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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: March 2011

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Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States  (3.22 ) 1
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of liability, and area or country 2007 2008 2009 Mar 2010/r Jun 2010/r Sep 2010/r Dec 2010/p
1 Total 103,835 87,630 77,708 82,941 95,877 81,254 81,804
2 Financial liabilities 47,919 34,282 29,706 29,904 28,390 26,069 25,436
  By Type  
3 Short-term negotiable securities 4,923 4,848 2,485 2,026 1,201 1,636 1,535
4 Other liabilities 42,996 29,434 27,221 28,138 27,344 24,511 23,901
  Of which:  
5 Borrowings2 14,130 11,691 12,286 10,513 8,078 3,888 6,741
6 Repurchase agreements2 7,625 3,691 5,267 3,459 5,757 4,358 3,391
  By currency  
7 U.S. dollars 26,474 18,650 12,792 13,266 13,353 11,802 13,081
8 Foreign currency 21,445 15,632 16,914 16,638 15,037 14,267 12,355
9 Canadian currency 1,193 1,310 2,002 2,893 2,974 2,637 2,816
10 Euros 8,496 5,832 4,773 4,973 4,521 4,786 4,469
11 United Kingdom pound sterling 3,948 1,162 1,240 1,604 1,495 1,358 1,491
12 Japanese yen 3,536 718 645 661 491 717 1,084
13 All other currencies 4,272 6,610 8,254 6,507 5,556 4,769 2,495
  By area or country  
14 Europe 28,175 20,873 17,444 16,221 16,208 15,107 15,008
15 Belgium-Luxembourg 467 755 387 332 418 487 412
16 France 1,453 2,788 1,563 2,013 1,915 2,267 1,907
17 Germany 2,940 2,391 4,253 4,430 4,456 4,295 3,796
18 Netherlands 256 632 451 443 402 424 67
19 Switzerland 287 1,023 710 609 377 390 248
20 United Kingdom 20,230 11,602 7,306 6,221 6,591 6,009 6,775
21 Euro area3 6,369 7,885 9,022 8,985 8,342 8,442 6,656
22 Canada 2,104 1,493 1,794 3,272 3,400 3,384 3,942
23 Latin America and Caribbean 15,017 9,850 8,371 7,912 5,929 4,249 3,065
24 Bahamas 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
25 Bermuda 0 55 205 268 241 110 4
26 Brazil 29 34 22 19 17 18 20
27 Cayman Islands 14,802 9,585 7,922 7,231 5,109 3,582 2,584
28 Mexico 28 70 63 257 252 249 251
29 Venezuela 18 13 10 7 8 17 11
30 Asia 2,470 1,506 1,444 2,246 2,625 3,111 3,261
31 Japan 1,563 831 1,029 1,785 1,833 2,095 2,001
32 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 53 81 63 74 378 635 813
33 Africa 31 302 330 106 92 88 94
34 Oil-exporting countries5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 All Other6 122 258 323 147 136 130 66
36 Commercial liabilities 55,916 53,348 48,002 53,037 67,487 55,185 56,368
  By Type  
37 Trade payables 27,866 20,145 21,262 25,273 39,496 28,106 28,672
38 Advance payments and other liabilities 28,050 33,203 26,740 28,377 28,544 27,686 27,696
  By currency  
39 Payable in U.S. dollars 52,687 50,474 44,658 48,762 63,583 51,033 51,317
40 Payable in foreign currencies 3,229 2,874 3,344 4,275 3,904 4,152 5,051
41 Canadian dollars 969 925 1,294 1,627 1,703 1,394 1,963
42 Euros 579 655 503 626 654 568 721
43 United Kingdom pound sterling 319 199 191 209 261 221 301
44 Japanese yen 372 244 281 888 260 770 534
45 All other currencies 990 851 1,075 925 1,026 1,199 1,532
  By area or country  
46 Europe 15,330 14,762 13,761 13,716 17,560 15,060 15,517
47 Belgium-Luxembourg 260 509 317 268 389 297 255
48 France 1,712 2,013 1,436 982 1,338 1,278 1,235
49 Germany 2,037 1,355 1,157 1,522 1,213 1,104 1,153
50 Netherlands 938 1,096 428 510 478 485 660
51 Switzerland 1,418 1,310 1,734 1,302 2,157 2,101 2,108
52 United Kingdom 3,328 3,409 3,205 3,205 4,155 3,480 3,985
53 Euro Area3 7,677 7,515 5,531 5,480 5,827 5,500 5,602
54 Canada 5,663 4,467 3,974 5,052 5,888 5,352 6,157
55 Latin America and Caribbean 8,358 5,518 5,431 7,527 9,479 7,483 8,400
56 Bahamas 89 49 85 130 37 131 103
57 Bermuda 707 668 673 756 2,519 1,250 1,060
58 Brazil 911 592 564 604 689 501 712
59 Cayman Islands 1,167 769 426 731 651 550 424
60 Mexico 2,820 1,509 2,004 2,256 2,380 2,166 2,836
61 Venezuela 557 400 174 412 442 484 715
62 Asia 23,410 25,238 21,781 22,724 30,669 23,751 22,986
63 Japan 5,325 5,359 5,017 4,985 4,814 4,780 4,493
64 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 7,105 6,297 6,637 7,124 6,402 7,800 7,740
65 Africa 1,458 1,533 1,857 2,641 2,203 1,877 1,717
66 Oil exporting countries5 655 764 984 1,113 1,296 1,030 798
67 All Other6 1,697 1,830 1,198 1,377 1,688 1,662 1,591
  1. Effective December 2008, a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies are no longer reporting as nonbanks.   Return to table
  2. Data available on a consistently defined basis beginning in June 2006.  Return to table
  3. Includes Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. For data as of January 2008, also includes Cyprus, Malta, and Slovenia. For data as of January 2009, also includes Slovakia.  Return to table
  4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  6. Includes international and regional organizations.  Return to table
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Last update: March 25, 2011