
The Board of Governors was a party in 7 lawsuits or appeals filed in 2023 and was a party in 9 other cases pending from previous years, for a total of 16 cases. In 2022, the Board was a party in a total of 16 cases. As of December 31, 2023, 11 cases were pending.


Banco San Juan Internacional, Inc. v. Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, No. 23-cv-6414 (S.D.N.Y., filed July 25, 2023), is an Administrative Procedure Act and constitutional law challenge regarding the termination of a Reserve Bank master account.

Banco San Juan Internacional, Inc. v. Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Bank of New York, No. 23-7558 (2d Circuit, filed October 30, 2023), is an appeal of an order denying a preliminary injunction in an Administrative Procedure Act and constitutional law challenge regarding the termination of a Reserve Bank master account.

Board of Governors v. Smith, No. 23-cv-2747 (D. District of Columbia, filed September 19, 2023), is a breach of contract and debt collection action.

Corner Post v. Board of Governors, No. 22-1008 (U.S. Supreme Court, certiorari granted September 29, 2023), is a review of an order affirming dismissal of an Administrative Procedure Act challenge to the debit interchange fee provisions of the Board's Regulation II.

Cunningham v. Board of Governors, No. 22-1311 (D.C. Circuit, filed December 8, 2022), is a petition for review of a Board order approving the acquisition of a bank under the Bank Holding Company Act.

Custodia Bank v. Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, No. 22-cv-125 (D. Wyoming, filed June 7, 2022), is an Administrative Procedure Act and constitutional law challenge regarding the issuance of a Reserve Bank master account.

Judicial Watch v. Board of Governors, No. 22-cv-40 (D. District of Columbia, filed January 18, 2022), is an action under the Freedom of Information Act.

Judicial Watch v. Board of Governors et al., No. 23-cv-1174 (D. District of Columbia, filed April 27, 2023), is an action under the Freedom of Information Act.

Leopold and Bloomberg L.P. v. Board of Governors, No. 23-cv-2004 (D. District of Columbia, filed July 12, 2023), is an action under the Freedom of Information Act.

Linney's Pizza, LLC v. Board of Governors, No. 23-5993 (6th Circuit, filed November 8, 2023), is an appeal of an order dismissing an Administrative Procedure Act challenge to the debit interchange fee provisions of the Board's Regulation II.

The Revolving Door Project v. Board of Governors, No. 22-cv-3620 (D. District of Columbia, filed December 2, 2022), is an action under the Freedom of Information Act.


Fruge v. Board of Governors, No. 22-5307 (D.C. Circuit, filed November 22, 2022), was an appeal of an order granting summary judgment for the Board in an action claiming retaliation for protected disclosures. On March 31, 2023, the appeal was dismissed pursuant to a stipulation of the parties.

Judicial Watch v. Board of Governors, No. 22-cv-37 (D. District of Columbia, filed January 18, 2022), was an action under the Freedom of Information Act. On March 15, 2023, the case was dismissed pursuant to a stipulation of the parties.

Judicial Watch v. Board of Governors, No. 22-cv-38 (D. District of Columbia, filed January 18, 2022), was an action under the Freedom of Information Act. On January 20, 2023, the case was dismissed pursuant to a stipulation of the parties.

Linney's Pizza, LLC v. Board of Governors, No. 22-cv-71 (E.D. Kentucky, filed December 9, 2022), was an Administrative Procedure Act challenge to the debit interchange fee provisions of the Board's Regulation II. On September 15, 2023, the district court granted the Board's motion to dismiss.

Smith and Kiolbasa v. Board of Governors, No. 21-9538 (10th Circuit, filed April 21, 2021), was a petition for review of Board prohibition orders under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. On July 11, 2023, the court of appeals affirmed the Board's orders.

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Last Update: August 20, 2024