Appendix D: Consumer Responses to April 2020 Supplemental Survey Questions

Questions are listed below in the order in which they were presented to respondents. Questions with fewer than 1,030 respondents were not asked to the full sample, and the question-specific screening criteria are available in appendix C. All data are weighted to yield estimates for the U.S. adult population.


General Well-Being Section

Question B2. Overall, which one of the following best describes how well you are managing financially these days?
Response Percent
Finding it difficult to get by 7
Just getting by 20
Doing okay 43
Living comfortably 29
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.


Emergency Fund Section

Question EF3. Suppose that you have an emergency expense that costs $400. Based on your current financial situation, how would you pay for this expense?
Response Percent
Put it on my credit card and pay it off in full at the
next statement
Put it on my credit card and pay it off over time 15
With the money currently in my checking/savings account
or with cash
Using money from a bank loan or line of credit 2
By borrowing from a friend of family member 7
Using a payday loan, deposit advance, or overdraft 1
By selling something 4
I wouldn't be able to pay for the expense right now 11

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Question EF5A. Which best describes your ability to pay all of your bills in full this month?
Response Percent
Able to pay all bills 81
Can't pay some bills 18
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Employment Section

Question CV1. Which one of the following best describes your employment status last week?
Response Percent
Employed 44
Self-employed 7
Not working, but being paid my normal wages 2
Temporarily laid off or furloughed 9
Not employed, but looking for a job 5
Not employed and not looking for a job 33
Refused 0

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Question CV2. Thinking about the work you did last week, how much of it did you do by telecommuting or working from home?
Response Percent
None 47
Some 12
All 41
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 532.

Question CV3. Last week did you take on any side jobs, gig work, or other new work to supplement your income?
Response Percent
Yes 4
No 95

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Question CV4. Have you experienced or done each of the following since March 1st (the onset of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. known as COVID-19)?
Response Percent
Lost a job, laid off, or told not to work any hours 13
Voluntarily quit or changed jobs 2
Reduced hours or took unpaid leave 11
Took paid leave (including sick or vacation time) 5
Increased hours worked or worked overtime 7
Applied for unemployment benefits 6

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Question CV5. Do you expect to return to the same job that you had before you lost a job, were laid off, or were told not to work?
Response Percent
No, do not expect to return to the same job 8
Yes, employer expressed this is temporary but did not provide a return date 77
Yes, employer provided definite return date 9
Yes, already returned to work 5
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 124.

Question CV6. Did each of the following contribute to your taking leave, working fewer hours, or leaving a job since March 1st (the onset of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. known as COVID-19)?
Response Percent
Childcare responsibilities 10
Family responsibilities other than childcare 12
Health limitation or illness 18
Employer reduced hours or business slowed 44
Other reasons 14

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 105.

Question CV7. Assuming that your community engaged in social distancing for the next month, how would you expect this to affect your work?
Response Percent
Would continue working my normal hours at my usual place of work 38
Would continue working my normal hours by telecommuting 36
Expect to have hours reduced 13
Expect to be laid off or furloughed 6
Expect to work more hours than usually worked 6
Refused 2

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 552.

Question CV8. How did your income last month (March) compare to your income two months ago (February)?
Response Percent
Much lower 11
Somewhat lower 13
About the same 71
Somewhat higher 4
Much higher 1
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.


Health and Leave Section

Question CV9. Think about any sick leave, vacation time, or other paid leave that you have available. If you got sick with symptoms of the coronavirus, how much time could you take off from work and still be paid as much as you usually are?
Response Percent
None 20
Less than one week 8
At least one week but less than two weeks 17
Two weeks or more 53
Refused 2

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 552.

Question CV10. If you got sick with symptoms of the coronavirus, would you try to contact a doctor?
Response Percent
Yes 81
No, primarily due to cost or other fiancial reasons 4
No, primarily to avoid taking doctor's time and resources 8
No, primarily for other reasons 6
Refused 1

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

Respondent Demographics


Summary statistics for demographics, April 2020 supplemental survey
Demographic characteristic Weighted percent Unweighted percent
Male 48 54
Female 52 46
18–29 21 18
30–44 25 22
45–59 25 26
60+ 29 34
Education 2
Less than high school 11 7
High school degree 28 28
Some college 28 26
Bachelor's degree or more 33 39
Race and ethnicity
White, non-Hispanic 63 72
Black, non-Hispanic 12 8
Other, non-Hispanic 7 5
Hispanic 16 12
2+ races, non-Hispanic 1 3
Household income
Less than $40,000 25 20
$40,000–$100,000 37 36
Greater than $100,000 38 43
Marital status
Single, not living with partner 41 36
Living with partner 6 6
Married 54 58
Northeast 17 20
Midwest 21 21
South 38 35
West 24 24

Note: Number of unweighted respondents = 1,030.

 1. Mean weighted age = 48. Mean unweighted age = 50. Return to table

 2. Education categories for the April supplement are provided by IPSOS and differ slightly from those used for the 2019 SHED. Return to table

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Last Update: May 21, 2020