Series analyzer for FA736006063.Q

Holding companies; foreign earnings retained abroad

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Seasonally adjusted transactions calculated as total foreign earnings retained abroad ( FOF series FA266006403) multiplied by the ratio of the levels of USDIA of holding companies ( FOF series FL733092003) to total USDIA ( FOF series FL263192065). Unadjusted transactions are calculated as transactions at a seasonally adjusted annual rate divided by 4. Series has no levels.

Last edited on: 09/06/2024
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU736006063.QHolding companies; foreign earnings retained abroad
+ FS736006063.QHolding companies; foreign earnings retained abroad

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA106006065.QNonfinancial corporate business; foreign earnings retained abroad
+ FA736000105.QHolding companies; gross saving