Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1

L.234 Unidentified Miscellaneous Financial Claims

2016:Q2 Release Date: September 16, 2016

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Series code 2010

All sectors; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL893193005 5083.9 4904.3 5338.1 5316.2 5656.9 5400.2 5474.9 5377.5 5400.2 5364.7 5532.4 1
Nonfinancial corporate business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL103193005 2705.1 2813.0 3183.6 3404.4 3677.0 3595.9 3456.5 3392.1 3595.9 3569.8 3517.2 2
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL113193003 1189.0 1168.0 1219.7 1261.5 1300.4 1305.7 1315.9 1311.8 1305.7 1298.1 1290.5 3
Federal government; liability due to FICO FL313193013 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.8 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9 4
Monetary authority; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL713193005 30.4 2.8 6.3 16.0 18.4 18.1 21.0 19.4 18.1 18.5 18.0 5
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL763193005 614.7 527.1 557.2 578.9 717.8 719.6 747.5 771.1 719.6 743.0 790.2 6
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous liability FL753193005 121.7 165.6 141.7 111.1 119.6 108.3 105.1 112.4 108.3 127.6 141.3 7
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL743193005 23.3 19.4 17.3 14.3 12.7 10.4 12.6 10.9 10.4 10.8 10.7 8
Credit unions; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL473193005 11.1 12.4 12.7 14.2 15.4 16.0 16.7 15.7 16.0 21.0 17.1 9
Life insurance companies; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL543193005 249.1 234.1 323.7 350.2 374.4 372.1 368.4 391.9 372.1 402.3 447.3 10
Government-sponsored enterprises; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL403193005 115.9 74.5 69.2 62.4 59.0 53.7 52.8 55.4 53.7 54.0 51.5 11
Finance companies; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL613193005 -18.4 9.3 -17.7 -27.2 -36.6 -33.4 -36.6 -34.3 -33.4 -49.4 -65.6 12
Real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL643193005 63.7 70.8 96.3 74.1 82.3 80.4 82.9 93.3 80.4 85.1 92.5 13
Security brokers and dealers; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL663193005 -728.3 -788.1 -1261.8 -1263.1 -1310.9 -1271.4 -1346.6 -1373.0 -1271.4 -1342.5 -1288.3 14
Holding companies; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities FL733193005 524.6 484.4 822.3 739.4 708.2 408.9 686.0 629.6 408.9 403.0 398.3 15
Funding corporations; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities (net) FL503193005 178.2 107.9 165.0 -22.3 -82.7 14.7 -8.8 -20.2 14.7 22.5 110.7 16
All sectors; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL893093005 11236.0 11580.5 12227.9 13127.9 13872.5 14437.3 14269.9 14369.6 14437.3 14704.1 14928.0 17
Nonfinancial corporate business; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL103093005 6327.4 6383.6 6481.6 6933.3 7432.8 8207.5 7762.5 7909.8 8207.5 8305.7 8338.6 18
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL113093005 1996.0 2109.5 2316.4 2570.5 2694.2 2884.6 2787.9 2829.3 2884.6 2922.8 2973.7 19
Federal government; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL313093003 84.5 83.2 79.8 83.4 93.6 105.8 100.7 103.4 105.8 109.4 112.1 20
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL213093003 96.9 95.9 102.1 105.4 112.9 124.1 117.6 123.9 124.1 124.8 126.1 21
Monetary authority; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL713093005 81.5 124.0 190.6 232.8 233.9 215.8 224.3 219.1 215.8 210.9 206.3 22
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL763093005 605.3 634.8 533.3 462.1 474.6 476.2 469.7 496.9 476.2 513.3 544.3 23
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL753093005 29.2 44.2 43.9 57.0 71.3 58.4 69.9 61.0 58.4 64.1 70.5 24
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL743093005 11.0 11.8 12.0 20.5 33.4 34.9 36.9 36.1 34.9 40.3 37.1 25
Credit unions; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL473093005 71.9 59.1 59.8 58.8 63.5 69.2 68.4 68.3 69.2 76.9 82.5 26
Life insurance companies; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL543093005 278.1 331.1 348.2 376.0 448.5 450.9 454.8 471.8 450.9 488.2 524.1 27
Private pension funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL573093005 529.7 573.1 607.2 634.8 660.6 705.2 690.0 696.9 705.2 713.3 721.8 28
State and local government employee retirement funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL223093005 137.1 140.6 140.2 154.8 168.7 173.0 176.4 174.1 173.0 165.2 166.8 29
Money market mutual funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL633093005 23.6 22.8 29.0 31.6 17.0 10.0 14.6 12.9 10.0 12.3 8.4 30
Mutual funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL653093005 125.5 124.4 157.2 246.2 268.3 217.1 250.3 217.4 217.1 244.6 302.4 31
Exchange-traded funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets (commodity funds) LM563093003 101.1 109.2 120.0 64.0 57.0 49.3 57.9 52.7 49.3 63.6 76.6 32
Government-sponsored enterprises; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL403093005 148.6 148.5 152.6 165.6 154.7 148.2 166.3 154.2 148.2 156.1 164.0 33
Finance companies; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL613093005 -129.0 -138.8 -169.0 -184.3 -172.0 -188.2 -199.7 -212.7 -188.2 -199.7 -229.2 34
Real estate investment trusts; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL643093005 66.1 74.7 100.4 109.1 126.5 136.7 137.3 140.1 136.7 142.7 150.2 35
Security brokers and dealers; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL663093005 52.6 72.2 65.6 155.9 145.3 108.7 130.2 121.5 108.7 96.1 105.1 36
Holding companies; unidentified miscellaneous assets FL733093005 598.9 576.7 857.2 850.3 787.6 450.1 753.9 693.1 450.1 453.4 446.3 37
Instrument discrepancies; total miscellaneous assets FL903090005 -6152.1 -6676.2 -6889.8 -7811.7 -8215.7 -9037.1 -8795.1 -8992.1 -9037.1 -9339.4 -9395.6 38

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Last update: September 16, 2016