Board Actions PDF

Actions taken during the week ending June 29, 2024

Bank Branches, Domestic

PlainsCapital Bank, University Park, Texas -- to establish a branch at 513 West Oak Street, Denton, Texas.
Approved: June 25, 2024

Veritex Community Bank, Dallas, Texas -- to establish a branch at 4660 Sweetwater Boulevard, Sugar Land, Texas.
Approved: June 25, 2024


Silvergate Capital Corporation and Silvergate Bank, both of La Jolla, California -- consent order of assessment of a civil money penalty.*
Approved: June 3, 2024


FR 2956 -- initial Board review to extend with revision the Treasury Securities and Agency Debt and Mortgage-Backed Securities.
Approved: June 25, 2024

FR 4202 -- final Board review to extend without revision the Recordkeeping Provisions Associated with Stress Testing Guidance.
Approved: June 25, 2024

FR A -- final Board review to extend with revision the Reporting Requirements Associated with Emergency Lending Under Section 13(3).
Approved: June 25, 2024

FR B -- initial Board review to extend without revision the Recordkeeping and Disclosure Requirements Associated with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Regulation B.
Approved: June 25, 2024

FR F -- final Board review to extend without revision the Recordkeeping Requirements Associated with Regulation F.
Approved: June 25, 2024

FR G-1, FR G-2, FR G-3, FR G-4, FR T-4, and FR U-1 -- final Board review to extend with revision the Margin Credit Reports.
Approved: June 25, 2024

Regulations and Policies

Credit Card Plans -- annual report to Congress on the profitability of credit card operations of depository institutions.
Approved: June 25, 2024

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Last Update: July 05, 2024