Series analyzer for FA185050015.Q

Corporate farm business; total capital expenditures (net)

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= + FA185013265 + FA185020003 + FA185013665 + FA185013365 + FA185013465 + FA185013565

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA185013265.QCorporate farm business; nonresidential equipment, current cost basis
+ FA185020003.QCorporate farm business; inventories
+ FA185013665.QCorporate farm business; nonresidential structures, current cost basis
+ FA185013365.QCorporate farm business; nonresidential software, current cost basis
+ FA185013465.QCorporate farm business; nonresidential research and development, current cost basis
+ FA185013565.QCorporate farm business; nonresidential entertainment, literary, and artistic originals, current cost basis

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA182010005.QCorporate farm business; nonfinancial assets