Series analyzer for FA883011203.Q

All domestic sectors; monetary gold; asset

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Data Source

Level from FR Board, International Summary Statistics, table 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets, line 2, Gold stock. Unadjusted transactions from BEA, ITA, Table 1.2 U.S. International Transactions, Expanded Detail, line 76, Reserve Assets, Monetary gold. Data shows no significant seasonally.

Shown on: 620_matrix Line 3:1
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU883011203.QAll domestic sectors; monetary gold; asset
+ FS883011203.QAll domestic sectors; monetary gold; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA263011205.QRest of the world; monetary gold net transactions with U.S.
+ FA883011105.QAll domestic sectors; monetary gold and SDRs holdings; asset
+ FA313011205.QFederal government; monetary gold; asset