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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Accessible Version of Figure

Market Value Analysis: A Data-Based Approach to Understanding Urban Housing Markets

Figure 1. Baltimore market value analysis, 2008

Data plotted as a map. The figure shows the spatial arrangement and relative strength of residential housing markets in the City of Baltimore, as identified by the 2008 Market Value Analysis (MVA). The figure uses a key of colors to show the following market types: competitive, strong, transitional, and distressed. (See table 1 for details on the market type characteristics identified by the 2008 MVA.)

By analyzing the spatial relationship of these areas to one another, the MVA can help cities determine the level of intervention needed as well as how best to target resources and investment based on a market's relative strength. For example, large areas of distress, such as those concentrated near the center of the map, may need larger-scale interventions.

Source: The Reinvestment Fund.

Last update: April 4, 2012