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Release Date: August 17, 2017
Table 6 Diffusion Indexes of Industrial Production
Percent Make Full Screen
Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
One Month Earlier
2015 44.8 46.2 53.2 51.2 50.5 46.5 58.9 50.2 40.5 53.5 48.2 46.8
2016 54.8 50.8 45.8 47.8 51.2 48.2 53.8 49.2 58.2 60.5 49.2 52.5
2017 58.5 51.5 45.2 64.2 40.5 52.8
Three Months Earlier
2015 56.2 39.8 44.5 49.8 52.8 46.8 53.2 55.9 51.8 51.2 46.5 45.5
2016 50.8 51.5 50.8 44.8 46.2 50.8 51.5 47.2 54.5 56.9 58.9 56.2
2017 55.9 59.5 48.5 57.2 43.5 53.2
Six Months Earlier
2015 50.2 47.5 49.8 51.8 46.5 41.8 50.2 52.8 51.5 49.8 49.2 49.8
2016 50.2 45.8 46.5 45.2 50.8 51.5 53.2 47.5 57.5 58.9 57.2 61.9
2017 61.2 62.5 55.2 63.5 55.2 53.5

Note: The diffusion indexes are calculated as the percentage of series that increased over the indicated
span (one, three, or six months) plus one-half the percentage that were unchanged.

Last Update: August 17, 2017