Public Meeting Regarding First Chicago and Banc One

Held on Thursday, August 13, 1998, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Transcript of the Public Meeting held on August 13, 1998, on the application of Banc One Corporation to merge with First Chicago Corporation. Transcripts and exhibits are presented by speaker panel; each day's transcript and exhibits are also presented in their entirety after the last panel of each day.

Complete Thursday transcript | Complete Thursday exhibits (21 MB PDF)

Thursday, August 13, 1998
Opening Remarks Dolores S. Smith, Presiding Officer, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Panel One Verne G. Istock, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Chicago NBD Corporation
John B. McCoy, , Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Banc One Corporation
Exhibits (290 KB PDF)
Panel Two The Honorable Julia Carson, 10th Congressional District, Indiana
The Honorable Danny Davis, 7th Congressional District, Illinois
The Honorable Stephen Goldsmith, Mayor, City of Indianapolis, Indiana
The Honorable Scott King, Mayor, City of Gary, Indiana
Exhibits (189 KB PDF)
Panel Three The Honorable Hiawatha Davis, Jr., Councilmember, City of Denver, Colorado
Leo J. Ries, designee for the Honorable John Norquist, Mayor, City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lawrence Flood, designee for the Honorable Jim Ryan, Illinois Attorney General, Springfield, Illinois
Ralph Smithers, designee for the Honorable Gregory Lashtuka, Mayor of Columbus, Ohio
Exhibits (2.6 MB PDF)
Panel Four Cora Coleman, SEIU Local 880 in Chicago and Local 100 in Louisiana and Texas and Illinois Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now ("ACORN"), Chicago, Illinois
Ted Thomas, President, Illinois ACORN, Chicago, Illinois
Nelson Soza, Organizer, Illinois ACORN, Chicago Illinois
Shirley Vargas, Texas ACORN, Dallas Texas
Michael Shea, Executive Director, ACORN Housing Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
Morris Williams, Executive Director, Coalition of Neighborhoods, Cincinnati, Ohio
Exhibits (446 KB PDF)
Panel Five Malcolm Bush, President, Woodstock Institute, Chicago, Illinois
Ted Wysocki, Executive Director, Chicago Association of Neighborhood Development Organizations ("CANDO"), Chicago, Illinois
Kevin F. Jackson, Executive Director, Chicago Rehab Network, Chicago, Illinois
Dory Rand, Attorney, Poverty Law Project, National Clearinghouse for Legal Services, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Kate Monter Durban, Assistant Director, Cleveland Housing Network, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
Mark S. McDaniel, President, Michigan Capital Fund For Housing, Lansing, Michigan
Exhibits (1.2 MB PDF)
Panel Six Panel members did not appear as scheduled -- some members shifted to later panels.
Panel Seven Frank Hagaman, President, Partners in Housing Development Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Jerome Odem, Organization of the Northeast ("ONE"), Chicago, Illinois
Cora Morris, Owner, Greek Grandeur, Champaign, Illinois
Liz Ryan, National Training and Information Center ("NTIC"), Chicago, Illinois
Raymond Schmidt, Executive Director, Select Milwaukee, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Exhibits (469 KB PDF)
Panel Eight Rev. John Buzza, Hope Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois
Rev. Jack Cramer-Heuerman, Countryside United Methodist Church, Urbana, Illinois
Mike Matejka, Second Ward Alderman, Bloomington, Illinois
Rev. Joel Erickson, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Bloomington, Illinois
Exhibits (113 KB PDF)
Panel Nine Bessie Cannon, President of Local 880 in Illinois and SEIU Local 100 in Louisiana and Texas, and Illinois ACORN, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Cary Long, Organization for a New Eastside, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bobbie Rice, Texas ACORN, Dallas, Texas
Rev. Wesley Sims, Texas ACORN, Dallas, Texas
Rev. James Taylor, Organization for a New Eastside, Indianapolis, Indiana
Exhibits (460 KB PDF)
Panel Ten Rashmi Rangan, Executive Director, Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council, Inc. ("DCRAC"), Wilmington, Delaware
Jerry Reynolds, Director of Information Services, delivering remarks of Rebecca Adamson, President, First Nations Development Institute, Fredricksburg, Virginia
Hubert van Tol, Co-chair, Legislative Committee, on behalf of John Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Community Reinvestment Coalition ("NCRC"), Washington, D.C.
Betty Wilkins, Colorado ACORN, Denver, Colorado
Exhibits (3.8 MB PDF)
Panel Eleven Honorable Bernard Parker, Co-chair, Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking, Detroit, Michigan
Rev. Wendell Anthony, Co-chair, Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking, Detroit, Michigan
Hugo Cardona, President and Chief Executive Officer, SER-Jobs for Progress National, Inc., Dallas, Texas
Gladys Hunt, Community Collaboration for Economic Development, Champaign, Illinois
Charlie H. Smith, Jr., Executive Director, Wilmington Housing Authority, Wilmington, Delaware
Jim Reid, President and Founder, Southern Dallas Community Development Corporation, Dallas, Texas
Exhibits (3.8 MB PDF)
Panel Twelve Charles H. Bromley, Director, Metropolitan Strategy Group, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Matt McDermitt, Executive Director, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Chicago, Illinois
Rev. Casimir F. Gierut, Palos Hills, Illinois
Marv Kamp, Wisconsin Rural Development Center, Inc., Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Hubert Van Tol, President, Bank Watchers, Sparta, Wisconsin
Exhibits (3.6 MB PDF)
Panel Thirteen Rita Carrillo, Executive Director, Neighborhood Housing Services of Phoenix, Phoenix, Arizona
Marva Coleman, Executive Director, Five Points Business Association, Denver, Colorado
Steve Fairfield, Executive Director, Fifth Ward Community Redevelopment Corporation, Houston, Texas
Charles Garcia, President and Chief Executive Officer, GM Construction Company, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Debbie Gnau, Chesapeake Group, Cincinnati, Ohio
Printice Gary, Carleton Residential Properties, Dallas, Texas
Exhibits (160 KB PDF)
Panel Fourteen Paul Bellamy, Coalition for Reinvestment in Lorain County, Lorain, Ohio
Rebecca A. Jones, Wellington, Ohio, presenting remarks on behalf of the Honorable Joseph F. Koziura, Mayor of Lorain, Ohio
Rashmi Rangan, reading written statement of Matthew Lee, Executive Director, Inner City Press/Community on the Move & Inner City Public Interest Law Center ("ICP"), Bronx, New York
Adenike Sharpley, Board Member, Zion Community Development Corporation, Oberlin, Ohio
Dawn Tyler, Housing Policy Director, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, Columbus, Ohio
Marge Walker, South Lorain Merchants Association, Lorain, Ohio
Exhibits (3.5 MB PDF)
Panel Fifteen Fritz Ruf, Executive Director, Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority ("WHEDA"), Madison, Wisconsin
Mark Barbash, Columbus Countrywide Development Corporation, Columbus, Ohio
Moira M. Carlstedt, President, Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, Indianapolis, Indiana
Jenice Jones-Kibby, Chair, Illinois State Microenterprise Initiative, Chicago, Illinois
Ken A. Kudek, Vice President and Assistant Director, Focus: HOPE, Detroit, Michigan
Hedy M. Ratner, Co-President, Women's Business Development Center, Chicago, Illinois
Exhibits (1.4 MB PDF)
Panel Sixteen Walter Ellis, United Affirmative Action Development Corporation ("UAADC"), Perris, California
Nancy Hain, Secretary/Treasurer, Paul Stradtman Construction Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Robert Hawthorne, Indianapolis Coalition for Neighborhood Development, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bridgette Haste Wisconsin ACORN, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minnie Howard, Wisconsin ACORN, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Panel Seventeen Whitney Johns, Capital Across America, Nashville, Tennessee
Rosalyn Paycheaud, Executive Director, Neighborhood Development Foundation, New Orleans, Louisiana
John Pritscher, President, Community Investment Corporation, Chicago, Illinois
John D. Roberts, President, Mezzanine Capital Management, Inc., Noblesville, Indiana
Mike Traylor, Program Manager, Southern Indiana Rural Development Project, Indiana
Anthony Wilkinson, President and CEO National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders, Inc. ("NAGGL"), Stillwater, Oklahoma
Exhibits (1.7 MB PDF)
Panel Eighteen Ken Goldstein, Krislov & Associates, Ltd., Chicago, Illinois
William J. Harrington, President, Harrington Properties, Inc., Gary, Indiana
Bennie Simmons, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Marshall Plan for Gary, Gary, Indiana
Exhibits (2.4 MB PDF)
Panel Nineteen Tony Reyes, Comite De Bienestar, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
Larry Gigerich, President, Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation, Indianapolis, Indiana
Cornelius Lewis, Gulf Coast BIDCO, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vicky Vaughn, (replacing Mark Sissman), Vice President, Enterprise Social Investment, Columbia, Maryland
Wendy K. Werkmeister, President, Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
F. Leroy Pachero, Accion Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Last Update: March 15, 2017