6 results found for '213069103'

Series Description FOF Series StructureTable & Line #
FA213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetTransactions at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR)F.105 Line 32, F.107 Line 29, F.209 Line 20, Flows_matrix Line 24:7, 610_matrix Line 11:17, 620_matrix Line 12:17, 620_matrix Line 12:19, S.8.Q Line 34
FL213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetLevel, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)L.105 Line 8, L.107 Line 7, L.209 Line 20, Levels_matrix Line 14:7, 710_matrix Line 11:17, 720_matrix Line 12:17, 720_matrix Line 12:19, S.8.Q Line 80
FR213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetRevaluation
FS213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetSeasonal Factor
FU213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetTransactions, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
FV213069103State and local governments; commercial paper; assetOther changes in volume