Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States (Weekly) (H.8)
Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the U.S.
March 07, 2025
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseAs a result of formula changes affecting how adjustments to the data were accounted for, this release incorporates revisions to all series published on the H.8 release. The largest revisions are concentrated in the 2025 data to date, with smaller changes extending back to October 5, 2024.
Revised data extending back to January 2018 will be released with a future benchmark.
December 06, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseNovember 29, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseDomestically chartered commercial banks divested $10.9 billion in assets and liabilities to nonbank institutions in the week ending October 30, 2024. The major asset items affected were the following: Treasury and agency securities, non-MBS, $2.0 billion; consumer loans, other consumer loans, all other consumer loans, -$10.9 billion; and cash assets, $8.9 billion.
September 27, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseSeptember 20, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 Release -- Forthcoming H.8 Benchmark and H.8 Series AdditionsEffective with the forthcoming release dated September 27, 2024, with data as of September 18, 2024, data on the H.8 release will be benchmarked through the June 2024 Call Report. Data on the current release are benchmarked through the March 2024 Call Report. The release will also incorporate revisions to underlying data.
Also effective with the forthcoming release, historical data between July 1, 2009, and March 30, 2022 will be adjusted to align with a previous reporting change. As of April 6, 2022, U.S. agencies and branches of foreign banks no longer reported consumer loans separately on the H.8 release, but included them in all other loans and leases, all loans not elsewhere classified, consistent with FFIEC 002 Call Report treatment of these loans. The forthcoming historical data adjustments will be accompanied by minor series name changes for two items: consumer loans, other consumer loans, all other consumer loans; and all other loans and leases, all loans not elsewhere classified.
In addition, the Data Download Program will contain previously-unpublished monthly, quarterly, and annual growth rates for the following line items:
- real estate loans, commercial real estate loans, construction and land development loans;
- real estate loans, commercial real estate loans, secured by farmland;
- real estate loans, commercial real estate loans, secured by multifamily properties;
- real estate loans, commercial real estate loans, secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties;
- consumer loans, other consumer loans, automobile loans;
- consumer loans, other consumer loans, all other consumer loans;
- all other loans and leases, loans to nondepository financial institutions;
- all other loans and leases, all loans not elsewhere classified.
June 28, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseJune 20, 2024
Federal Reserve Board seeks DDP users for online surveyMay 17, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseMay 17, 2024
Federal Reserve Board seeks Large Commercial Banks Report users for online surveyMarch 29, 2024
Data Download Program and Federal Reserve Economic Data PartnershipMarch 29, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseJanuary 26, 2024
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseDecember 15, 2023
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseData on this H.8 release have been benchmarked through the September 2023 Call Report. Data on the previous release were benchmarked through the June 2023 Call Report. The release also incorporates revisions to underlying data. Notes on the Data for the following as-of dates have been added or revised to reflect additional information that became available after publication: July 6, 2022; October 5, 2022; January 4, 2023; and October 4, 2023.
Seasonal factors have not been updated for this benchmark release. Going forward, seasonal factors will be updated once per year, typically in the summer when the data are benchmarked through the March Call Report, or as needed. This methodological change will reduce volatility in the series and allow for a more thorough annual review of the seasonal factors.
December 01, 2023
Forthcoming H.8 Benchmark and Change to Seasonal Factor Update FrequencySeptember 08, 2023
Forthcoming H.8 Benchmark to the June 2023 Call ReportJune 30, 2023
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseJune 23, 2023
Forthcoming H.8 Benchmark and Changes to Data Reported on the H.8 ReleaseMarch 09, 2023
Federal Reserve Board to make formatting changes to DDP XML filesSeptember 30, 2022
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseAugust 15, 2022
Federal Reserve Board seeks DDP users for online surveyThe Federal Reserve Board is conducting an online survey to collect data on online usage and consumption preferences of users of the Board's Data Download Program (DDP) website.
Visit our website to take the survey:
May 19, 2022
Federal Reserve Board seeks DDP users for focus groupsThe Federal Reserve Board is conducting focus groups to collect data on online usage and consumption preferences of users of the Board's Data Download Program (DDP) website.
Visit our Contact Us page, enter your information, and write "volunteer" in the comment box to sign up:
April 15, 2022
Changes to Items Reported on the H.8 Release as of April 6, 2022- The two Memoranda items covering net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities have been discontinued: previous line item 42, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities; and previous line item 43, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, U.S. Treasury and agency securities, MBS.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 24, All other consumer loans, no longer includes any such loans held by foreign-related institutions. These loans are now included in line item 27, All loans not elsewhere classified.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 27, All loans not elsewhere classified, includes all other consumer loans at foreign-related institutions, previously included in line item 24.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 28, Allowance for loan and lease losses, no longer includes any allowances held by foreign-related institutions. Any allowances are included in line item 38, Net due to related foreign offices.
March 25, 2022
Notice to Users of the H.8 Release- The Notes on the Data are now in chronological order by the Wednesday-as-of-date corresponding to the activity, from the latest date to the earliest. Previously the notes were arranged by publication date. Notes reflecting activity on the same as-of date have been consolidated.
- Notes have been revised to reflect additional information that became available after publication, including revisions in either Reports of Condition and Income (Call Reports) or data submitted by panel respondents. Several new notes have been added for activity between 1999 and 2013.
- The line items listed in the notes correspond to the current line items of the H.8 release. For line items that have been discontinued since the original note publication, the discontinued items and associated structure change amounts are presented in parentheses following the current line items.
- The two Memoranda items covering net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities will be discontinued: previous line item 42, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities; and previous line item 43, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, U.S. Treasury and agency securities, MBS.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 24, All other consumer loans, will no longer include any such loans held by foreign-related institutions. These loans are now included in line item 27, All loans not elsewhere classified.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 27, All loans not elsewhere classified, will include all other consumer loans at foreign-related institutions, currently included in line item 24.
- As of April 6, 2022, line item 28, Allowance for loan and lease losses, will no longer include any allowances held by foreign-related institutions. Any allowances will be included in line item 38, Net due to related foreign offices.
December 03, 2021
Notice to Users of the H.8 ReleaseMarch 26, 2021
Revisions to H.8 DDP dataFebruary 05, 2021
Revisions to H.8 DDP dataData released on January 22, 2021 included revised historical data for three series between 1973 and 2009. The three revised series were: other assets including trading assets; borrowings; and other liabilities including trading liabilities. No other historical data were revised.
As background, on January 12, 2018, several changes to line items shown on the H.8 release were announced. Some of the changes involved the combination of series that had previously been available separately. Three such changes were:
1. Trading assets, previously published separately, became part of other assets;
2. Similarly, trading liabilities became part of other liabilities;
3. Borrowings from banks and borrowings from nonbanks, previously published separately, became borrowings.
At the time of the announcement, historical data for these three newly combined series were made available back to 2010. Recently, estimations of these three series were constructed for periods prior to 2010, and the data were made available through the Data Download Program as of January 22, 2021.
January 19, 2018
H.8 DDP data correctedEffective January 19, 2018, three corrections have been made to the presentation of data available in the DDP:
1. Historical Data for the discontinued items had remained alongside current items in the DDP as of January 12, 2018. For now, the discontinued items have been removed from the DDP because discontinued items are no longer comingled with current items in the DDP. Data for the discontinued items will be made separately available in the DDP in the future.
2. Data for the new combined items--Other assets including trading assets (line 32), Borrowings (line 37), and Other liabilities including trading liabilities (line 37)--had been incorrectly omitted for the week ending January 6, 2010. These gaps in the data caused the levels of total assets and total liabilities to also be incorrect that week. In addition, these gaps caused distortions in the associated monthly average data for January 2010. This issue has been corrected.
3. The historical series for the new item, Total Federal funds and reverse RPs (line 30), was not included in the DDP. This issue has been corrected.
January 12, 2018
Changes to Items Reported on the H.8 Release as of January 3, 2018Effective with this release, several changes have been made to the line items shown on the H.8 release. These changes relate to the Federal Reserve Board's notice published in the Federal Register, 82 FR 49207 on October 24, 2017.
The following line item changes have been made on the release:
1. Previous line item 26, Fed funds and reverse RPs with nonbanks, and previous line item 32, Fed funds and reverse RPs with banks, have been combined as new line item 30, Total federal funds sold and reverse RPs. Note that line item 1, Bank credit, and line item 9, Loans and leases in bank credit, no longer include Fed funds and reverse RPs with nonbanks and the category Interbank loans (former line item 31) has been eliminated.
2. Previous line items 35 and 44, Trading assets and liabilities, respectively, are no longer being published. The amount of trading assets and liabilities are now reported as part of other assets and liabilities (line items
32 and 39), respectively.
3. The two previous components of Borrowings--previous line item 42, Borrowings from banks in the U.S. and previous line item 43, Borrowings from others--are no longer being published separately; these line items have been combined into line item 37, Borrowings.
4. The three Memoranda line items covering loans to businesses with original amounts of $1,000,000 or less have been dropped: previous line item 52, Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties; previous line item 53, Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; and their total, previous line item 51.
Historical data for the discontinued items will remain available for download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program. Historical data for the new combined series will be available back to 2010.
January 16, 2015
Changes to Items Reported on the H.8 Release as of January 7, 2015Effective with this release, several changes have been made to line items shown on the H.8 release. These changes relate to the Federal Reserve Board's notice published in the Federal Register, 79 FR 57101 on September 24, 2014.
The following line items have been added to the release:
1. Current line item 14, Commercial real estate loans, has been disaggregated into four components: (a) Construction and land development loans; (b) Loans secured by farmland; (c) Loans secured by multifamily properties; and (d) Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties.
2. Current line item 17, Other consumer loans, has been subdivided into two items: (a) Automobile loans; and (b) All other consumer loans.
3. Current line item 20, All other loans and leases, has been split into two items: (a) Loans to nondepository financial institutions; and (b) Other loans not elsewhere classified.
4. A subcomponent of Memoranda line item 44, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, covering net unrealized gains (losses) on U.S. Treasury and agency securities, mortgage-backed securities, has been added.
5. Two Memoranda line items covering loans to businesses with original amounts of $1,000,000 or less have been added: (a) Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties; and (b) Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees.
The following line items have been discontinued:
1. Former line items 27 and 38, Derivatives with positive and negative fair values, are no longer being published. The amount of derivatives with positive and negative fair values are now reported as part of line item 26 and line item 37, respectively.
2. Memoranda line items 45, 46, 47, and 48, covering securitized consumer and real estate loans, have also been dropped.
The historical data for the discontinued items will remain available for download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP).
January 09, 2015
Upcoming Changes to Items Reported on the H.8 Release as of January 7, 2015Effective with the release dated January 16, 2015, several changes will be made to line items shown on the H.8 release.
These changes relate to the Federal Reserve Board's notice published in the Federal Register, 79 FR 57101 on September 24, 2014.
The following line items will be added to the release:
1. Current line item 14, Commercial real estate loans, will be disaggregated into four components: (a) Construction and land development loans; (b) Loans secured by farmland; (c) Loans secured by multifamily properties; and (d) Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties.
2. Current line item 17, Other consumer loans, will be subdivided into two items: (a) Automobile loans; and (b) All other consumer loans.
3. Current line item 20, All other loans and leases, will be split into two items: (a) Loans to nondepository financial institutions; and (b) Other loans not elsewhere classified.
4. A subcomponent of Memoranda line item 44, Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, covering net unrealized gains (losses) on U.S. Treasury and agency securities, mortgage-backed securities, will be added.
5. Two Memoranda line items covering loans to businesses with original amounts of $1,000,000 or less will be added: (a) Loans secured by nonfarm nonresidential properties; and (a) Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees.
The following line items will be discontinued:
1. Current line items 27 and 38, Derivatives with positive and negative fair values, will no longer be published. The amount of derivatives with positive and negative fair values will be reported as part of line item 26 and line item 37, respectively.
2. Memoranda line items 45, 46, 47, and 48, covering securitized consumer and real estate loans, will also be dropped.
The historical data for the discontinued items will remain available for download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP).
January 11, 2013
Updated DDP data now availableThe data for January 11, 2013, from the Board's H.8 statistical release are now available in the Data Download Program (DDP).
September 21, 2012
Technical Q&As pageSeptember 28, 2011
Corrections to historical dataDecember 02, 2010
New interactive graphics feature of Data Download Program (DDP)"Graphics play an important role in identifying data trends and relationships," said Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet L. Yellen. "With the help of this intuitive new user interface, it's now possible to create customized charts directly from Federal Reserve statistical data."
April 09, 2010
Publication of Percent Changes on the H.8 ReleaseThe percent changes have been adjusted to remove the effects of nonbank structure activity of $5 billion or more, as well as the estimated effects of the initial consolidation of certain variable interest entities (FIN 46) and off-balance-sheet vehicles (FAS 166/167). The adjustments are generally made using the figures reported in the H.8 Notes on the Data. A ratio procedure is used to adjust past levels to make them comparable with current levels. For more information on how the H.8 release data are constructed, see About the Release.
January 15, 2010
Supplementary Information Regarding Banks' Adoption of FAS 166 and 167The effects of banks' adoption of FASB's Financial Accounting Statements No. 166 (FAS 166), Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assets, and No. 167 (FAS 167), Amendments to FASB Interpretation No. 46(R), will be incorporated in the H.8 commercial bank balance sheet data for March 31, 2010 (to be published on April 9, 2010).
For more information on FAS 166 and 167, please see the Financial Accounting Standards Board's news release.
December 18, 2009
No Update on December 24 and December 25July 10, 2009
Changes to Data and Items Reported on the Release for July 1, 2009Effective with this release, several changes, summarized below, have been made to the data and the line items shown on the H.8 release. These changes relate to the adoption, as of July 1, 2009, of a single reporting form for all weekly reporters (see the Federal Reserve Board's notice published in the Federal Register, 74 FR 10739). Historical data have been revised to reflect these changes. In addition, data from the H.8 release are now available for customizable download through the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program (DDP). These data will be updated weekly with the H.8 release.
- The line items on loans now include the loans that banks hold in trading accounts. Previously, loans that banks held in trading accounts were included in trading account securities.
- Derivatives with a positive fair value and other trading assets are now shown as trading assets not included in bank credit. Previously, derivatives with a positive fair value and other trading assets were included in securities in bank credit.
- The set of line items shown on the release has been changed.
- The set of line items shown on the release is now identical for each bank group (all commercial banks; domestically chartered commercial banks; large domestically chartered commercial banks; small domestically chartered commercial banks; and foreign-related institutions in the U.S.). As a result, more line items are now shown on the release for small domestically chartered banks and foreign-related institutions. Data values that had not previously been reported by a bank group are denoted "--". Previously, the set of balance sheet items shown on the release differed substantially by bank group.
- The line items on securities are now shown by issuer (Treasury and agency or other) and type of security (mortgage-backed securities (MBS) or non-MBS). Previously, securities were shown by account type (investment account versus trading account) for large domestically chartered commercial banks and foreign-related institutions, and detail on mortgage-backed securities was shown only for large domestically chartered commercial banks that held such securities in investment accounts.
- Banks' allowance for loan and lease losses is now shown.
- Some line items are no longer shown separately: security loans are now included in all other loans and leases; state and local government loans held in investment accounts by large banks are now included in other securities, non-MBS; transaction deposits are now included in deposits, other deposits; and nontransaction deposits are now included in deposits, large time deposits or in deposits, other deposits, as appropriate.
- Some memoranda items that were previously shown for large domestically chartered commercial banks have been eliminated: pass-thru mortgage-backed securities; CMO, REMIC, and other mortgage-backed securities.
- The definitions of large and small domestically chartered commercial
banks have been revised.
- Large domestically chartered commercial banks are now defined as the top 25 domestically chartered commercial banks, ranked by domestic assets as of the previous commercial bank Call Report to which the H.8 release data have been benchmarked. Previously, large domestically chartered commercial banks were defined as banks that reported the FR 2416 form (that form was discontinued as of July 1, 2009).
- If a large domestically chartered bank is acquired by a commercial bank or if a large bank leaves the commercial bank universe, then it is replaced with the bank next in line, typically the bank ranked number 26.
- If a nonbank converts to a commercial bank charter, or if a small bank becomes large in size, it is not considered for the large bank panel (regardless of size) until the data are benchmarked to the subsequent Call Report.
- Small domestically chartered commercial banks are now defined as all domestically chartered commercial banks not included in the top 25. Previously, small domestically chartered commercial banks were defined as all domestically chartered banks that did not report the FR 2416 form.
- To the extent possible, the information available via the historical H.8 "Notes on the Data" link has been revised to incorporate the changes to the line items shown on the release.
February 27, 2009
Link to Previously Published "Notes on the Data" Now AvailableJuly 18, 2008
Changes to Items Reported on the Release for July 9, 2008
- The balance sheet items on the seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted pages are now identical.
- For large domestically chartered banks, former item 4d, "Other securities, Investment account, Other," has been disaggregated into items 4b2 and 4b3, "Mortgage-backed" and "Other." Historical data beginning October 2, 1996, are available on the Federal Reserves web site.
- For foreign-related institutions, former item 7, "Real estate loans," has been renumbered as item 10 and renamed "Commercial real estate," which reflects the loan category more accurately.
- For small domestically chartered banks, former item 9, "Real estate loans, other," has been disaggregated into items 9 and 10, "Other residential" and "Commercial." Historical data beginning June 2, 2004, are available on the web site.
- For seasonally adjusted assets of large and small domestically chartered banks, former item 10, "Consumer loans," has been renumbered as item 11 and disaggregated into items 12 and 13, "Credit cards and other revolving plans" and "Other." Historical data beginning June 28, 2000, are available on the web site.
- For domestically chartered commercial banks and foreign-related institutions, former item 11, "Security loans," has been renumbered as item 14 and disaggregated into items 15 and 16, "Fed funds and RPs with brokers" and "Other." Historical data beginning January 3, 1973, are available on the web site.
- For foreign-related institutions, former item 12, "Other loans and leases," has been renumbered as item 17 and disaggregated into items 17a and 17b, "Fed funds and RPs with others" and "Other." Historical data beginning January 3, 1973, are available on the web site.
- For small domestically chartered banks and foreign-related institutions, former item 13, "Interbank loans," has been renumbered as item 18 and disaggregated into items 19 and 20, "Fed funds and RPs with banks" and "Other." Historical data are available on the web site beginning January 6, 1988, for small domestically chartered banks and January 3, 1973, for foreign-related institutions.
- For foreign-related institutions, former item 19, "Nontransaction deposits," has been renumbered as item 26 and a component, "Large time" has been added (item 27). Historical data beginning January 3, 1973, are available on the web site.
- For large domestically chartered banks and foreign-related institutions, former memo items 29 and 30, "Reval. gains (losses) on off-bal. sheet items," have been renamed as "Derivatives with a positive (negative) fair value" and moved onto the balance sheet as items 4a1 and 33a. The remaining memo items have been moved to the end of the balance sheet pages. Historical data beginning October 2, 1996, are available on the web site.
April 11, 2008
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for April 2, 2008The adoption by some banks of FAS 159, The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (FVO), affected commercial bank balance sheet data for April 2, 2008. The "Notes on the Data" section on page 14 of the H.8 Statistical Release contains information on the affected balance sheet items.
For more information on FAS 159, please refer to
November 02, 2007
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for October 24, 2007Effective with this release of data for October 24, 2007, a change has been made to the memo items for small domestically chartered banks (page 13). Former item 33a, securitized consumer loans consisting of "Credit cards and related plans," and former item 33b, securitized consumer loans consisting of "Other" types of consumer loans, have been discontinued.
Also effective with this release, the "Notes on the Data" section at the end of the release will describe nonbank structure activity only when the net effect on bank assets is $5.0 billion or more. Detail will be provided for components with a net effect of $0.5 billion or more.
July 20, 2007
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for July 11, 2007
The seasonally adjusted data released on July 13, 2007--both the H.8
statistical release and the associated historical data--were based
inadvertently on a set of newly estimated seasonal factors. These
seasonal factors did not represent our final estimates and should not
have been published.
In today's H.8 statistical release and in the associated historical data, we have restored the previous set of seasonal factors. In addition, we have corrected the H.8 statistical release of July 13, 2007, by restoring the previous set of seasonal factors to those data. We will publish newly estimated seasonal factors when they have been finalized.
July 13, 2007
Changes to Items Reported on the Release for July 4, 2007- For seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted assets and liabilities of large domestically chartered banks (pages 5 and 7), former item 12a, "State and local government" loans, and former item 12b, "Agricultural" loans, have been discontinued and the remaining three items under item 12 have been renumbered as 12a through 12c. Data for the two discontinued items have been aggregated into renumbered item 12b, "All other loans."
- For seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted assets and liabilities of small domestically chartered banks (pages 9 and 10), former item 11, "Security" loans, has been discontinued and data for this item have been aggregated into existing item 12, "Other loans and leases."
- For memo items of large domestically chartered banks (page 13), former item 34, "Securitized business loans," has been discontinued. On the same page, new item 34, "Securitized real estate loans," has been added to the memo items for both large and small domestically chartered banks.
April 13, 2007
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for April 4, 2007Under FVO, banks generally have an irrevocable option to elect a fair value measurement for most financial assets and liabilities at their inception. In addition, at the time of FVO adoption, banks have a one-time option to convert a broad array of existing asset and liability items to a fair value measurement basis. A bank that elects to adopt FVO must also adopt FAS 157, Fair Value Measurements. For more information on FAS 159 and FAS 157, refer to and, respectively.
June 14, 2004
Changes to Items Reported on the Release for June 2, 2004- For not seasonally adjusted assets and liabilities of all domestically chartered banks (page 4) and of small banks (page 10), item 9, "Real estate loans, other," has been disaggregated into item 9a, "Real estate loans, other residential," and item 9b, "Real estate loans, commercial," effective with the week of June 2, 2004.
- For seasonally adjusted assets and liabilities of large banks (page 5), item 3b, "Treasury and Agency securities, investment account," has been disaggregated into item 3c, "Mortgage-backed," and item 3d, "Other." Similarly, item 9, "Real estate loans, other," has been disaggregated into item 9a, "Real estate loans, other residential," and item 9b, "Real estate loans, commercial." This additional detail has been available for large banks on a not seasonally adjusted basis (page 7) since October 2, 1996.
- For not seasonally adjusted assets of large banks (page 7), items 3e, 3f, and 3g, non-mortgage-backed Treasury and Agency investment account securities having remaining maturities of, respectively, 1 year or less, between 1 and 5 years, and more than 5 years, have been discontinued effective with the week of June 2, 2004.
- For memo items of large banks (page 13), formerly item 33, "Offshore credit to U.S. residents," has been discontinued effective with the week of June 2, 2004.
January 16, 2004
Revised Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for December 17, 2003October 17, 2003
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for October 8, 2003The balance sheet items affected are other securities, item 4, other loans and leases, item 12, and borrowings from others, item 24. Some of these changes extend back to July 2. Revised data for the H.8 statistical release are available on the Board's website,
October 10, 2003
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for October 1, 2003July 11, 2003
Supplementary Information Regarding Balance Sheet Data for July 2, 2003July 29, 2002
Extension of Major Bank Credit Series to 1947Monthly estimates of total bank credit and its major components, seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted, have been extended back from January 1973, the former start date for all the bank credit series, to January 1947. The components that have been extended are holdings of U.S. government securities, holdings of other securities, and the following loan categories: commercial and industrial, real estate, consumer, security, and "all other."
Data in the H.8 are for all commercial banks in the United States, which consist of domestically chartered banks and foreign-related institutions (mainly U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks). The data for 1973 through 1987 report totals for all institutions as well as subtotals for domestically chartered banks and for foreign-related institutions; beginning in 1988, the data are further disaggregated between large and small domestically chartered banks. The extended data (1947-72) show only all-institution totals.
As with the current data, the extended monthly data are prorated averages of Wednesday values. The weekly Wednesday data underlying the monthly averages mix actual historical observations with estimates that are based on linear interpolations of semimonthly, monthly, and, in a few cases, lower-frequency observations.
Several bank credit series received generally minor revisions for the 1973-87 period when the longer time series were introduced.
July 29, 2002
Discontinuation of District-specific balance sheet dataEffective with this edition of the H.8 statistical release, the Federal Reserve is discontinuing the publication of the District-specific balance sheet data of large, domestically chartered banks that appeared on pages 11 through 14 of the release.
The reason for the change is that, with the ability of banks to establish branches virtually nationwide as of June 1, 1997, a number of large bank holding companies have converted banks located across several Federal Reserve Districts into branches of a single bank. These consolidations have significantly shifted bank balance sheet items among Federal Reserve Districts, further weakening the connection between banking data reported separately by Federal Reserve District and actual banking activities in each District.
However, the item coverage of the aggregate balance sheets of large banks in the H.8 has been expanded to retain the national totals of some of the items in the District tables that had not appeared in the national tables. As a result, the H.8 now reports the large bank data on four pages rather than two.