6 results found for '215420003'

Series Description FOF Series StructureTable & Line #
FA215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Transactions at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR)F.2 Line 37, F.107 Line 21, Flows_matrix Line 10:7, S.8.Q Line 26
FL215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Level, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
FR215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Revaluation
FS215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Seasonal Factor
FU215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Transactions, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
FV215420003State and local governments; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net)Other changes in volume