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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Securities Holdings and Transactions

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: January 2009

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Foreign Transactions in Securities (3.24) 
Millions of dollars
Transaction, and area or country 2006 2007/r Jan.-Nov.2008/r May.2008/r Jun.2008/r Jul.2008/r Aug.2008 Sep.2008 Oct.2008/r Nov.2008/p
1 Foreign purchases 6,868,571 10,639,315 11,429,567 997,461 1,066,125 1,273,558 905,531 1,168,913 1,019,917 634,949
2 Foreign sales 6,718,156 10,443,794 11,392,998 981,481 1,067,942 1,279,336 906,513 1,157,394 1,026,122 630,828
3 Net purchases, or sales (-) 150,415 195,521 36,569 15,980 -1,817 -5,778 -982 11,519 -6,205 4,121
4 Foreign countries 150,371 195,561 36,539 15,976 -1,820 -5,783 -987 11,521 -6,206 4,122
5 Of which: by foreign official institutions 5,766 15,107 20,727 36 527 1,069 -1,415 48 -135 1,633
6 Europe 97,066 89,259 12,404 4,045 560 5,328 5,197 -2,949 -15,874 13,097
7 Belgium 1,625 -1,168 -928 308 -401 -62 68 -489 -46 149
8 France 21,735 19,521 -1,950 2,437 -1,711 3,806 -1,161 -6,787 -2,767 6,110
9 Germany -8,040 600 -19,443 -8,451 -2,182 -128 1,533 -703 -2,113 -259
10 Ireland -1,788 28 558 744 -362 182 210 -561 -244 200
11 Luxembourg 11,608 -7,143 -7,595 -60 -69 -927 -317 -1,365 -975 -624
12 Netherlands -5,363 6,887 -1,062 -403 -523 -859 -1,403 -856 -1,586 -200
13 Switzerland 1,180 -2,977 4,448 804 1,148 -313 -1,388 -673 176 1,074
14 United Kingdom 75,764 69,473 24,982 3,946 3,073 2,590 5,241 9,715 -6,670 6,585
15 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 102 877 349 46 224 -185 652 745 -728 -48
16 Canada 11,818 8,086 7,056 1,571 1,088 -1,698 1,836 697 -72 438
17 Latin America 2,166 780 3,748 394 437 970 689 656 -1,181 -16
18 Caribbean 35,068 48,589 -40,500 2,601 -9,763 -4,844 -5,212 13,656 4,763 -16,120
19 Middle East Oil Exporters1 7,974 12,240 7,128 489 -40 187 -396 -155 -68 -11
20 Other Asia -4,490 31,734 51,014 6,167 3,979 -4,995 -1,818 -242 7,373 7,072
21 China, Mainland 471 3,993 -890 130 -213 -736 -37 49 13 71
22 Hong Kong -463 35,434 26,837 7,670 2,721 -127 592 1,803 2,255 125
23 Japan -669 -4,973 17,644 -33 817 920 132 720 4,615 4,338
24 Africa 89 -300 -4,605 -32 1,471 -814 -920 -85 80 -8
25 Other countries 680 5,173 294 741 448 83 -363 -57 -1,227 -330
26 International and regional organizations2 44 -40 30 4 3 5 5 -2 1 -1
27 Foreign purchases 1,572,160 2,050,451 2,477,140 255,882 227,298 173,505 155,794 190,743 201,845 141,666
28 Foreign sales 1,285,696 1,831,472 2,476,140 230,376 197,940 215,571 179,983 184,572 252,062 162,841
29 Net purchases, or sales (-) 286,464 218,979 1,000 25,506 29,358 -42,066 -24,189 6,171 -50,217 -21,175
30 Foreign countries 286,228 218,600 1,706 25,626 29,309 -42,008 -24,391 6,504 -50,170 -21,053
31 Of which: by foreign official institutions 92,632 119,057 -18,671 11,036 9,142 -16,160 -13,146 -8,677 -16,747 -11,641
32 Europe 86,320 77,823 50,516 10,386 3,269 -9,564 -4,827 227 -11,536 -5,680
33 Belgium -274 -1,808 -1,460 -133 -58 52 41 -76 -70 -130
34 France -261 4,285 4,705 -680 1,995 -1,824 204 -2,102 -1,420 1,042
35 Germany 4,471 219 -3,371 342 -1,283 718 -1,221 -1,159 396 -222
36 Ireland 4,133 1,080 -1,909 -605 -162 -862 -909 -859 -775 -983
37 Luxembourg 5,028 -11,386 -26,554 -5,050 -4,464 -3,548 -3,444 -1,280 -361 -512
38 Netherlands -655 -631 -839 109 88 -125 210 239 39 136
39 Switzerland -186 -2,246 -1,761 -200 327 -230 -58 176 -364 -274
40 United Kingdom 51,072 59,585 92,155 17,950 6,713 -2,097 2,707 4,695 -5,755 806
41 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 1,528 4,791 -1,509 -70 -27 -79 17 -7 -134 7
42 Canada 9,507 2,968 5,574 2,571 208 156 -1,654 -575 -129 -360
43 Latin America 13,971 6,343 6,711 1,468 -295 -2,800 25 3,244 614 -202
44 Caribbean 39,741 -8,869 -81,473 -9,923 11,320 -12,382 -2,131 15,664 -22,465 -8,776
45 Middle East Oil Exporters1 7,037 8,221 -13,957 -1,344 -495 -3,371 -3,037 -1,490 -552 14
46 Other Asia 128,750 131,563 37,089 22,968 15,644 -12,759 -11,901 -10,628 -15,902 -5,740
47 China, Mainland 37,401 73,170 19,206 14,837 9,585 -3,537 -7,154 -7,730 -4,863 -3,087
48 Hong Kong 31,659 30,604 23,280 4,199 4,485 1,173 138 -195 -155 269
49 Japan 44,761 13,789 10,671 4,352 590 -5,652 -2,913 -1,281 -2,136 -2,067
50 Africa -198 -403 -3,081 -262 -411 -667 -555 60 100 -226
51 Other countries 1,100 954 327 -238 69 -621 -311 2 -300 -83
52 International and regional organzations2 236 379 -706 -120 49 -58 202 -333 -47 -122
53 Foreign purchases 1,678,464 1,913,307 1,327,847 189,665 124,990 97,810 80,587 93,860 91,137 81,477
54 Foreign sales 1,167,658 1,519,952 1,275,198 129,823 120,305 101,948 93,717 102,298 104,200 97,559
55 Net purchases, or sales (-) 510,806 393,355 52,649 59,842 4,685 -4,138 -13,130 -8,438 -13,063 -16,082
56 Foreign countries 509,783 392,108 52,770 59,765 4,737 -4,128 -13,077 -8,367 -13,055 -16,102
57 Of which: by foreign official institutions 28,556 50,566 31,419 9,088 4,102 172 -510 -1,150 739 -929
58 Europe 316,130 207,482 -38,129 16,149 -2,745 -4,567 -11,574 -4,382 -7,471 -21,429
59 Belgium -2,097 -7,413 -10,136 -926 -1,430 -130 -1,361 -495 -1,714 -457
60 France 22,144 4,261 -3,345 210 -8 -353 -1,003 -188 -346 -55
61 Germany -11,831 5,419 4,707 289 6,549 -120 -778 -832 -506 -643
62 Ireland 13,937 8,658 -14,084 444 -1,041 -2,532 -1,774 -2,268 -2,680 -2,989
63 Luxembourg 3,365 -14,650 -8,559 -1,366 -1,702 -648 -2,863 -1,621 -901 -852
64 Netherlands 3,197 -652 -225 681 -9 -106 -349 -385 32 869
65 Switzerland 9,739 3,581 584 678 -264 -62 343 -455 -18 -23
66 United Kingdom 253,762 208,956 8,929 21,155 -3,132 49 -2,634 2,903 -14 -16,236
67 Channel Islands and Isle of Man 10,388 -6,717 -12,446 -4,757 -1,748 -84 -520 -654 -639 -111
68 Canada 8,052 12,274 7,089 1,511 1,130 16 236 77 750 1,492
69 Latin America 10,029 5,097 2,037 262 -470 -21 254 27 -165 121
70 Caribbean 91,309 41,694 21,288 23,141 -2,676 -3,203 -3,721 -433 -4,768 5,671
71 Middle East Oil Exporters1 4,666 3,803 4,086 654 1,258 786 628 92 -104 -435
72 Other Asia 72,282 116,187 56,939 17,078 8,228 4,378 1,177 -3,645 -1,376 -1,377
73 China, Mainland 31,158 41,675 28,076 9,238 3,817 1,567 -778 -2,599 1,491 166
74 Hong Kong 14,810 12,780 5,112 1,642 640 656 199 -347 -185 -10
75 Japan 12,646 39,565 22,305 4,640 3,648 3,573 1,711 -529 -390 -683
76 Africa -188 -169 -185 -20 4 -48 -116 -90 98 5
77 Other countries 7,503 5,740 -355 990 8 -1,469 39 -13 -19 -150
78 International and regional organizations3 1,023 1,247 -121 77 -52 -10 -53 -71 -8 20
79 Stocks, net purchases or sales (-)4 -106,455 -95,300 20,065 -18,106 1,562 16,894 2,851 -2,445 21,689 21,348
80 Foreign purchases 3,636,185 5,215,764 5,182,229 494,660 499,993 560,901 428,218 482,941 468,009 288,759
81 Foreign sales 3,742,640 5,311,064 5,162,164 512,766 498,431 544,007 425,367 485,386 446,320 267,411
82 Bonds, net purchases or sales (-)4 -144,452 -133,923 69,465 -10,700 -12,683 15,462 17,366 37,810 14,570 12,958
83 Foreign purchases 1,879,713 2,971,803 2,160,208 182,056 188,259 158,503 157,238 227,068 177,287 122,752
84 Foreign sales 2,024,165 3,105,726 2,090,743 192,756 200,942 143,041 139,872 189,258 162,717 109,794
85 Net purchases or sales (-), of stocks and bonds4 -250,907 -229,223 89,530 -28,806 -11,121 32,356 20,217 35,365 36,259 34,306
86 Foreign countries -256,016 -245,152 78,548 -28,798 -11,024 32,342 17,750 34,415 35,878 32,771
87 Europe -220,413 -223,590 38,276 -20,460 -354 10,287 23,181 33,673 25,106 14,499
88 Euro Area5 -54,927 -67,450 12,977 -3,940 -2,905 15,794 8,768 14,325 174 5,676
89 United Kingdom -157,698 -154,906 -1,992 -19,134 -856 -2,470 11,140 8,655 19,876 5,334
90 Canada -18,153 -10,935 955 -6,351 -2,216 1,444 1,734 2,317 -1,825 6,213
91 Latin America -12,714 -7,948 19,886 -5,117 3,603 477 -1,133 1,019 3,842 2,268
92 Caribbean 25,656 -18,445 -33,979 -2,137 -7,296 2,253 -13,624 -8,625 402 4,137
93 Asia -18,652 27,066 72,238 7,726 3,663 16,754 5,977 2,861 5,705 5,107
94 Japan 2,159 4,032 13,107 5,233 -1,658 8,144 591 -1,116 -1,589 1,681
95 Africa -2,252 1,112 1,417 -591 -22 296 601 185 702 148
96 Other countries -9,488 -12,412 -20,245 -1,868 -8,402 831 1,014 2,985 1,946 399
97 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations2 5,109 15,929 10,982 -8 -97 14 2,467 950 381 1,535
  1. Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  2. Includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern regional organizations. Beginning with data for June 2006, also includes the Bank for International Settlements.  Return to table
  3. Includes state and local securities. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investment abroad.  Return to table
  4. Net foreign sales (-) of foreign securities are equivalent to net U.S. purchases of foreign securities.  Return to table
  5. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. As of December 2001, also includes Greece.  Return to table
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Last update: February 6, 2009