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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: March 2010

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Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States (3.23) 1
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of claim, and area or country 2006 2007 2008 Mar 2009/r Jun 2009/r Sep 2009/r Dec 2009/p
1 Total 126,032 136,416 107,476 105,909 107,366 99,088 91,148
2 Financial claims 88,646 88,031 63,074 58,210 58,246 53,416 47,425
  By Type  
3 Non-negotiable deposits 31,909 29,891 14,507 13,401 14,765 16,245 15,775
4 Negotiable securities 2,744 1,245 1,219 1,056 1,038 929 497
  Of which:  
5 Negotiable CDs 15 31 48 88 115 126 132
6 Other claims 53,993 56,895 47,348 43,753 42,443 36,242 31,153
  Of which:  
7 Loans2 10,057 12,875 2,071 3,541 5,229 5,021 4,709
8 Repurchase agreements2 17,842 10,765 2,578 2,087 3,889 2,125 2,150
  By currency  
9 U.S dollars 66,871 66,726 43,223 40,532 39,585 37,504 33,061
10 Foreign currency 21,775 21,305 19,851 17,678 18,661 15,912 14,364
11 Canadian dollars 8,454 4,583 2,000 1,464 1,917 1,994 2,048
12 Euros 5,843 8,717 3,680 3,776 4,053 1,967 2,033
13 United Kingdon pound sterling 4,014 3,461 1,358 1,142 1,311 1,318 1,202
14 Japanese yen 746 1,059 240 323 313 372 386
15 All other currencies 2,718 3,485 12,573 10,973 11,067 10,261 8,695
  By area or country  
16 Europe 34,070 39,482 28,539 26,667 23,561 20,215 19,997
17 Belgium-Luxembourg 328 1,393 383 714 449 285 275
18 France 1,310 3,841 782 673 476 500 626
19 Germany 8,506 3,288 5,415 3,086 2,096 2,097 1,848
20 Netherlands 2,842 3,005 1,289 1,103 1,033 1,248 1,450
21 Switzerland 706 777 634 860 1,039 640 853
22 United Kingdom 13,713 19,251 14,062 15,501 12,764 10,828 10,240
23 Euro Area3 17,002 16,020 11,999 9,020 8,266 7,435 7,588
24 Canada 14,118 11,203 6,783 5,866 6,980 7,040 7,065
25 Latin America and Caribbean 34,890 23,481 23,491 20,483 23,677 21,859 15,899
26 Bahamas 3,901 2,145 300 476 365 427 243
27 Bermuda 1,231 568 743 625 1,806 1,740 1,567
28 Brazil 1,982 1,658 1,182 1,121 1,098 1,072 1,039
29 Cayman Islands 25,728 16,492 19,124 16,115 18,249 16,483 10,812
30 Mexico 1,175 1,222 875 977 1,012 1,000 1,070
31 Venezuela 102 194 166 165 151 161 170
32 Asia 3,238 11,533 2,158 3,251 2,008 1,978 1,922
33 Japan 882 1,536 467 466 424 473 471
34 Middle East oil-exporting countries4 60 150 210 200 196 214 235
35 Africa 345 425 454 425 462 544 581
36 Oil-exporting countries5 34 36 39 50 65 75 60
37 All Other6 1,985 1,907 1,649 1,518 1,558 1,780 1,961
38 Commercial claims 37,386 48,385 44,402 47,699 49,120 45,672 43,723
  By Type  
39 Trade receivables 32,802 41,792 34,756 35,761 37,220 34,555 31,503
40 Advance payments and other claims 4,584 6,593 9,646 11,938 11,900 11,117 12,220
  By currency  
41 Payable in U.S. dollars 33,160 43,344 40,587 43,819 45,534 42,530 40,263
42 Payable in foreign currencies 4,226 5,041 3,815 3,880 3,586 3,142 3,460
43 Canadian dollars 740 788 409 424 481 476 534
44 Euros 1,108 2,116 1,460 1,542 1,211 1,240 1,331
45 United Kingdom pound sterling 661 749 564 607 443 389 448
46 Japanese yen 281 319 211 222 356 208 241
47 All other currencies 1,436 1,069 1,171 1,085 1,095 829 906
  By area or country  
48 Europe 14,105 16,667 16,092 18,270 17,079 15,792 17,972
49 Belgium-Luxembourg 503 1,136 979 1,165 1,037 1,035 1,017
50 France 2,110 2,220 1,954 1,934 1,725 1,851 1,775
51 Germany 1,642 1,638 3,206 3,219 2,560 1,728 1,517
52 Netherlands 728 984 803 1,289 1,035 1,085 1,032
53 Switzerland 718 1,366 1,154 785 650 959 2,701
54 United Kingdom 3,789 4,520 4,340 5,472 5,552 4,874 4,665
55 Euro Area3 8,376 8,973 9,047 10,417 9,163 8,230 9,193
56 Canada 3,402 5,215 3,768 3,091 3,713 3,239 2,970
57 Latin America and Caribbean 7,146 8,849 8,537 7,891 9,073 8,786 8,322
58 Bahamas 48 55 53 31 35 50 60
59 Bermuda 503 1,136 979 1,165 1,037 1,035 1,017
60 Brazil 945 1,024 1,183 946 968 1,035 869
61 Cayman Islands 323 495 389 345 375 402 893
62 Mexico 2,067 2,283 2,214 1,850 2,287 2,008 1,907
63 Venezuela 379 475 491 562 1,526 1,460 1,194
64 Asia 11,011 15,687 14,019 16,331 17,243 15,869 12,274
65 Japan 2,467 3,982 4,111 3,704 3,037 1,803 1,643
66 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 1,754 2,402 3,182 2,906 2,971 2,321 2,247
67 Africa 892 964 1,149 962 1,034 864 835
68 Oil-exporting countries5 298 314 261 267 304 237 197
69 All Other6 830 1,003 837 1,154 978 1,122 1,350
  1. Effective December 2008, a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies are no longer reporting as nonbanks.   Return to table
  2. Data available on a consistently defined basis beginning in June 2006.  Return to table
  3. Comprises Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. For data as of January 2008, also includes Cyprus, Malta, and Slovenia.   Return to table
  4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  6. Includes international and regional organizations.  Return to table
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Last update: March 26, 2010