Series analyzer for FL763068110.Q

U.S.-chartered depository institutions; commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; asset

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Level from quarterly Reports of Condition for U.S.-chartered depository institutions (forms FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041 or FFIEC 051), schedule RC-C - Loans and Lease Financing Receivables, Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees (domicile) (series RCON1763), (total Commercial and industrial loans (series RCON1766) is used for FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 051 reporters with less than $300 million in total assets); for FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 051 filers, less a market to book value adjustment on loans that were reported at fair value calculated as a percentage of Memoranda, Commercial and industrial loans measured at fair value (series RCONF585) less the Unpaid principal balance of commercial and industrial loans measured at fair value (series RCONF597); plus a percentage of schedule RC-D - Trading Assets and Liabilities, Memoranda, Unpaid principal balance of commercial and industrial loans measured at fair value (series RCONF632); plus, for all filers, a percentage of schedule RC-D - Trading Assets and Liabilities, Memoranda, Unpaid principal balance of commercial and industrial loans measured at fair value (for FFIEC 041 and FFIEC 051 filers, series RCONF632, and for FFIEC 031 filers, series RCFDF632, less the commercial and industrial loans share, estimated at 2 percent, of Total trading assets at foreign offices (RCFD3545 less RCON3545)). The aforementioned percentage is the ratio of schedule RC-C - Loans and Lease Financing Receivables, Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees (domicile) (series RCON1763) to total Commercial and industrial loans (sum of series RCON1763 and RCON1764). Through 1996:Q4, this series includes commercial paper issued by nonfinancial corporations held in portfolio by U.S.-chartered depository institutions. Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-12-ARIMA procedure.

Last edited on: 09/18/2018
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL763068110.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; asset
+ FU763068110.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; asset
+ FR763068110.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; asset
+ FV763068110.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL763068105.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; depository institution loans n.e.c. to nonfinancial business; asset
+ FL763068005.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; depository institution loans n.e.c.; asset