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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States

Current Release About Release Dates

Release Date: December 2011

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Liabilities to Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States  (3.22 ) 1
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of liability, and area or country 2007 2008 2009 Dec 2010 Mar 2011/r Jun 2011/r Sep 2011/p
1 Total 103,835 87,630 79,272 78,876 75,689 75,821 82,816
2 Financial liabilities 47,919 34,282 29,900 22,191 20,232 20,011 19,370
  By Type  
3 Short-term negotiable securities 4,923 4,848 2,564 1,535 1,434 2,033 761
4 Other liabilities 42,996 29,434 27,336 20,656 18,798 17,978 18,609
  Of which:  
5 Borrowings2 14,130 11,691 12,286 6,744 6,362 6,163 5,925
6 Repurchase agreements2 7,625 3,691 5,267 3,391 3,023 3,503 3,160
  By currency  
7 U.S. dollars 26,474 18,650 12,986 12,225 11,634 12,148 12,342
8 Foreign currency 21,445 15,632 16,914 9,966 8,598 7,863 7,028
9 Canadian currency 1,193 1,310 2,002 1,398 1,343 1,263 1,254
10 Euros 8,496 5,832 4,773 4,021 3,624 3,524 3,202
11 United Kingdom pound sterling 3,948 1,162 1,240 940 918 955 847
12 Japanese yen 3,536 718 645 1,111 966 995 880
13 All other currencies 4,272 6,610 8,254 2,496 1,747 1,126 845
  By area or country  
14 Europe 28,175 20,873 17,572 13,986 12,517 12,698 12,056
15 Belgium-Luxembourg 467 755 387 376 320 226 161
16 France 1,453 2,788 1,567 1,732 1,649 1,690 1,886
17 Germany 2,940 2,391 4,271 3,392 2,718 2,174 2,289
18 Netherlands 256 632 454 67 77 216 486
19 Switzerland 287 1,023 710 248 312 31 21
20 United Kingdom 20,230 11,602 7,306 6,224 5,450 6,358 5,459
21 Euro area3 6,369 7,885 9,132 6,185 5,422 5,061 5,260
22 Canada 2,104 1,493 1,813 2,524 2,756 2,259 2,583
23 Latin America and Caribbean 15,017 9,850 8,371 2,232 2,158 2,196 2,039
24 Bahamas 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
25 Bermuda 0 55 205 4 0 50 50
26 Brazil 29 34 22 20 24 22 17
27 Cayman Islands 14,802 9,585 7,922 1,751 1,673 1,581 1,577
28 Mexico 28 70 63 251 246 250 238
29 Venezuela 18 13 10 11 11 14 15
30 Asia 2,470 1,506 1,475 3,288 2,632 2,688 2,537
31 Japan 1,563 831 1,029 2,028 1,919 1,832 1,753
32 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 53 81 63 813 110 291 250
33 Africa 31 302 333 95 100 79 72
34 Oil-exporting countries5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
35 All Other6 122 258 336 66 69 91 83
36 Commercial liabilities 55,916 53,348 49,372 56,685 55,457 55,810 63,446
  By Type  
37 Trade payables 27,866 20,145 22,318 28,976 28,503 28,211 34,234
38 Advance payments and other liabilities 28,050 33,203 27,054 27,709 26,954 27,599 29,212
  By currency  
39 Payable in U.S. dollars 52,687 50,474 45,609 51,539 50,280 50,563 60,771
40 Payable in foreign currencies 3,229 2,874 3,763 5,146 5,177 5,247 2,675
41 Canadian dollars 969 925 1,707 2,058 2,166 1,955 932
42 Euros 579 655 503 721 713 908 495
43 United Kingdom pound sterling 319 199 191 301 461 432 203
44 Japanese yen 372 244 281 534 360 312 224
45 All other currencies 990 851 1,081 1,532 1,477 1,640 821
  By area or country  
46 Europe 15,330 14,762 13,764 15,565 14,164 14,603 19,933
47 Belgium-Luxembourg 260 509 317 255 287 350 403
48 France 1,712 2,013 1,437 1,236 899 833 895
49 Germany 2,037 1,355 1,157 1,171 1,105 1,707 1,768
50 Netherlands 938 1,096 428 664 560 666 664
51 Switzerland 1,418 1,310 1,734 2,109 1,942 1,986 1,864
52 United Kingdom 3,328 3,409 3,206 3,996 3,926 3,837 8,415
53 Euro Area3 7,677 7,515 5,533 5,634 5,007 5,798 5,817
54 Canada 5,663 4,467 4,386 6,276 6,458 5,540 6,196
55 Latin America and Caribbean 8,358 5,518 6,305 8,449 8,529 8,006 9,385
56 Bahamas 89 49 85 103 13 15 100
57 Bermuda 707 668 1,501 1,065 829 797 652
58 Brazil 911 592 565 714 767 965 1,038
59 Cayman Islands 1,167 769 426 424 235 169 224
60 Mexico 2,820 1,509 2,025 2,870 2,849 3,202 2,920
61 Venezuela 557 400 180 715 858 646 874
62 Asia 23,410 25,238 21,862 23,086 23,227 24,268 25,215
63 Japan 5,325 5,359 5,043 4,516 4,478 4,214 4,653
64 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 7,105 6,297 6,637 7,754 7,678 8,598 7,812
65 Africa 1,458 1,533 1,857 1,718 1,698 1,958 1,438
66 Oil exporting countries5 655 764 984 799 741 779 638
67 All Other6 1,697 1,830 1,198 1,591 1,381 1,435 1,279
  1. Effective December 2008, a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies are no longer reporting as nonbanks.   Return to table
  2. Data available on a consistently defined basis beginning in June 2006.  Return to table
  3. Includes Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. For data as of January 2008, also includes Cyprus, Malta, and Slovenia. For data as of January 2009, also includes Slovakia. For data as of January 2011, also includes Estonia.   Return to table
  4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  6. Includes international and regional organizations.  Return to table
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Last update: December 23, 2011