Dear Colleague:On behalf of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, I want to welcome you to Growing Economies in Indian Country: A National Summit.
Over the past two years, the Federal Reserve System--in partnership with several federal agencies--organized a series of regional forums to better understand the challenges and opportunities for economic development in Native American communities. The recurring themes from those community conversations are reflected in the publication, Growing Economies in Indian Country: Taking Stock of Progress and Partnership. They also serve as the framework for today's Summit.
This Summit has gathered thought leaders, like you, to share their diverse experiences and expertise in strengthening Native economies. By design, only one panel today addresses the challenges Native American communities face; the remaining sessions highlight opportunities for economic growth in Indian Country. We hope the Summit will be a springboard for promising practices, innovative partnerships, and forward-looking policy solutions.
The issues you discuss today are of great importance. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to a robust and transformative discussion.
Sandra Braunstein
Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System