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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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International Summary Statistics

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: August 2011

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U.S. International Transactions Summary (3.10) 
Millions of dollars; quarterly data seasonally adjusted, except as noted1
Item credits or debits 2008 2009 2010 2010.Q1 2010.Q2 2010.Q3 2010.Q4 2011.Q1/p
1 Balance on current account -677,135 -376,551 -470,898 -118,292 -120,300 -120,127 -112,179 -119,274
2 Balance on goods and services -698,338 -381,272 -500,027 -119,642 -130,523 -131,113 -118,749 -140,797
3 Exports 1,842,682 1,575,037 1,837,577 436,501 451,134 465,194 484,747 506,217
4 Imports -2,541,020 -1,956,310 -2,337,604 -556,144 -581,657 -596,307 -603,496 -647,014
5 Income, net 147,089 128,001 165,224 36,384 43,170 45,740 39,930 54,771
6 Investment, net 157,841 137,058 174,459 38,684 45,486 48,066 42,221 57,020
7 Direct 284,292 262,178 280,639 66,538 72,573 74,188 67,338 81,165
8 Portfolio -126,451 -125,120 -106,180 -27,854 -27,087 -26,122 -25,117 -24,145
9 Compensation of employees -10,752 -9,057 -9,234 -2,300 -2,316 -2,327 -2,292 -2,250
10 Unilateral current transfers, net -125,885 -123,280 -136,095 -35,034 -32,947 -34,754 -33,360 -33,248
11 Change in U.S.government assets other than official reserve assets (increase, -) -529,615 541,342 7,540 9,433 -2,441 788 -240 -588
12 Change in U.S. official reserve assets (increase, -) -4,848 -52,256 -1,834 -773 -165 -1,096 200 -3,619
13 Gold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Special drawing rights (SDRs) -106 -48,230 -31 -7 -6 -8 -10 1,961
15 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund -3,473 -3,357 -1,293 -581 -77 -956 321 -6,428
16 Foreign currencies -1,269 -669 -510 -185 -82 -132 -111 848
17 Change in U.S. private assets abroad (increase, -) 866,571 -628,417 -1,010,888 -321,669 -165,931 -286,526 -236,762 -320,998
18 Bank-reported claims2 542,128 -242,865 -515,043 -175,425 -78,721 -166,310 -94,587 -89,263
19 Nonbank reported claims 456,177 144,867 7,421 10,932 4,382 -2,146 -5,747 -86,757
20 U.S. purchase of foreign securities, net 197,347 -226,813 -151,916 -47,028 -22,114 -39,336 -43,438 -58,505
21 U.S. direct investments abroad, net -329,081 -303,606 -351,350 -110,148 -69,478 -78,734 -92,990 -86,473
22 Change in foreign official assets in United States (increase, +) 554,634 480,237 349,754 89,751 66,736 135,477 57,790 70,906
23 U.S. Treasury securities 548,653 569,893 397,797 97,364 31,751 188,994 79,688 33,256
24 Other U.S. government obligations 42,728 -132,569 -80,817 -12,527 13,377 -65,258 -16,409 38,018
25 Other U.S. government liabilities2 9,029 58,182 12,124 4,007 2,503 1,773 3,841 3,007
26 Other U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks2 -149,676 -68,873 -9,375 -16,005 3,888 10,019 -7,277 -4,025
27 Other foreign official assets3 103,900 53,604 30,025 16,912 15,217 -51 -2,053 650
28 Change in foreign private assets in United States (increase, +) -123,228 -144,444 895,982 239,589 119,900 327,638 208,856 436,153
29 U.S. bank-reported liabilities4 -428,337 -317,079 177,100 67,897 -4,019 83,066 30,156 363,700
30 U.S. nonbank reported liabilities -31,475 12,404 77,456 27,728 21,302 11,668 16,758 38,361
31 Foreign private purchases of U.S. Treasury securities, net 162,944 -14,937 256,428 84,193 82,062 60,659 29,514 3,475
32 U.S. currency flows 29,187 12,632 28,319 2,265 2,100 10,514 13,440 12,576
33 Foreign purchases of other U.S. securities, net -165,639 3,955 120,453 5,421 -15,475 82,076 48,431 -7,235
34 Foreign direct investments in United States, net 310,092 158,581 236,226 52,085 33,930 79,655 70,557 25,276
35 Capital account transactions, net5 6,010 -140 -152 -3 -2 -146 -2 -13
36 Discrepancy -59,443 130,773 216,761 85,813 92,223 -44,116 82,841 -62,567
37 Due to seasonal adjustment ... ... ... 13,688 -6,531 -21,959 14,802 14,195
38 Before seasonal adjustment -59,443 130,772 216,761 72,125 98,754 -22,157 68,039 -76,762
  Changes in official assets  
39 U.S. official reserve assets (increase, -) -4,848 -52,256 -1,834 -773 -165 -1,096 200 -3,619
40 Foreign official assets in United States, excluding line 25 (increase, +) 545,605 422,055 337,630 85,744 64,233 133,704 53,949 67,899
  1. Seasonal factors are not calculated for lines 11-16, 18-20, 22-35, and 38-41.   Return to table
  2. Associated primarily with military sales contracts and other transactions arranged with or through foreign official agencies.   Return to table
  3. Consists of investments in U.S. corporate stocks and in debt securities of private corporations and state and local governments.   Return to table
  4. Reporting banks included all types of depository institutions as well as some brokers and dealers.  Return to table
  5. Consists of capital transfers (such as those of accompanying migrants entering or leaving the country and debt forgiveness) and the acquisition and disposal of nonproduced nonfinancial assets.   Return to table
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Current Business.
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Last update: August 26, 2011