Federal Reserve Banks' Financial Information

The Federal Reserve publishes annual audited financial statements and quarterly unaudited financial reports presenting summary information on the combined financial position and results of operations of the Reserve Banks. Annual audited financial statements are available on the Federal Reserve Board's website at www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/audited-annual-financial-statements.htm, and quarterly unaudited financial reports are available at www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/combined-quarterly-financial-reports-unaudited.htm.

Recent Developments

  • On November 17, 2017, the Federal Reserve Board published the "Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report" for the third quarter of 2017, which includes summary information on the combined financial position and results of operations of the 12 Reserve Banks. All financial information included in the report is unaudited. The report is available on the Federal Reserve Board's website at www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/combined-quarterly-financial-reports-unaudited.htm.
  • The average daily balance of the Federal Reserve SOMA holdings was approximately $4.0 trillion during the first three quarters of 2017. Net earnings from the portfolio were approximately $84.2 billion (inclusive of $82.5 billion of net interest income and $1.7 billion of foreign currency translation gains); most of the earnings were attributable to interest income on Treasury securities and federal agency and GSE MBS.
  • After providing for the payment of dividends, the Reserve Banks remitted $61.7 billion to the Treasury during the first three quarters of 2017.
Last Update: December 18, 2017