based on your current financial situation, what is the largest emergency expense that you could pay right now using cash or money in your checking/savings account?

1. Under $100

2. $100 to $199

3. $200 to $299

4. $300 to $399

5. Over $400

Back to section top

Health and Insurance Section

Base: All qualified respondents


[SHOW THIS TEXT INSTEAD OF DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer yes or no to each option ]

E1. During the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed any of the following, but didn't get it because you couldn't afford it?


a. Prescription medicine (including taking less medication than prescribed)

b. To see a doctor

c. Mental health care or counseling

d. Dental care (including skipping check-ups or routine cleaning)

e. To see a specialist (such as an OB/GYN, dermatologist, orthopedic surgeon, etc.)

f. Follow-up care (e.g. skipping physical therapy sessions recommended by a doctor )


1. Yes

0. No

Base: All qualified respondents


E2. During the past 12 months, have you had any unexpected major medical expenses that you had to pay out of pocket (that were not completely paid for by insurance)?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: E2=1

[NUMBER BOX RANGE $0 TO $9,999,999]

E2A. Approximately how much did you pay out of pocket for unexpected major medical expenses in the past 12 months?

$[NUM BOX 0-9999999]

Base: E2=1


E2B. Do you currently have an unpaid balance or owe any debt related to the unexpected major medical expenses that you had in the past 12 months?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: All qualified respondents


[SUPPRESS DEFAULT INSTRUCTIONS, INSTEAD SHOW: Please answer yes, no, or don't know to each option ]

E5. Are you currently covered by each of the following types of insurance?


a. Health Insurance (including insurance provided by an employer, private insurance company, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other type of health insurance)

b. Auto/Car Insurance

c. Homeowners or Renters Insurance

d. Disability Insurance

e. Long Term Care Insurance (i.e. insurance that covers expenses for assisted living facilities, home care, or nursing homes)

f. Life Insurance

g. Funeral Insurance


1. Yes

0. No

8. Don't know

Base: All qualified respondents


[Suppress default instructions]

E6. Please answer yes or no to each option.


a. Do you have a health problem or disability which prevents you from working or which limits the kind or amount of work that you can do?

b. Do you have serious difficulty hearing or difficulty seeing even with glasses (including being blind or deaf)?

c. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?

d. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs?


1. Yes

0. No

Back to section top

Financial Hardship Section

Base: All qualified respondents


X1. Over the past year, have you or your family living with you experienced any financial hardship such as a job loss, drop in income, health emergency, divorce, or loss of your home?

1. Yes

0. No

Base: X1 = 1


X2. Which of the following did you or your family living with you experience in the past year?

a. I lost a job

b. I had my work hours and/or pay reduced

c. My spouse/partner lost a job

d. My spouse/partner had their work hours and/or pay reduced

e. Received a foreclosure or eviction notice

f. A business I owned had financial difficulty

g. Had a health emergency

h. Divorce

i. Death of primary breadwinner

j. Other (Please specify): [TEXTBOX]

Base: IF conditions to display at least 2 answer choices are met


X3. We are interested in how people choose to prioritize payments when money is tight. Suppose that you only had enough money to pay one of the following bills this month. Which would you choose to pay?

1. Rent/mortgage [ONLY SHOW IF GH1=1, 2, OR 3]

2. Credit card bill [ONLY SHOW IF C2A=1]

3. Student loan [ONLY SHOW IF SL1=1]

4. Auto loan or lease [ONLY SHOW IF (AL0=2 OR 3) OR AL1=1]

Base: All qualified respondents




X11. In a couple of words (150 character max) please describe the main financial challenges or concerns facing you or your family? If none please click the "None" box.



999 None [S]

Back to section top

Last update: June 14, 2016

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