> Monetary Policy
> Monetary Policy Report
> Monetary Policy Report, July 13, 2011 - Part 1: Overview: Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook
- July 13, 2011: Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Abbreviations
- Printable Version (874 KB PDF)
Monetary Policy Report submitted to the Congress on July 13, 2011, pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act
ABS | asset-backed securities |
AFE | advanced foreign economy |
AIG | American International Group, Inc. |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CDS | credit default swap |
C&I | commercial and industrial |
CLO | collateralized loan obligation |
CMBS | commercial mortgage-backed securities |
CRE | commercial real estate |
Credit Card Act | Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act |
ECB | European Central Bank |
EME | emerging market economy |
E&S | equipment and software |
EU | European Union |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FOMC | Federal Open Market Committee; also, the Committee |
FRBNY | Federal Reserve Bank of New York |
G-7 | Group of Seven (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GSE | government-sponsored enterprise |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IT | information technology |
Libor | London interbank offered rate |
MBS | mortgage-backed securities |
MENA | Middle East and North Africa |
NIPA | national income and product accounts |
OTC | over-the-counter |
PCE | personal consumption expenditures |
REIT | real estate investment trust |
repo | repurchase agreement |
RRP | reverse repurchase agreement |
SCOOS | Senior Credit Officer Opinion Survey on Dealer Financing Terms |
SLOOS | Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices |
SOMA | System Open Market Account |
STBL | Survey of Terms of Business Lending |
TALF | Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility |
TDF | Term Deposit Facility |
WTI | West Texas Intermediate |
Last update:
July 13, 2011