Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1

Flow of Funds Matrix--Assets and Liabilities for 2016

2016:Q4 Release Date: March 9, 2017

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted

Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Households and Nonprofit Organizations;
Nonfinancial Business;
Nonfinancial Business;
Federal Government;
Federal Government;
State and Local Governments;
State and Local Governments;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Nonfinancial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Domestic Financial Sectors;
Rest of the World;
Rest of the World;
All Sectors;
All Sectors;
Instrument Discrep- ancy;
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Total financial assets 75478.1 -- 24853.2 -- 2331.3 -- 3208.2 -- 105870.8 -- 90453.6 -- 23918.5 -- 220242.8 -- -9808.3
Total liabilities and equity -- 15104.1 -- 60134.5 -- 18526.2 -- 5878.4 -- 99643.2 -- 92851.3 -- 17940.0 -- 210434.5 --
Total liabilities and equity; Total liabilities -- 15104.1 -- 25278.8 -- 18526.2 -- 5878.4 -- 64787.5 -- 84556.5 -- 10811.5 -- 160155.5 --
U.S. official reserve assets -- -- -- -- 86.9 47.5 -- -- 86.9 47.5 30.4 -- 47.5 106.2 164.7 153.7 -11.0
SDR certificates -- -- -- -- -- 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 -- -- -- 5.2 5.2 --
Treasury currency -- -- -- -- -- 25.3 -- -- -- 25.3 48.5 -- -- -- 48.5 25.3 -23.2
Foreign Deposits 29.5 -- 52.3 -- -- -- -- -- 81.8 -- 1.9 -- -- 544.5 83.6 544.5 460.8
Interbank claims -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1834.9 1920.6 133.4 -- 1968.3 1920.6 -47.7
Checkable dep. and currency 1237.2 -- 1183.7 -- 404.0 -- 138.7 -- 2963.6 -- 390.7 4120.0 764.3 -- 4118.6 4120.0 1.4
Time and savings deposits 9102.0 -- 1070.7 -- 1.5 -- 340.8 -- 10515.0 -- 314.3 11373.1 543.7 -- 11373.1 11373.1 --
Money market fund shares 1023.1 -- 680.5 -- -- -- 183.2 -- 1886.8 -- 727.9 2728.1 113.4 -- 2728.1 2728.1 --
Fed. Funds and security RPs -- -- 25.9 -- -- -- 146.7 -- 172.6 -- 2604.5 2909.0 734.6 871.5 3511.7 3780.5 268.8
Debt securities 4246.0 218.1 216.0 5825.2 0.5 16008.3 1402.3 3054.3 5864.8 25105.9 24752.3 13435.0 10697.4 2773.6 41314.5 41314.5 --
Debt securities; Open market paper -- -- 65.6 182.8 -- -- 62.3 -- 127.9 182.8 622.0 342.1 134.9 360.0 884.9 884.9 --
Debt securities; Treasury securities 1379.0 -- 104.6 -- -- 15983.8 717.5 -- 2201.1 15983.8 7780.6 -- 6002.1 -- 15983.8 15983.8 --
Debt securities; Agency- and GSE-backed sec. 407.1 -- 13.2 -- 0.0 24.5 423.2 -- 843.4 24.5 6689.3 8496.2 987.9 -- 8520.6 8520.6 --
Debt securities; Municipal securities 1644.1 218.1 32.6 561.3 -- -- 14.9 3054.3 1691.6 3833.7 2035.6 -- 106.4 -- 3833.7 3833.7 --
Debt securities; Corporate and fgn. Bonds 815.8 -- -- 5081.2 0.5 -- 184.6 -- 1000.8 5081.2 7624.7 4596.7 3466.0 2413.6 12091.5 12091.5 --
Loans 993.4 14538.0 115.0 7645.6 1369.9 0.0 228.8 17.8 2707.1 22201.4 21843.2 2216.1 214.1 346.9 24764.4 24764.4 --
Loans; Depository inst. loans n.e.c. -- 352.9 -- 2231.9 -- -- -- -- -- 2584.8 3359.4 462.1 -- 312.6 3359.4 3359.4 --
Loans; Other loans and advances 841.6 426.7 -- 1345.3 200.2 -- -- 17.8 1041.7 1789.9 2092.9 1524.5 214.1 34.4 3348.8 3348.8 --
Loans; Mortgages 113.1 9993.7 72.2 4068.4 119.7 0.0 228.8 -- 533.7 14062.1 13757.9 229.5 -- -- 14291.5 14291.5 --
Loans; Consumer credit 38.7 3764.7 42.8 -- 1050.1 -- -- -- 1131.7 3764.7 2633.0 -- -- -- 3764.7 3764.7 --
Corporate equities 15874.2 -- -- 23621.2 33.3 -- 190.9 -- 16098.4 23621.2 17103.3 8280.0 5828.0 7128.5 39029.7 39029.7 --
Mutual fund shares 6851.5 -- 255.9 -- -- -- 93.1 -- 7200.5 -- 5752.9 13615.6 662.1 -- 13615.6 13615.6 --
Trade credit 233.9 315.9 3517.9 2791.7 62.5 278.1 195.1 903.5 4009.3 4289.1 157.0 36.7 180.7 46.4 4347.0 4372.2 25.2
Life insurance reserves 1368.3 -- -- -- -- 51.3 -- -- 1368.3 51.3 214.8 1531.8 -- -- 1583.1 1583.1 --
Pension entitlements 22259.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 22259.4 -- -- 22259.4 -- -- 22259.4 22259.4 --
Taxes payable -- -- -- 152.8 186.5 -- 160.4 -- 347.0 152.8 -- 4.2 -- -- 347.0 157.0 -189.9
Equity in noncorp. Business 11249.3 -- -- 11234.5 -- -- -- -- 11249.3 11234.5 -- 14.8 -- -- 11249.3 11249.3 --
U.S. direct investment abroad -- -- 5090.4 -- -- -- -- -- 5090.4 -- 880.4 -- -- 5970.8 5970.8 5970.8 --
Foreign direct investment in U.S. -- -- -- 3325.5 -- -- -- -- -- 3325.5 -- 673.9 3999.4 -- 3999.4 3999.4 --
Miscellaneous 1010.3 32.1 12644.8 5538.0 186.2 2110.5 128.2 1902.9 13969.5 9583.5 13791.3 7733.1 -- 151.6 27760.8 17468.1 -10292.7

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Last update: March 9, 2017