Board Actions PDF

Actions taken during the week ending September 7, 2024


First Interstate Bank, Billings, Montana -- consent order of assessment of a civil money penalty pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Act.
Announced: September 4, 2024

United Texas Bank, Dallas, Texas -- issuance of a consent cease-and-desist order.
Announced: September 4, 2024

Other Actions

Discount Window and Intraday Credit -- request for information and comment on questions related to the operational aspects of Federal Reserve Bank extensions of discount window and intraday credit.
Approved: September 3, 2024

Supervision and Regulation

Stress Tests -- (1) modification of the stress capital buffer requirement for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., in response to its request for reconsideration, and (2) recommendation to staff to explore potential revisions and refinements to inform continuing improvements in the stress testing methodology.*
Approved: August 22, 2024

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Last Update: September 12, 2024