Interchange Fee Standards: Small Issuer Exemption

To facilitate compliance with the debit card interchange fee standards in the Board's Regulation II, 12 CFR part 235, which implements section 920 of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, the Board is publishing two lists of institutions using data available to the Board. These lists are intended to help payment card networks and others determine which issuers qualify for the statutory exemption for small issuers from the interchange fee standards.1

The lists have been generated from the set of institutions in existence on December 31, 2023, according to the available data.2 Institutions have been grouped into two categories: Exempt and Not Exempt. Institutions in the Exempt category have been determined to have, together with their affiliates, reported assets of less than $10 billion as of December 31, 2023. Institutions in the Not Exempt category have been determined to have, either individually or together with their affiliates, reported assets of $10 billion or more as of December 31, 2023.

A small number of debit card issuers may not appear on either of these lists, such as institutions for which the Board has incomplete affiliate data, de novo institutions for which the Board did not have financial data as of December 31, 2023, and issuers without federal deposit insurance. If an issuer does not appear on either of these lists and is exempt from the interchange fee standards, it should so certify to its participating payment card networks.

If you believe that information in these lists is not accurate, you may submit a request for a correction of the information by filing a correction request using the email box provided here.

Data revised as of May 16, 2024

The following information on institutions is provided:

Variable Description
Status Institutions are either Exempt from the rule's interchange fee standards or Not Exempt from the rule's interchange fee standards.
FRB-ID The unique identification number (RSSD ID) assigned by the Federal Reserve System for the institution.
Legal Name The legal name as found on the charter or formation document of the institution. For branches, only the branch portion of the name is stored.
Short Name The abbreviated name used by the Federal Reserve System to identify the institution.
City The city where the institution is located.
State The state where the institution is located.
Type The type of institution (e.g., commercial bank, savings & loan, or credit union).
FDIC-ID The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's certificate number of the institution.
OCC-ID The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's identification number of the institution.
NCUA-ID The National Credit Union Administration's identification number of the institution.


1. See 12 CFR 235.5(a)(2). Return to text.

2. Institutions that were known to be closed after December 31, 2023, are excluded from the lists. Return to text.

Last Update: June 14, 2024